1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Angel of Dream (AOD) 1/4 size discussion thread Part 2

May 15, 2007

    1. I really like the style of their new faces, and it's really cool that they've updated the body joints.
      Ngl the old knees SUUUCCCKKK
      But I also really like the torso style of the old bodies so I'm torn*_*. I miss when their 1/4 boy body looked like the 1/3 one.
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    2. I like their more mature old style bodies, too. All my AoD boys are older. Like 15 years old. I wish they still cast tan, too, as their tan was lovely and incredibly stable (I have 2 in tan) as I've not noticed any major colour change in them. Moswen (tan Chi) is my most loved/played with doll and has been all over the place including outside of the country on vacation with me. There's virtually no difference between his colour and that of Tohan's (tan Min) head (they were purchased at the same time; yea free head events!) and Tohan's head lived in a box in a drawer for almost 10 years before I figured out who he was.
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    3. Oh I would love to see them!:D
    4. Ask and ye shall receive.
      This is an old pic of Moswen (Chi) and Kijika (LE Doll/AoD Collaboration Adonis LE38) but one of my favourites of them.
      [​IMG]Moswen & Kijika 1 by ID Locke, on Flickr

      This is Tohan (Min) and Warrick (SD Souloid Gold Mechanic Phiel (with a Titika head))
      [​IMG]Tohan & Warrick by ID Locke, on Flickr

      I also have Jaiseki, another Min in NY (AoD initially sent me the Min head in tan instead of the NY I'd requested, thus the 2 Min's). Jaiseki is Moswen & Kijika's son. Tohan is one of Moswen's 1/2 brothers.
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    5. Oh you're right, that is a very nice tan <3
      They look lovely!
    6. Fell in love with the Chi sculpt recently, thinking of purchasing him some time late this year. I do have a question about the different bodies, though. Does anyone know if the newer version 3 male body is much better at posing than the version 2 body?

      I really prefer the look of the older torso and am inclined to favor aesthetics and just suede/wire as necessary, but if the difference is really significant I might get the newer body instead.
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    7. I'm heavily biased towards the Chi sculpt as Moswen is one & even 16 years & 78 dolls later, he's still my favourite. I can't comment on the body types though as all my AoD boys are that old.
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    8. Wow 78! That’s an amazing amount of dolls!
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    9. It's taken me 16 years to accumulate that many, lol. And I'm seriously looking at 2 more dolls, I have 2 floating heads that I want to get bodies for and there's another doll that is supposed to go up for pre-order in December that I'd like. Annnnnnd one doll that I really, really have no business pining over as his total (after US/CAN conversion, shipping and likely Customs fees) would put him at basically the cost of 3 months of rent for me.
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    10. She looks great! although she looks like she might be cold.
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    11. Hello! I just recieved a AOD Skull head. I was wondering if anyone had any body recommendations or pictures of the head on different bodies? I'm having a hard time finding anything online. Thank you!
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    12. I have one, with it's skeleton hands, on a 2016 Dollzone Tarot Limited Moon Body in White Skin! It looks like half a torso , can't sit up, ribs, spinal "tail". (I have two of the Piggy event heads too, but they're on 1/4 AoD bodies!)
    13. I've toyed with getting some skeleton hands from them for one of my guys but never hit the buy button. I'd get them for my SD Vito Azreal, The Hierophant (skull head), who is Rai-Sui, God of Death & Decay, Guardian of Souls. I think I hesitate only because I've not written him with bone hands (yet).
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    14. I've found Luts NS and Aod normal pink match pretty well but I highly prefer Aod bodies
      I can show you a Pic with the color match if you want? I don't have any Luts KDF bodies, only kdf45 and I'd need to try with the neck size but I can put my Shang Nai head on a kdf girl body if you'd like (not color matching though)?
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    15. Another Shang Nai incoming! :fangirl: Dispatched a couple of days ago, just over a fortnight from ordering! Possibly the best thing about Angle of Dream for someone impatient like me. And I've just filled my saved basket at Alices Collections with another $1,300 worth of AoD lovelies (I wish I could check them out!)

      Decided this company needs A LOT more love as their dolls are so good for the price & I'm worried they may vanish along with so many other longstanding companies in these times of financial uncertainty.

      Shang Nai is my first BJD purchase in years, having lost all my dolls and gone through much upheaval in domestic circumstances since 2020 but now I'm hopefully settled for a while & wanted a BJD to sew for again! Been sewing for her in advance this month but it may not fit - I'll find out the hard way soon LOL

      Although I had 1/3 and 90cm AoD dolls in the past, I've not had any of their midi sculpts - just the bodies for some floating heads I had back then. I really loved the bodies and thought they were so well strung, designed and finished etc for the money.

      What I like about the AoD listings on Alices Collections now is scroll down the very old company photos to the bottom of the listing & see the blank sculpts and a more modern faceup - I find AoD's old listings very poor when it comes to seeing a doll's potential but these new photos are really good.

      So next on my list is Lan (such a sweet face!) and Jia Sha, who has a really cute little boy's face if you scroll down to see it. But first I'm watching tracking on my Shang Nai, who will be called Daisy Loretta Green, for no reason other than 'Daisy' popped into my head, someone on twitter suggested Loretta, and 'Green' came from a list of common English surnames! Styling her at around 13yrs old so really hoping that I've got the small bust option as requested.
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    16. I just ordered a Fei, a doll I've coveted since I got into the hobby last year, and I'm very excited!! :celebrate
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    17. I am so sorry you lost you're dolls! that has to be so hard! I'm glad you can get more! I once lost all my stuff in a house fire in 2008, at least that was before I collected dolls, but still losing precious stuff like that is terrible. I hope you and your new dolls have a bright happy future! please show us them when they arrive!
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    18. My Shang Nai arrived today and I am SO pleased with her in every way. Perfectly finished & strung and I love her faceup - so much nicer than the old promo pics! Pretty green eyes :love

      [​IMG]AoD Shang Nai by elve, on Flickr
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