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Angel of Dream - 90cm - Ni, Bo & Primo

Oct 16, 2008

    1. a big congrats on your new boy! :lol:
      he sounds wonderful looking forward to seeing photos soon
    2. madera I hope you friend appreciates you loaning her/him the cammera LOL... cuz it means torture for at least a dozen other people! JK but ya impatiently waiting for pics... ^^ these guys don't seem to show up too much it seems O_o
    3. hi everyone, i purchased bo a new wig so will be posted photos soon of him all complete!
      its been hard finding a boys wig to fit :lol:
    4. I can't wait to see! I buy Blythe wigs for mine, they fit!
    5. What eye size do these boys use? I have one, but haven't gotten around to measure the size he had in, which seemed a little small.
    6. I have 20mm in mine.
    7. bumping this thread! hows everyone doing with their 90cm boys??

      i decided to leave the hobby and have sold pretty much most of my collection but my 90cm bo will never leave me! he is here to stay as my all time fav boy so thought id drop in and see how every is doing and found the thread had no updates so, hows you all doing????
    8. I still have my Hale. He is sitting here right next to the couch! I like Bo's sculpt better but until I get Bo, Hale isn't going anywhere!
    9. hi molliebean, great to hear hale is still doing well.
      i decided that i like the 90cm better than all of my dolls so bo is pride of place. he will be getting a new friend - ordered primo - he should be here soon!
    10. glad you still love your Bo ragdollkitty - I'd love to see a pic of him with his new faceup as I can't see the ones you posted before on this thread :aheartbea I have been thinking of ordering Yue - although that would break my 'definitely no more dolls' resolution LOL :XD: I'm looking forward to seeing your 2 boys together!
    11. ragdollkitty: Oh you are getting Primo! How exciting!!!
    12. elve- hi ya, yeah he is still with me, i will get a photo uploaded for you to see bo soon. bo is known as minimee by my boyfriend as out of all the dolls ive ever owned bo is the one which my boyfriend loves the best! plus bo kinda looks like him in his child hood photos so bo has everything he could possibly want from not just me but my boyfriend, even down to my boyfriend picking up a new shirt for him at tesco just because it looks cool. lol its really funny as my boyfriend really gets into the wow he will look so cool so i just had to get it for him speach.

      i can actually help with a photo of yue too! so will post here soon! yue arrived direct from AOD earlier this month, so he has not been here too long, i had about a 2-3month wait so it wasnt too bad.

      molliebean, i know i cant wait! pretty much all my dolls are gone now so i have the space for him to sit with bo and yue. i will post photos as soon as he arrives as i cant find any real owner photos of him any where? ive searched alot but nothing.

      my problem is i really also love the look of du as well! but with du i feel id like to dress as girl! again cant find any owner photos of him anywhere.

      Edit - here you go photo of bo and yue with their meerkat toys!

    13. that is a fantastic photo ragdollkitty :D I love what you've done with bo - that's a gorgeous faceup - he looks so cute :XD: and very masculine too - especially compared to Yue - wow he'd make a great girl! Is that the company faceup? It's good to know AoD aren't ALWAYS terrible when dealt with direct too - I got bo through happyhouse4u dealers in China as I was wary of AoD direct. Awww your boyfriend buys him stuff - that is really cute too :XD:

      Seeing them both together....I think I prefer bo now LOLLLLL - I hated his company faceup though - you've made him look a total sweetheart :aheartbea

      ETA - just noticed their lovely wigs too - where did you find them in that size, if you don't mind sharing? :daisy
    14. im glad you like elve, thank you

      bo is more boyish looking than yue but im not sure if thats because of the way i did his face or not?

      yue has the company face up, i havent altered him, he is just how he arrived and im not sure about the factory face ups either. yue's face up is not too bad but im unsure if im going to keep paios face up yet until i see him. the face up is free so its not cost anything if i do decide wipe it.
      heres a closer look of bo and yue


      the wigs i use are from a usa seller through ebay, they are the 11-12 size and they fit quite well. i just brush the fringe to the side and found they work a treat!
      here is a link - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sz-11-12-...764?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43c73c551c
      bo is wearing the dark brown and yue has on the blonde. i have a light brown too. they are the elastic cap wigs.

      lol :lol: yeah my boyfriend is a real push over with bo! he even knows what size clothes / shoes and everything to buy for him. the other week he came home with a really lovely check shirt for him and a pair of cargo style pants, the best part of it is my boyfriend says only buys for bo and yue and any others can have bo's old cast offs! :pout: which im sure yue would not be too impressed to hear but it really doesnt work that way as yue is wearing brand new shirt and pants that my boyfriend bought in the photo you see and bo hasnt had them on, they went straight on yue's bottom and it was my boyfriend who dressed him! although my boyfriend would hate me saying it he is a real soft touch for these big bjds :dance

      the funnest thing is when buying the baby clothes for them the shop assistant always seem to have to say ooh how lovely and cute the items are and what a shame the baby will grow so fast out of it! i never have the heart to tell them that the baby its for is not real, but made from resin and will have life long wear out of the item. if they only knew i hate to think what they would think! lol

      i found buying direct went really well, i was a bit worried as id heard horror stories but it went with out any trouble for me. im hoping it does the same with paio. they included a free wig for yue, free face up, a pair of eyes, underpants and a pair of boots which was really nice of them. the wig was a bit too girlie looking for my taste in yue so i used the one i had ordered. the boots are made beautifully and are really lovely but i use toddlers shoes / trainers instead. i emailed aod before i ordered and asked how long their wait time would be and they were pretty much on target with mine arriving.
    15. oh that's good to know! Thanks so much for the wig link too :) *I am not getting any more dolls - really* :XD: Lovely photo - I think bo has a much more masculine nose, which is why I chose him in the first place - he's got lovely 'puppy dog' droopy eyes the way you've done them - sweet :aheartbea

      so do they fit baby trousers as well as tops and shoes then? I never tried any on him as I thought they'd be too 'poofy' with being made for a big nappy wearing bum?
    16. tops i use around the 3 months (6months is max in size) age range, the trousers are the hardest things as really the same age group are too baggy on the bum due to the nappy area and the leg length is also way too short. i found in a local shop some 5year trouser jeans which has this great adjustable waist system and they fit brilliantly, perfect leg length too. i bought 2 pairs of them as all i do is slip them on the boys pull in the adjuster and they are perfect. that was just a lucky find which worked. cargo pants i use more of the 18month age range but i pull in the waist a bit too but for 3/4 legs look they work great. i have made them jeans too so they also have them. shoes i like the fit of the 3 or 4 size of toddler shoes / boots depending on make or if i want they to have socks on too. :dance

      finding them clothes i found really really easy. most baby designs for boys are more grown up looking than they used to be, i have loads of shirts, body warmers, t-shirts, longer sleeve tops, hoodies, and different designs of cargo/ 3/4 pants as well as full length jeans, trainers and boots for them, even a coat! so finding clothes is really easier than you think. some times depending on make you may have to take out a tape measure and just double check the measurements but on the whole ive been really lucky finding them items. even got them hats / caps and belts too. when i buy the clothes i look at the item and i think would a teenager / or a man wear that? which helps me avoid the more baby looking designs ;)

      all the clothes they are wearing in the photos are shop bought, and have not had any alternations done , this one shows the pants a bit better


      lol i can always do a bit of a fashion show of their items if that helps give more ideas on sizing for these boys? just let me know
    17. Oh my goodness, they are just too darn cute together! That is great that your boyfriend has bonded with Bo! So funny.
      My husband always says my dolls are "his" because he bought most of them..lol.
      I have never found owner pics of Primo either... :huh?:
    18. thanks so much for the info ragdollkitty :D It's great about the jeans and cargo shorts as that was what really stumped me with my bo! Although I CAN sew (got GCSE and done tailoring etc) I am the laziest person on the planet LOL - with no patience either, so sewing drives me crazy! :XD:

      interesting about the top sizes though - I only tried Primark, which had some lovely 'mature' designs at that time (no idea about now - but I know NEXT has some fabulous stuff too, no idea of sizing though) With Primark I found a 9-12 month top was a PERFECT fit, even in the neck and sleeves length, so maybe they come up smaller? Is certainly fun buying them clothes from real life shops, rather than online - I confess I am a shopaholic :| Here's bo in a 9-12 month Primark cardigan - Oh he does look sad in my photos! He looks so happy (and gorgeous!) with you and his friend, I said to my son last night (he was fond of bo too) 'he really went to the best home!' :aheartbea (pictured with dollzone 16cm bunny)

    19. molliebean, lol sounds like you won your husband over too:lol: , i asked my boyfriend why he liked bo and yue best and was told it was because they were so big thats what really impressed him.

      elve, bo looked great in the top you found for him. i think it does depend on the maker as to how they make their sizing for the fit.
      i bought a nice shirt with a 2 in 1 hood look from boots chemist baby dept and it was made to the wrong size. inside label was 18months but when i put it up against a 3-6 month top it was the same size! so i went for it and that worked well so i was happy who ever made it for boots got the sizing wrong!
      primark is good for different designs, i dont go in there often as my local one is in a town i dont often go to but its a nice shop to find bits in.
      i found if you want the sleeve to fit then you do need to go up in size, but i cheat, i roll up the sleeves and let them look like they been rolled up to the elbow, if i do want the correct length ive been known to buy 2 of the same item i then use the smaller body part and then tack the longer sleeve onto the smaller item as a way around but on the whole i found ways around the little problems.
      i even purchased a pair of tights to go under darker garments, like dark indigo wash jeans, to stop the dye colour transferring on their resin and i found the age of 2-3years fitted brilliant.
      bo is very much loved, and so is yue so yeah they have come to a forever home. im sure you and your son miss him as i know i would miss him greatly if he wasnt here but he is very much well looked after. i will get some more photos of both boys and their wardrobe uploaded soon! including shoes! lol

      edit - trainers! close up shot of the trainers i have for my boys -
      rebook zig zags, nike shox and the nike front zips!

    20. oh brilliant - yes shoe shopping for these guys is the BEST fun a shopaholic can have :XD: Please spam your boys loads! :D

      Been looking at wigs for the Yue I am definitely NOT going to be ordering at all ....ever.... :| Well I may force myself to sell some smaller dolls first - that way no guilt at spending the housekeeping money on him :) I'll probably be dressing him as a girl though? Undecided.... bo looks very masculine, no way he could wear a dress convincingly!

      We didn't really have room for bo when I sold him - he took up quite a lot of room sitting on his beanbag by the TV - But I've de-cluttered and rearranged the house since then - if I chuck out yet another table, I'll have room for a proper chair for Yue - really why did I think I needed so many dining tables? :? Oh yes - for all that sewing I never did LOL