1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Angel of Dream - 90cm - Ni, Bo & Primo

Oct 16, 2008

    1. I totally hear the argument lol I want to have an EID pair (m&f) and a S/nY/JID set of girls... minimum. And something that fits the small mess of regency dresses I got from Fashiondollie ^^ (they will have to live in picture frame displays for a while with my IH demand list. Yes... demand)

      And the steampunk idea... I never even thought of that oh wow and here I was trying to see how I could may a traditional type... that's even better since my outfit is Victorian 'inspired' ^^. Sadly I have no imagination in that direction... it totally buffalo's me

    2. I have enough ideas to run the freaky side of Santa's workshop until the next ice age. What I lack is the ability to draw a straight line with a ruler and sometimes my project don't come out as intended. Then I salvage what I can and quietly bury the remains in the recycle bin. But aside from wanting the old fashioned stroller to haul and protect resin in I wanted to be able to decorate and use a different theme for each doll or season or gathering.

      Which brings up another subject: accessories and props. Anyone know where I can find a cell phone that would look right with these guys?
    3. ooh i love the prams! not sure i would actually use one as my dolls never go outside of my house / garden! but they are lovely items for transporting these boys around.

      i have finished bo's trousers, they are jean fabric in a sports jogging pants style!


      will update again soon with the rest of his clothes!
    4. Cool pants! Love the decorations on them. Can't wait to see the rest of the outfit.
    5. Cute shirts. Can't wait to see what other items you add to the shop. I swear the postal service is beating us stupid over the cost. More than likely I'll be going for a multiple item order once your fully stocked.

      And on another note; it's only been five days and I'm about to twitch myself into another universe. I can hardly wait to see my Yue in person yet I'm still a bit freaked out about how big these guys are.
    6. @madera I would love to see your face when that box shows up at your door....:sweat
    7. Kinda like I'm wondering if the mailman who is all of five foot two inches is going to be able to haul him up the walkway. Since I'm five feet eleven inches I didn't think I'd have a problem handling Yue; but on the other hand I think I've watched one too many Puppet Master and Chuckie movies to not be a little wary of the giant dolly...
    8. I am 5 feet tall (exactly)... before I hurt my back I helped with hospital type care of a totally immobile man (he had MS) when was a teen.... awkward yes ^^ but we short ones get crafty with practice ^^. It's when stuff like a short reach gets in the way that we have issues >< LOL
    9. I am 5' 4 and I used to heft 50 pounds of cat litter and food at the animal shelter I worked at...so these guys don't seem very heavy to me!
    10. Well ya'll need to give lessons to my mailman. He literaly dragged the box one of my EID guys was in halfway up the walkway before I could get the door open and run out to rescue my doll in box. Poor man is prolly going to need a flipping trolly to get Yue to the door. We are so going to be on delivery watch that day.
    11. :eek: omg... I'd be getting a new mail guy cuz I'd kill that one >< oh my word, next time tell him to ring your door and YOU will get it...
    12. hi everyone, i will add some items to the thread soon for these big boys! totally agree with postage i was shocked when i went to the post office, its best to combine postage with anything from the Uk as our post office has gone made with their price increases!
      oh my your postman would have left by now with me! lol i know all my delivery people by name! i didnt before i got in this hobby but now each and everyone is like a friend who waves at me in the street, stops for chats and loves my dolls! i felt so sorry for one of my delivery guys - we have about 6 different people who come with normal post, parcel vans etc - he had 3 large boxes from a big order of my dolls and my mums that i actually showed him what had arrived the next time he came. he loves them! he has learnt the size of the boxes so now when he comes with a doll he always says - new friend for ya! lol
      i didnt find bo was too heavy, i expected him to weigh more. im just under 5ft8 and find he is no trouble at all to handle. i did re-string bo as he had very thin elastic in him but that wasnt his original elastic and even with the thin elastic he was still fine to handle just i wanted him to be tightly strung and to stand etc. i had very thick elastic here with a real high pull back so i used that to string him with and im happy to say he will stand beautifully. i know your going to love yours when he arrives and i look forward to seeing photos
    13. Twenty days and counting...
    14. Holy flying mooses. No shipping notice, just POOF giant box at door needed sig and my camera is in Canada because I was nice and let a friend borrow it not expecting Rain to show up so quick. 33 days from order to delivery.

      His lips are BLACK, he's not as large as I thought he'd be, if his joints were any stiffer he'd be a freaking redwood tree, his clothes don't fit (the one's I took a chance on fitting- time to drag out the sewing machine and fake trying to take them in on the sides... ), his high top soft tennis shoes do fit, he came with the coolest shiny knee high black boots, a butt length white wig, light gray eyes (to be changed to violet or a shade of that type) and thick black eyelashes.

      He also came with glue from tape stuck to his head and neck holding on the bubble wrap and HELP! Any suggestions on how to get the (insert really really really vulgar nasty words here) sticky remains off of him? They even got that horrid yellow tape on his pillow. And may I say that is one PINK pillowwrap.

      So his name is Rain Yue, he's 23, a Gemini, blond at the moment because he's an actor and the character he's currently playing is supposed to be blond and he hates wearing wigs ever since one of his fell off during one of his scenes two years ago. His favorte colors are gold and blue, he collects dragons and loves homemade cherry ice cream. He's currently single and renting a room in a huge old house full of lunitics and other actors. I think I like him.
    15. Congratulations! He sounds wonderful! Good time with all the bad press AoD gets for slow shipping.
      You can use Goo Gone ( you can get it at a hardware store) or heat from a hair dryer to get sticky residue off.
      If you use heat , keep it off his eyelashes , it will melt them off.
      I can't wait to see Rain! He sounds like an interesting fellow!
    16. madera ... he sounds awsome. got friends with a camera phone? LOL can't wait to see him, sounds like a character already ^^
    17. Ooooo! I wanna see pictures too! Please? I've been hesitant to order from AoD since hearing horror stories about them, and didn't want to risk it.
      Good to know they really are still around!
    18. I ordered a doll (OT for this thread) from them and I got her in 2 weeks! So they aren't always bad on shipping!
    19. Uh, I ordered from HappyHouse because folks were telling me that it was death on a waiting stick to deal with AOD directly. And holy furry bunnie butts, there is a learning curve to handling these guys. Then maybe it's just Rain. I swear if he was strung any tighter he'd levitate.