1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Angelsdoll: 72cm doll discussion

Mar 2, 2010

    1. Thanks for the info. I can't get anymore dolls this year as I have gone beyond my budget but maybe by the end of the year ......
      Jin is the one I will definately get when I have the money.

      Yes, what a pity so little people knows about this Company, I guess they will have to think to better their Marketing.
      I only knew about Angelsdoll from Flickr when I saw Jin as I never heard of them.
    2. Dan and Cian or both gorgeous.
    3. Hello Everyone: I just bought Dan last week in the Vivid Skin. The Tan sorta scared me as it looked too dark. I am sorta worried shelling out $450 to an unknown company without a track record of their service available.
      I will keep everyone posted on how the transaction went and how the doll looks, and its quality too.
    4. Thanks Manscan , it seems we are having good inputs from other members who have the dolls but would love to hear your opinion too.

      The problem for me is not paying the price to the company for the Doll but when it arrives how much I will have to pay to Customs.
      I don't know about the States and if the Customs there very expensive but here in Portugal is just Highway Robbery.
      Pity Angelsdoll has no "agents "because that would really help out.
    5. hmm, I think that here in the US, dolls don't get a custom fee.
    6. BIRDY RAVEN : Wow ! if that is so you guys are sooooooo lucky !!!

      I have a doll stuck at customs now which I bought from a friend and she stated "gift" . Now let's see what those crooks decide to charge me for a second hand doll that has no comercial value.
    7. Just ordered a Cian head on Angelsdolls white in the cat avatar face. I didn't get the face-up mostly because I'm planning on doing his face up off of one of the felines in CATS. I'll be doing the same for whichever body I get for him too (although I'm afraid he's going to be waiting a while for a body- as I'm supposed to be saving money for DOT Ean)
    8. How come Angelsdoll is only selling heads now and not bodies ??

      Hope they will be selling the full doll soon .

      Which resin would match their heads ?
    9. I think this is why.

      Scroll down to the last post on page one, and that's it.
    10. Oh !! Ok, I saw what's going on and what a PITY !! Thanks so much BirdyRaven.

      Yup, I think I will wait a bit to send for mine till the company fixes all the faults, realy don't feel like going through all the hassel.
    11. Got Cian's cat's head in the mail today! Really nice finish on the resin, finely detailed. Can't wait to get started on his face-up and his name...
      Daniel's a bit leery of the whole thing. He says the disimbodied head is going to give him nightmares.
    12. SHAUNAKEI : Yes, I know what you mean about a "disimbodied head", hahahahahah I should get my Dollzone's Mo B from a promotion anyday now and have been freting about it. Don't know if I'm going to keep it to practice face ups or just sell it ....will see . I just can't stand thinking of heads floating around.

      Does anybody know what bodies will fit Angelsdoll's resin, do you think Dollzone's resin will match ? Will be grateful for the information. Thanks.
    13. Scrollbrush -- The resin colours have changed since most people (aside from Shaunakei and Manscan) have received their Angelsdolls. It might be a good idea to ask one of the Angelsdoll dealers (e.g. Wind Dolls or Dolls Department 25) as they will possibly have handled the new resins and have more resins to compare against.

      Shaunakei -- Congrats! Can't wait to see what you do with him!
    14. Masala_chai_tea : Thanks so much and that's a good idea . I will do that .
      Just wish they will fix the bodies quickly and so we can just order the full doll and don't have to go through this hassel.

      Would love to see more pictures od Angelsdoll especially "JIN".

      Thanks all, you guys are really kind.

      SHAUNAKEI : yes, dying to see the pics.
    15. :) I think someone might have done a request for pics in the BJD-opedia forum. Check there. :D
    16. <3 I love these kinds of doll awesome colour'd resin!!!
    17. Sorry about the blurriness of some of these pics- I need to see if I can use my Sis' camera because all of my pictures turn out blurry on mine. Sigh...The color is also not right except in a few pics- he is a very beautiful white color. Also he has no face-up yet...
    18. Great photos of the head! He looks lovely!!
    19. bumping this thread. anyone else here have a dan or any of their girl dolls in Vivid Skin? very interesting company. Also, love Dan's nose:D he's a hunk!
    20. Hi! Please check out the general Angelsdoll thread as Manscan has added a ton of his lovely vivid skin Dan photos there.