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Angel of Dream - 90cm - Ni, Bo & Primo

Oct 16, 2008

    1. I guess someone needs to email happyhouse4u and ask if they are still selling Primo, Ni and Hale - it would be great to have even more sculpts to choose from if they are....I've just remembered the other 2 dealers (well one is AoD company but I don't know which one) - aoddoll.net and aoddoll.com - Now they are both still selling Ni, but he's called Mi....curiouser and curiouser :?
    2. i didnt know that happyhouse still had the older sculpts listed, when i was looking at buying i went to aod direct website and alice collections webpage so i didnt vist happyhouse!
    3. Now that I've looked a bit more, Paio looks close enough to Primo. I might end up getting him. ^_^
    4. ive ordered paio so when he arrives i will share photos. i picked paio as i felt he was near to the primo sculpt just the jaw line is more rounded?
    5. I just put in a first payment on a Bo secondhand! I already have 2 half scale dolls (Dollmore Lusion and Trinity) and I absolutely love them so I'm sure I'll love this big guy too! My main debate is what general style to go for. I have a 65cm gothic boy and a 55cm punk rocker boy, so I need to do something different. Torn between traditional Japanese clothing and suits. I could do both I suppose, and it would be fairly easy to make a kimono in his size based on measurements alone to try when he arrives. I was able to do a fairly short layaway too, so I'll have him by early December at the latest. So unbelievably excited!
    6. wow
      sounds very cool ankhensepnamun *w*
      i love to see piccs of your guy then
      One day i will buy one myself
    7. I came up with an even better idea over the weekend. I do cosplay props and a few years ago I help someone build human-scale 15 foot wingspan black angle wings for a DN Angel cosplay. Thinking of making a scaled down set, maybe 4 or 5 feet wingspan, for this guy and pairing it with a really nice black and purple pinstripe suit set.
    8. That sounds very interesting!!
    9. I love the AOD 90CM men. I would love to get one of each sculpt which is weird for me because I have never been into guy dolls with the exception of Ringdoll's Lucifer who I will get in the future. I just emailed Happyhouse to see if Primo and Hale are in stock since they are both listed but neither is available on AOD'S English or Chinese websites. I would like to get those 2 first since they are not being made anymore.I have a Dolkot Model girl, Belinda, coming to me in a couple of weeks and she is 68 cm tall so a 90 cm boy would be great as her boyfriend. I know that will be a big difference but I myself am a little under 4 feet 10 inches and I have dated guys 6 foot 4 inches tall and taller.
    10. They are sweet guys, nice price too. But have you seen Leeel's 90cm guys? Whoot! Do wish more companies were making the larger guys and gals.
    11. Yes I have seen Leeel's 90cm guys. They are very nice also but sadly a lot more money! I do wish more companies were making larger guys and girls. The Leeel's boys are handsome but seems to me their heads are a little small. I saw a photo on flickr where someone had a Leeel boy and a Lumedoll Usil. Usil is 85cm tall and they switched the heads and put Leeel boy on Usil's body and vice versa. The Leeel boy head is small compared to Usil. Checkout the photo below.


      My 17 year old daughter really loves the AOD boys too, especially Yue. I guess I am going to have to get him for her for Christmas.

      I wish AOD would come out with some big girls to go with the boys. I saw the Leeel girl and I like her but the faceup they gave her made her look like she is crying. If I got her I would want a really dramatic and glamourous faceup. I like really long and full eyelashes and red shiny lips and some black eyeliner.

      ankhensepnamun and ragdollkitty,I would love to see photos of your boys when you receive them!!!! Anyone else that has any of the AOD big boys would love some photos!!
    12. That just isn't right. Lookit a shrunken head! She's going to love Yue, I have him and he's even better in person. My only dislike is his faceup isn't what they showed on the site. They did a goth boy look on him with heavy eyeliner and gray-black lips. Nope, didn't ask for it either, just how he arrived.Problem is I can't get his head off to get it redone and he's already smacked me in the face for trying. Boy is strung tighter than a hunters bow.
    13. Madera, I would love to see your Yue!!! Can you pretty please post some photos? They do a goth faceups? Great my daughter is a goth so she wants him in white skin and she will love the fact that he has a goth faceup!!! I was going to ask for goth but since they do it like that anyway then I don't have to specifically ask for it. Did you get Yue directly from AOD or from a dealer or from the MP or ebay?

      So they string them really tight? oh boy! Some of my SD girls could be strung better but I don't dare take them apart because I have no idea how to restring them. If I don't dare restring my SD girls there is no way I would even think of trying on a 90cm!!! Was he able to stand when you received him, Madera? As long as he can sit and stand I am sure my daughter, Brandy, will be happy.
    14. I got him from Happy House at a better price than AOD.


      He sits, he stands, and my guy has his own chair (a real kids mini recliner) otherwise he'll take over the sofa. Clothes can be a problem but some baby and toddler shirt fit. And I would ask for the goth look, if ya don't you might end up with the sweet and happy face up that I thought I was going to get.
    15. Wow...he really looks like a pin head! I like the AoD dolls better. I have Hale but I would like to get Bo or Yue also.

      LOL madera...if she does you guys could just trade..:sweat
    16. I'm thinking of buying a angel of dream 90cm Du. I've wanted a 90cm doll ever since i knew they came in that size and i totally adore Du. Before i buy one though i was wanting to talk to someone who owns a angel of dream 90cm.
      like how is the posing?
      what does the body scupt look like? (pictures only show him clothed)
      how are the joints?
      and just plain discuss pros and cons.

      picture credit to http://www.acbjd.com/du-p-5664.html?cPath=252_253&zenid=a2544c2e9a911a39d33c108c88357952
    17. does anyone have one? i planning on buying one as in i have 470$ saved up (making the extra 110)
    18. Can anyone provide a pic of an AoD 90cm with a different company's head? Something big like Impldoll's Tony Hank or a Super Gem or Idealian or similar. I'd like to see if they're able to be hybrid.

      Please and thank you!

      Also, can I please get the shoulder width on an AoD 90cm boy?
    19. No more comments here and it seems, the aoddoll.net doesn't work any more.