1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Angel Philia

Aug 8, 2018

    1. I believe I am in the right forum :) does anyone here own angel philia dolls? I think they are so unique, although not a BJD. What are your guys experience with them? Where have you found them? Have you had any issues?? I want to find one. Thanks so much!!
      #1 Funsize_Flowers, Aug 8, 2018
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
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    2. I have three resin dolls right now but I too share a quiet interest in AP girls. I do see them on the second hand market fairly frequently. I mayhaps get one of the more neutral faced girls if one comes around at the right time! I do really want to know what their "soft skin" feels like...

      As far as I know, they are only sold through their official site and one secondary reseller site, but the names escape me and I'm on mobile.
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    3. I believe Angel Philia dolls are on topic on DoA. They are part of the Obitsu family. But I might be mistaken.
    4. I think they are so stinking cute!! Especially in cute outfits they just take on their own little personality lol I have been told that they have soft skin, so they are squishy to the touch lol quite a few people stuff the body parts with doll stuffing or cotton to fill them out a little more. Lol none the less I'm excited about having one :)

      Thank you so much I'll check them out :)

      Oh okay. I had posted this in the newbie area and a moderator recommended I post the question here. I'm still learning the site so bare with me lol
      #5 Funsize_Flowers, Aug 8, 2018
      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2018
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    5. I've seen a few on sale secondhand on facebook or instagram. I personally am really uncomfortable with how heavily sexualized they are (they're definitely making "sex faces"), but the vinyl has a nice soft feel. They stain super easily I'm told, so if you get one, be mindful of that colour transfer!
      #6 Idyllhands, Aug 8, 2018
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    6. I hate that they are so heavily sexualized. I've seen many online that are dressed very cute and casual and they look very kawaii <3

      Is your Instagram the same name as you have here?? I'd love to see your dolls for sale <3

      Thank you <3

      I'll have to find you on Instagram:)

      I should have asked what your Instagram name is?? Lol
      #8 Funsize_Flowers, Aug 8, 2018
      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2018
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    7. I feel the same way, when something is prominently represented by something like this. I admit, it puts me off. You can’t do an image search for these dolls without encountering the sexualization. Yes people do have the right to do as they like with their dolls but sometimes it has the side effect of chasing away people who don’t like or understand it.
    8. It’s in my footer: idylldolls

      I’m not the one actually selling them, though :)
    9. I completely apologize I must have mis read. It was super early this morning when I responded back lol so sorry

      Yes you're absolutely right and it's sad. It kind of makes the dolls get a bad rap unfortunately :(
      #11 Funsize_Flowers, Aug 8, 2018
      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2018
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    10. If you like the soft bodies and aren’t into the super sexualized look, you could try “smart doll”. They’re off-topic for DOA, unfortunately, but they’re also soft vinyl. I think there are some dolfie dolls that use obitsu frames that are on topic, too? Look up “vinyl bjd” or “obitsu dolls” and you’ll get lots of results. I don’t own any vinyl dolls but there are lots of them out there if that’s your jam :)
    11. Thank you so much! I've seen some really good smart dolls. They're really cute too. I really like. the BJDs more though. I feel like you can have more fun with the bjds with dressing them all up and not having to worry about staining. Bad thing about vinyls. Lol Bjds can wear anything lol
    12. Oh, I'm glad that vynil dolls are not off-topic on Doa, I was afraid they are. I am thinking about buying AngelPhilia body and I need help. I like that AP allow to choose between large variety of legs, breasts and hips (about 12 options). I want body with certain bust, certain legs and certain hips. I was looking through this website: Body : FaithZ - A Hobby store for Toys , Nendoroid , BJD , Angel Philia and Collectibles - International shipping and Layaway available BUT! I don't see here the ability to choose bust/hips/legs between all their variants. Does it mean that I had to buy standart body and if I want to change standart bust/hips/legs then I need to pay for extra ones?

      And are there any other dealers of AngelPhilia dolls? I've visited Codenoirusa, as I can see, they do not sell body separately. Or there is an ability to talk with their representative, and he will let me buy only body and choose not only bust but also hips and legs?
    13. @silent It's not possible to choose the parts that comes with an Angel Philia dolls release. I am 99% sure dealers will not switch parts of a set doll, this would be risky for business. It's generally also not possible to buy bodies or heads separately, unless secondhand (facebook, instagram, DoA, Yahoo Japan Auctions, Mandarake) or on very rare occasions (Quarantotto's official site can have them but only sell to Japanese customers and proxies would probably be too slow).

      So indeed, you either wait for the combination (parts, head, skintone) you want which might not appear, or you buy/wait for the closest type of girl and buy what extra part/s you want to change (and sell the ones you didn't want). For example, I bought a Komugi -- the only part I needed to buy extra to change was her bust. ^ ^
    14. @Einnn thank you for the explanation)
    15. I too, have seen that done a lot. A friend of mine did exactly that. She bought the doll she really wanted and just sold or traded there parts for one's she really wanted :) there's definitely options
    16. I am absolutely in love with the neutral faced Angel Philia. Im not really big on the o face ones of course. But i LOVE Angel Philia bodies, and their most recent doll Alice has a beautiful face. For me, its the eyes that get me. They're so dramatic and gorgeous!

      im super interested to know what the soft skin feels like.
    17. The soft skin feels really cool. I personally love my angelphilia she’s so cute and feels like a good weight when I hold her:D
    18. I'm about to purchase a "rare" Angelphilia second hand (or at least she tells me she is rare). She's a "neutral-faced" girl, which is good because I hate the sexualized ones, too...even their bodies are a little much for me, but this one has such a beautiful face and custom tattoos...
      The girl I'm buying from said someone went to the invite-only event in Japan and got the doll for her