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Anyone notice a size difference in Luts CP Delf boys??

Dec 7, 2005

    1. Mm, AZ~~ I'll see you guys there XD <-- has an art table

      I have a Chiwoo, but I'm so lazy T-T; I dont think I could make cosplay in time... unless I magically got a dark wig and shirt and pants to make him into Hijiri >_> ...

      Nephirim, why not get the Mini Fee Chiwoo? He's delicate and small! XD!
    2. Wow! <3 this is going to be completely awesome! I wish I had an art table, but I've no clue how to go about getting one. -shrug- I'm sure we'll all have an awesome time! Kivara and I will be stalking many people. -purr- We need to plan to meet somewhere!
    3. I don't have her here to measure right now, but I *swear* that Jessamine (BW Soony) is a fraction taller than Aislinn (Normalskin Lishe) . . . and they have the same "Mature" body. And it's not just Jess' big ol' head, either . . .

      I'll have to do girl-body-measurements and report back!

      -- A <3
    4. actually, Yes, I noticed my breakaway is about a cm or two taller than my El. =o
      I'll take some more comparison shots after my breakaway gets his head put back on (currently in the middle of painting him)
    5. Oh! How odd! : D That'd good to know that Chiwoo is actually the taller one! : D How cute!
    6. It's a bit hard for me to accurately measure... I could be off since I'm eye-balling were the tape measure is falling...

      Elf El, late 2004--
      Body--foot to top of neck-- 21.25"
      Total height with head-- 23.75"

    7. I know you're very happy with your Hisoka, but just a thought:

      Would it be possible for them to switch bodies? Because then Tsuzuki would be the taller one, which is novel considering they're supposed to have the same sized body!
    8. Thats really odd!
      I got my Elf El when they came out last year and I *finaly* got the vap head a body.
      It came yesterday and hes the same size as his brother. They are both BW, if that helps!
      Its cool tho that some are biger!:)

    9. My friend mentioned that idea as well but their resin is waaaayyy too different to be able to do that. Not to mention that Chiwoos larger noggin' would look odd on the smaller body! XD
    10. YES!!! It is true!!! I noticed as well!!!

      My elf shiwoo is taller, heavier, more muscular, broader and defiently sturdier than my more recent El. It is definetly a different sculpt. Perhaps the mold deteriorated and they had to re-sculpt it (not much surprise, they do it over and over with each verison of the head, as an example, all lishe versions are different sculptures from the scratch)

      But yes, you are totally right. It's another body!
    11. Your Chiwoo is gorgeous! XD <3333
    12. I personally think it's kind of neat.. So each doll is a little unique, instead of them all being the same.