1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Angel Philia

Aug 8, 2018

    1. Thank you so much. I will make her my long term project for next year. My goal will be to find her a body before next year ends God willing :)

      for now she will be sharing my Galaxia (type j head) body while she is with the face up artist. I had a blank type J head and that’s how I find the body on IG by luck LOL

      She came with some beautiful glasses. So I decided to make her a business woman:)

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    2. I got my Honoka-Chan head today. I named her Dulce and she is so cute!!!!

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    3. Feliz Navidad!!!!

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    4. EEeep! I was able to pay off my angelphilia. I ordered the mona. They said she'll be shipping in a week or two. I'm so excited!
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    5. @AllyCat That's fantastic news! Will she come with an outfit, wig and eyes? Have you planned a style for her?
    6. It says on the website she'll come with wig and eyes. But if it's the same as in the pictures I will definitely be switching it out.
      As for her style, I'm never sure till the doll is here. What I'm thinking though is (she might fit into my novel which means a 18th century inspired fantasy) maybe Jeanne D'Arc style. So shoulder length bob hair and armour of some sort.

      But I have toyed with the idea to make her my muse to also dress in more modern fashions and/or anime styles.
      Nothing is sure yet though until she gets here. Which I really hope will be soon. From what I've read FaitZ ships out pretty quickly so I'm quite hopeful even with all the international shipping problems with the virus.
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    7. That sounds really cool! I've ordered from FaithZ many times and have always had a good experience! They seem to be very good to their customers. I can never decide until a doll comes home either. I'm so paranoid about staining that I make mine wear white or at least a slip underneath their clothing. Shoes are a little difficult to find outside of what Code Noir makes, which fit very well. They are certainly really fun dolls and I like how they are made so that different parts can be exchanged. Sometimes I put Monami in a top with a small bust so it fits well, other times she can wear a dress with a large bust and it looks really good. I like all the faces. I'd love to one day have a doll with the R face, as it's pretty cute but I don't think it's been used for more than 2 releases so far.
    8. I got the M head but I would have gotten the O head if it was available. I am not usually very worried about my dolls yellowing or such (right now I only have resin dolls) but not sure how I'll approach the staining thing. I make all my doll's clothes myself so I could probably add a lining if I'm worried.
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    9. Congrats on your new girl! I hope you share tons of pictures once you get her :)

      FaithZ ships very quickly if the item is in stock. I order from them twice during the pandemics and I think I only had to wait about 2-3 weeks to get the bust I order both times.

      I love Mona (M type head) I wish to own one some day. I do have Honoka (type O head) she is so adorable :)

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    10. Oooh I love the O-sculpt sooo much!
      She's so gorgeous. If I like my my M-girl, I might try to find a O-girl!

      They told me they were going to ship her out tomorrow! eeep! I'm so excited. I really hope she arrives soon. I'm going to redo her face up but I'm so nervous about painting vinyl. I've never done that before. Ahhh
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    11. I got my body parts today. All at the same time and I order from 3 different places LOL. But I gave up. The leg skeleton frame are a few cm to big I was unable to make them fit properly. I thought AP need it 50cm leg frame parts but apparently not [​IMG] Also no idea how to put the feet and the hands won't go in either. I’m unable to find any tutorials online on how to assemble the 1/3 obitsu body. I’m so frustrated I decided to give up for today. Also I think the whitey frame parts don’t look that bad with the brown outer parts :)

    12. The hands just require a lot of time under a hair dryer to get them nice and hot and squishy!
      AP uses the 48cm leg, not the 50cm, so I'm fairly certain you can actually just snip the leg pegs down to the right length.
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    13. MrFjmg2003, what she said.
      Most of the APs are 48cms now.
      So like Cauldroness said, trim about 5mm-ish off of those pegs, fine tooth hack saw blade works best, then de-bur the cut ends with some sandpaper and you should be good.
      Are those heel feet? I can't tell from the picture. If they are heel feet the ankle part should just slip in there with that tab facing the toes. Your ankle part looks like the flat foot type ankle so you'll probably have to remove about half of that little tab shown on the right foot in your picture. Don't take it all off. The tab helps keep the foot from rotating too much.
      The left ankle looks like the tab part on the bottom is missing. It should look like a tab on a ring, which slips over that small round cylinder on the bottom like the right one. Then there is a screw that goes up through the vinyl heel into the bottom of the ankle part. If the ankle parts didn't come with screws, you might have to take a screw out of one of your other heel foot dolls and make a trip to the hardware store to find a match. It's a small diameter Phillips truss head (pan head would also work) self-tapping screw. It's going to have some slightly aggressive looking threads because it's made to cut its own treads and not screw into a pre-threaded bolt. It's about 1cm long measured from the flat part of the head to the tip and I think it has a B-Type point, but any self tapping type of screw will probably work.
      The thing about self tapping screws is you don't want to take them in and out a lot. The first time in the screw cuts its own threads in the relatively soft plastic. Each successive time it can cut a bit more of the threads away. After a while the threads can get worn away completely and your screw won't tighten down. Likewise once the screw is in there (look at your other dolls to see what it should look like) you don't want to over tighten the screw as again, it can damage the threads it's cut.
      Nothing's ever easy!
      #174 K-2!, Jan 16, 2021
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
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    14. Thank you so much for the tips. I was able to put the hands on by warming them. When I order the leg frame parts it said 48/50cm on the description. I think I need to cut the extra cm myself LOL unfortunately I don’t own a saw or any cutting tools besides fabric scissors.

      I didn’t know obitsu had two types of ankles. So I just order the regular one. I will follow your advice. Yes the ring part got stuck on the foot when I attempt to put it on the first time. It came with the screws so I will attempt to put the feet tomorrow. Once again thank you for all the help :)

    15. I did it. Thank you so much for all the help. It doesn’t look perfect but I think is not that bad. I kind of feel proud of myself not going to lie. I can’t wait to get the head back from the face up artist to have my three girls complete. I’m happy the whitey frame doesn’t look that bad with the brown body [​IMG] I thought it was going to look more bad.

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    16. I love your three girls together!
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    17. Thank you so much. I been wanting an AP for years, I still can’t believe now I own 3 of them. I got lucky and got them at a good price 2nd hand. The only one I’m missing is a type M head. She is another one of my favorite AP sculpts :)
      #178 MrFjmg2003, Jan 16, 2021
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
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    18. If I love my M type, I'm definitely adding an O type to my collection somewhere down the line!
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    19. My Galaxia is complete :)

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