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Angel of Dream - 90cm - Ni, Bo & Primo

Oct 16, 2008

    1. you can use kids clothes maybe? weird. i want to see one though, with a person like a little kid and with other dolls, a super mini would be so funny.
    2. Wow, 90cm. I don't know if I could handle a doll that big or not--it's very intriguing, though. I think it would be kind of fun to have one that big, but he probably wouldn't get out much--my 60cm AoD is pretty hefty, I can't imagine what 90cm would feel like. I really like the body sculpt, and while his hands are large, I'm digging the level of detail. I hope they put out clothes for him though!
    3. I find the size abit exaggerated >__< plus the face isn't that appealing...maybe if he was more realistic? would be a good model for showing off handmade clothes tho
    4. I actually love the first sculpt and would have considered it if it wasnt going to be upto my stomach !! Honestly, this is far far too big, its a small child size. However, its quite magnificent, maybe they will set off other companies trying to compete with the size, itll be insane!
    5. i like the body

      I'm thinking of putting a Dream Realm head onto it, but I dont know the exact measurements of the DR heads and I'm not sure if DR is thinking of selling heads separately.... :sweat
    6. Dolls are just getting bigger and bigger. I almost feel companies are going a bit overboard with sizes.

      I'm only 5 feet tall, those things are going to be dreadfully big next to me. Which is one reason why I wouldn't want one. Even if I liked the sculpts I couldn't find room in my apartment for something so big. Luckily enough none of these sculpts do anything for me anyway.
    7. Well I am experimenting with making my own wigs and I sew the clothes for all my boys so as long as AoD put out some decent shoes for these giants I say why not? ^^
      Nothing different to what I am doing already.
      I actually like both sculpts. I hear AoD are pretty good posers so maybe even a 90cm might be manageable. Don't mind the detailed genitalia (as some made comments about) being a gay guy. Detail, no matter where it is put, is always appreciated by me.
      Heavy as hell I suppose and a pain in the unholy hole to drag around and store. But the mind blowing size itself intrigues me enough that I am honestly considering one. Yep! The first am I? Ha, ha! ^^'
    8. Has anyone seen pictures of the werewolf?
    9. While I'm not particularly fond of the head sculpts, I do like the body (oh why cant we have 1/2 scale girls too?.....) I think I may end up getting one....
    10. It was kinda novel when the 80cm barrier was breached, but 90 seems like horse-flogging to me. (Hey, look, ma, it's the bandwagon!) But still, hey, 1/2 scale. The bar has been raised!

      Maybe if the faces were better-looking. Or, maybe if I had a dolly-need to fill for which my Mecha Angel was simply too short.

      Hah... Then I guess you haven't seen very many brands of male dolls without their pants on.... ^.^ Sculpted genitalia are very common.

      Eh? What? Having a big schlong makes you gay? :? Well, that's news. I'm afraid I don't see the connection there.

      Anyway, Mr. Giant AOD here should be happy he's been so well-endowed, because his face sure didn't get quite the same attention to detail & proportion.
    11. I love the body but I don't like their heads... but really 90 cm O.o;; I'm 5 foot 5... I have enough trouble carrying Ace (BH Nori) and he"s 70 cm... I love the Mecha Angels but they are way way too tall.. so 90 cm... nope too tall.
    12. I don't understand the connection of the size and being gay...

      But I would be tempted to put my Bishonen House nakes next to him... I think they are well matched in that department.
    13. The size is definitely way too big for me, but I'd be interested in seeing pics of it next to an owner. I also wonder ihow marketable it's going to be - do many people really willing to carry around and pose a doll that large? :?
    14. I'm about 5'6" myself, love my Hound to pieces, and I crave large dolls, this 90cm boy practically has me doing backflips, I looooooove large dolls! He's over half my height and that has me drooling, I -will- get this doll.

      I've never been overwhelmed with AOD head sculpts, but I do like Ni, plus, I think one day I'll order a nice large custom-made head and plop it right on that massive body! The clothing thing isn't a problem for me, since I sew.

      I'm so excited, I'm so happy that I can barely stand it! Ooh what if they make girls that big too? I'd be over the moon!

      I've got nothing but love for the 1/2 scale doll!!

      EDIT: I'm sooooo willing to dress, carry, and pose a doll that big! I may have to do a bit of weight training (rofl), but that's fine with me... Bring! It! On!
    15. 90 cm? Ninety? Did I read that correctly?

      That's... big. If they get much bigger they'll be mannequins, not dolls. :?
    16. >o That's too awesome. Man I'd be horribly tempted if I found a sculpt I liked.
    17. [SIZE="-10"]I think you really misread what he said. He was referring to the comments made by those that were uncomfortable with the way it was detailed/sculpted and was saying that as a gay guy, he could appreciate the detail given to the penis. It had nothing at all to do with what you mentioned.[/SIZE]

    18. Actually, the genitals look alot like how Mecha Angels ones look (lol) So its not so unusual~

      But yes. 90cm. A bit too big for me I think.....
    19. O_O Wow. HUGE dolly there. I'm...kinda intrigued...though the hands bother me...>_> The face on the top isn't too bad, with a good face up he could have potential. I...don't even wanna know how much shipping would be for one of these guys....*kinda wants....>_>*
    20. It could be a way for us doll folks to to do strength training, lol! I know I could use the exercise. I like Bo--he has a great nose, but then I have a thing for big noses. I usually don't gravitate towards extra large dolls (generally I wish more companies would put out shorter SDs), but I do really like him. Whether or not I ever end up with him, I don't know--there are a lot of dolls like that for me. I like them, but they don't end up coming home to live with me. We'll see.