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AngelHeim The Medusa Zion discussion thread

Aug 26, 2009

    1. Ooh, pretty! I really like his face, but I'm not interested any of the fantasy stuff. It's beautifully designed fantasy stuff, though. I wouldn't have thought it possible to make a medusa-theme bjd. I like how they got around covering the head in too many snakes (which would be ugly on a bjd, in my opinion, and kill the hairline) by making the snakes more like decorations in his hair.

      Big muscly skinny body is not my thing. I feel like that face could do just as well if not better on a shorter, younger body.
    2. i'd like to see something similar on an msd, i like the style so far
    3. i want those snakes! I hope they're magnetic and sold separately. Or I hope they release a similar doll in MSD size.
    4. Well, since we are comparing similarities... I really like the nose of this sculpt, it reminds me of some of the Buddydoll noses.

      So far, I'm liking Soom's bodies more, but AngelHeim faces. I like that the nose has a bit more shape to it. And the eyes are a nice shape too. I really like the direction this company is going in. Since more realistic sculpts are my favorite.
    5. *__* Wow, I am... loving him (And I don't like snakes, the heck ?_? )

      I've been reading most of the posts here and can say that he's pretty 'Soom-y,' but on a younger scale? I really like that because (Okay, this is me being an anime fangirl) he looks like a bishie while the Soom MDs look like the parents/older guardian of said bishie XDD" *Feels bad now*

      And I noticed that in the body pictures, you can see a hole in the head :O So I'm guessing the snakes are put there? Or a magnet, maybe? (Unless that's a different head they're using <__<" )

      But I'll be watching this company o__o At least for more info on the head sculpt (I've been complaining that I need a floating head for no reason XD) And if the head is sold separately then I might just jump on him X3
    6. The reason people keep using Soom as a basis of comparison is simple... they were the first company to release fantasy dolls with extra "fantasy" body parts like hooves, finned arms, scorpion tails, etc. (Parts other than changeable ears, which have been offered by Volks, Dolkot, and Unidoll for years). Yes, Dolkot released some beautiful fantasy-themed fullsets, but if I remember correctly the fantasy extras in those sets were limited to ears, faceup, and outfits.

      Resinsoul Dan, Angel of Dream's Jurgis werewolf and Souldoll's centaur Chiron were released after Soom started their MD line, so it was a logical step to make a connection/comparison. It's human nature to find patterns, and to contrast or compare similar objects and themes.

      Seconding this... just because people are making references to a similarity with Soom, that isn't a bad thing. I, for one, like both Soom and what I've seen of Angelheim so far. And I love Souldoll's Chiron too, for that matter. Also, there are certain Soom Monthlies I have adored, and others that haven't appealed to me at all... so I don't necessarily lump them all into a "love Soom/hate Soom" category. It's on a sculpt-by-sculpt basis.

      Since when did it become an either/or situation? I don't really like lines drawn in the sand, so I choose which dolls I like based on the doll itself, not the company or a perceived popularity contest.

      Speaking specifically of this Medusa doll in particular, I love the snakes and the concept! I tend to like female dolls better, but I'm considering the possibilities of hybridizing him to make a female gorgon! ;)

      Fantasy sculpts with "extra body bits" are relatively new, so there will be comparisons. In the beginning of the hobby, when Volks was the only company until new companies like Cerberus Project and Custom House emerged, they were compared to Volks. Eventually that wore off, and I surmise this will too, as fantasy sculpts become more common.
    7. I'm glad more companies are doing famtasy sculpts! I'm still hoping more companies will do MSD size fantasy dolls- although Domuya certainly got to me with Drui!

      But so far Medusa looks good! Although I'd be more interested in just the snakes if they are magnetic, I would rather have a female Medusa. The sculpting on the snakes looks fantastic though! And I like the companies line about 'a painfully long developement'! That was kind of funny! It must take a real effort to try and out Soom Soom :)
    8. I think the popularity and style of Soom has influenced a lot of doll companies in the past year.

      I really like what I see so far, especially the headsculpt. I hope they come out with some basics! It's really impressive for their first doll, the people behind the company obviously know what they are doing.
    9. This is exactly what has me baffled. I have no idea why this is even an issue. They're doing something awesome. If it reminds people of something else they think is awesome, uhm... so? :lol:

      I signed up for the Angelheim site the instant I saw that promo pic in the news thread. Provided I can afford to do so, I want to buy this doll. Provided I can afford to do so, I'll probably want to buy more dolls from Soom, too, because I like this one for the same reasons I like Soom's dolls. I don't see why that is bad for anything but my budget, for mercy's sake.

      It's glaringly obvious to a dog and his grandmother that they aren't copying and no one is saying they are, so seriously -- what gives? :?
    10. Damn I wish he was a she XD. Ah well maybe i can try to get the head on some split or something.
    11. Dang! First the Luts 5th Anniversary Abadon with the amazing armor and now this! I am going to be so poor! Good thing they will both take layaways!
    12. k, I have signed up and asked if the snake hair will be sold seperately... I will update everyone when I get a reply :D

    13. He's soo cool! I love the Gorgon hair. I don't really want to buy him right this instant, but I really like the concept. :)

      While I do have a few issues with the body, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the joint combination in the torso! it looks like it will provide a very realistic range of motion!:D:D
    14. I really, really want this doll! I have a minimee minotaur head, and looking at the bodies, I'd use the Gorgon's body for him and get a girl body for the Gorgon. *squees* They know exactly the right buttons to push for someone with Latin/Greek degrees.
    15. He has totally pointed ears, and so I have to imagine the snakes are detachable. The basic 'Zion' being what we see in the male body pictures. And in one of the pictures:

      He has a hole on his head, where the snakes attach I would bet.

    16. OMG OMG! I totally want this doll. :o I was saving up for a Yeon-ho but this...totally just overkilled me! I was looking at Soom too and I like their fantasy but this is just, OMFG. XDD!!

      He's so awesome. O_O I can't wait for more pictures! <3
    17. What an awesome head.
    18. I like the Gorgon idea too! I've been expecting this...What I really like is his body though...
      I have just one question...How tall is he? 70cm?
    19. This is totaly a must , medusa theme & the snakes are perfectly done , a doll with snakes is like they reading my mind!!!! I just hope I can be in time for & collect the money needed in time , I like the body too , I'll have to keep an eye for Angelheim , it's nice to have a 2nd one out there creating fantasy limiteds :celebrate:celebrate... the more the better ... (& fantasy parts saled separated is a dream I have but that's another story...) Zion is definately a must for me :) !!!
    20. What makes him look so much Soom is beside of fantasy theme also the color theme used in the picture, almost similar ribbon on his cape - very similar to Sards, the white hair and blue eyes - similar to Heliot.

      Thats all, on the point of body and head he dont look similar to any Soom doll.

      I dont see there any problem companies taking the trend of the fantasy themed dolls, cause it was similar once with Nana/goth/punk themed dolls/outfits.

      But I would really wish they would try to make something very own, very unique just like Souldoll and Unidoll do. That would bring much more respect for them.

      Still have nothing against tons of new fantasy themed doll companies popping out - my dolls need more costumes variety besides of Lolita/goth/casual ;)

      Yupp Sylvian :D, just discovered her = :aheartbea