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Angel of Dream - 90cm - Ni, Bo & Primo

Oct 16, 2008

    1. lol sounds like me! i decided to start to sew again so i got a brand new machine and everything but its not been used that much at all, i just dont get the time even though i do enjoy but the way i see it is its there when i do *_* which will most likely be in years to come!

      i got a couple of kids chairs and they work pretty well, 1 is a little bit too big but a cushion behind them sorted that. thats the downfall of the 90cm boys, having the room. as pretty much all much other hundreds of dolls i had are now in new homes i have some space! so i decided the big boys could fill some of it for me! :lol:

      ive not been around on doa much and im not sure how much spam is now allowed in these threads so i cant post too many pictures in one post just in case but here is the link to my flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/66756085@N02/

      and for this post the boys and their trainers! bo has a pair of rebook zigzags and yue has a pair of nike shox
      (ive added a close up of the trainers in my previous post too)

    2. wow they look great! I love those shoes and the way you've dressed them both - Yue looks more boyish from that angle too :D
    3. here is a closer look of them -


      im thinking paio may look very girlie, will see when he arrives.
      :doh i have also ordered du! i really keep looking at du and i think he will make a perfect girlie!! :lol: so now i have 2 in coming
    4. LOLLLLLLL well 4 kids is a good number ;) I look forward to seeing all your family photos! :XD:
    5. That is so exciting! You will probably be the only person in the world (except for AoD..lol. ) Who has four of these big boys! I cannot wait to see them all together!
    6. Hello everyone! I am wondering if anyone would spare a lovely photo of their giant boys in the nude. I haven't been able to find the body just nude you know because i was trying to see exactly the body shape it has. All the pictures AoD has are clothed (which is quite dumb really XD)
    7. Hi Fush *waves* this is the one I used to have, compared to my 1/3 size Angel of Dream girl - there's also a photo on page 24 of this thread, of me holding him (I'm 5' tall, so you have an idea of his size) - and yes he is rather well endowed LOL

    8. hello Elve :D Thank you for the photos. Is he a 2 piece torso or a 3 piece torso? I been eyeing the 90cm boys because for one they are cheap and two the size XD Plus like usual I have a project possibly with the doll but I haven't decided yet and I'm still looking for more options. So far they are a nice doll and they do fit into the project needs. I hope to find one on the 2nd hand market but they pretty much never appear as not many people even have these boys.
    9. I have always been really fascinated with these big guys.
      And I'm in awe of the comparison between the SD girl AoD body and the big guys! They're just huge, it makes me want one even more. >3< I just know clothing them must be difficult though. Especially shoes.

      I hope to see all 4 together soon! I can't decide who I would want. D:
    10. Not too bad! Childrens shoes fit and baby clothes can be altered to fit! Emmet is wearing an infant jacket and Converse!
    11. Ohh, that looks good Molliebean!
      That's great for me, I do the mark downs in the dept. store I work in and I'm always eying the kids' section because they go down so low. :U I recommend you check Macy's clearance rack for some cute mature looking boy clothes. XD

      Your boy is Hale, isn't he? I might be leaning towards him or Primo. I like his features.

      I just saw a picture of one of these boys sitting on someone's lap, they look so cuddly! XD I can see why they would be favored.
    12. Yes, he is Hale.
      I will try Macy's when I go to Baltimore this summer. Thanks!!
      They are cuddly and fun to watch TV with..:sweat
    13. Fush he is a 3-piece torso - but the elastic is strung double throughout, making him very tightly strung - simply because he's so incredibly heavy he won't stand if he's too loosely strung! So the torso joints work, but they can be a liability as I discovered when my boy 'pinged' back straight upright, after I'd sat him in a slump - he smashed a piece out of the back of his head in the process as he hit my iron bedstead! :sweat I sat him on a beanbag or soft chair after that LOL - Eventually I restrung him, but I was a total amateur at the time (no strength!) Really that is a 2-person job unless you are very strong or have the right tools. Plus I forgot the elastic was strung double, so he was too loosely strung after that! He posed much better for it, but couldn't stand. Don't let that put you off though - he was great fun to have around the place :D I only sold him as I'd decided to collect tinies LOLLLLL - yes that worked out according to plan :XD:
    14. Elve: Oh thats really interesting for the stringing. He may just need thicker string instead of double (double is kind of crazy really) Lol the project is going to need him to stand one way or another so that will be fun lol XD Tinies are nice but they end up too small in general for me XD It seems I started with MSDs and now I'm graduating to bigger then 1/3 XD Its funny how that works.
    15. sorry everyone havent been back for a few days!!

      Molliebean - i never thought about it! being the only person with so many of these big guys! i cant be the only person theres gotta be others out there too *_*with a few of them???? lol :dohhelp??? no really i never gave it any thought but id love to hear if anyone did have a collection of the larger ones that would be cool.

      emmet looks great all dressed up, i love the hoodie with the skull that is sooo cool :dance

      Fush - elve photo is a great example of the body, it is a 3 piece torso but ive not had any issue with it. i did re-string bo (as i purchased bo from elve) i used extra strong tension elastic so he does stand on his own well now but i would not recommend leaving these big boys standing alone as elve is right they love to ping and fall over at the most unexpected times. i found sitting them is the best and ive had no trouble with them. you will find they very rarely come up for sale in the secondary market as i was so lucky that elve sold me bo, but saying that you may be lucky one day.

      heres some other links which show these guys off well - (not my photos they are others photos but they show the boys off so good i thought id share the links! last one was in this thread previously)


      elve - your photo really shows a great comparison of the sizes, i have a dollmore model female and these guys even make her look really short! and she is really quite tall for an sd.

      Genevieve - i dont think its been said any where on this thread but sadly aod updated their 90cm range of boys, when they did they stopped selling some of their sculpts. Im sorry hale was one of the ones they did away with.

      the original release was ni, primo and bo, they then added hale. after the update of range they stopped ni, primo and hale but kept bo.

      the new range is 6 dolls -
      bo - from the original line up

      here is a link - http://www.aoddoll.net/category.php?id=5

      i think it was sad they did away with them as i too would have love hale and primo!
    16. that's odd ragdollkitty because happyhouse4u dealers still list ni, primo and hale :? maybe their website is not updated? Or maybe they have their own stock - hmmm very strange because alices collections do not list those 3 (although I did think that huan was the same as hale, until I took a closer look)
    17. Aww such a shame Ragdollkitty! But thanks for the info! I actually think I really like Du now. o3o Him or Piao~

      Does Huan not really look like Hale?

      Edit: nvm, i think I see differences looking back at them.
      I think they share some of the same charms though! I suppose if you can't find a Hale, Huan is a good substitute. :3
    18. Ragdollkitty: Oh those comparisons are really good o.o Someone really should get all the giants together into a picture like the Lusions, Trinities from Dollmore, the 90cm boys from Leeel, uh Lumedoll giant, and I know theres one other girl who is fairly big too shes called Alice or something from a different company along with AoD 90cm doll. I truthfully hope to do such a comparison one day.
    19. Well darn! I was planning on getting a Primo eventually. :( I don't see a similar face in the new lineup. *pout*

      Well, I don't have an AoD 90cm boy, but I did do some of the bigger boys a little while ago:
      80cm Mecha Angel Sabik, 90cm Lee-el Alzad, 85.5cm LumeDoll Usil, and IOS 80cm Lacrimosa (which I sold, but still have a 80cm Stille).
    20. Aernath: Oh that picture helps to see the difference. Thank you! You don't have a AoD 90cm boy yet but you will get one. I think they have a lot of possibility and they are seriously cheap for the size. Half the amount even.