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Are boy dolls really less of a challenge? More boring? XD

Jan 22, 2006

    1. I find sewing for the boys is equally creative and challenging. Especially if you are into historical or fantasy garb I actually prefer designing for them.
    2. I think boys are even more of a challenge;) There are various ways one can dress a man, just that they usually aren't very much "mainstream".
    3. My boys outnumber my girls, and it isn't because they are less "challenging." The male dolls are a great deal of fun to design and sew for.

      Why is it that when females wear pants and/or masculine clothing, they're displaying a bit of "androgyny," but if males do ... well, nudge nudge, wink wink, you know what THAT says about them. Frankly, that's an antiquated (and particularly West-centric) idea.

      The male has been the peacock of the species since time immemorial. If you look at other species, the female is generally more subdued in color and manner -- probably because she's the one who protects the young.
    4. I have mostly boy dolls and have never found them boring in the least, but that might be because I don't see a point distinguishing between genders. My boys all have long hair, three of them have "make up" style face ups, while my only girl has a natural face up and relatively short hair. I just think personality should dictate a style, not the person's sex.
    5. Man fashion is what got me into BJD!

      I live with a very unfashionable boyfriend, so the sight of a goodlooking boy doll wearing all the clothes I'd wish my boyfriend could wear is the best compromise :D
    6. Hehe and I thought girls are outnumberd, when I look into the gallery the most dolls I see are boys. But there are many who are crossdressing. With crossdressing you have more challenges and ability's than you'll have with a girl.

      I didn't choose a girl because it's easy to buy clothes for her. I made the clothes myself, for me that's a part of this hobby. On the other hand it's easier to make a dress or skirt than pants.

      The second doll I'm going to buy is a boy doll. He will not be a crossdresser and he'll be 100% straight (that's indeed very original!) :lol: But he gets long hair and make-up.
      I'm going to make punky, gothic, victorian and dandy clothes for him.

      For me a cute little girl and a mature boy are the most interesting dolls to have. I think that I can't do much with a mature female. And if I'm going to buy an adult female she will be third on my list.
    7. Exactly! If my husband would let me dress him up, I wouldn't spend so much time dressing my dolls and taking pictures of them. :)
    8. As someone who makes clothes, I have to say that although I prefer boy dolls, I'm now getting more interested in the female ones because they're so much more interesting to sew for ^^; And they can wear boy clothes just as well, whereas it doesn't work quite so well the other way round =D
    9. For me it would be a challenge.......Cuz I am more picky about the style for my boy, and I specially don't like punk.
      I agree with Kurosakura that it is hard to seek out for a perfect outfit that match with my image.....
      So even though I can sort of afford a William (Not Fullset), I am hestitage to bring him back as by Jun's boyfriend......XD;

      I think that's another reason I prefer girls over boys......
    10. i'd definately say it's not boring right off the bat
      but i guess it's somewhat challenging, cept not.. really?
      i guess it's more like, because they're boys, it much more fun to dress them up in things they are usually limited from.
      not that any of my boys are like that, which is why it's somewhat challenging for me. they each have their own style, but i always end up buying or making things either in black or white xD;;
      i'm sure if i had a girl, i would put her in black and or white too, so it's most likely not a gender problem.

      .. i seem to have trailed off course a bit ^^;;
    11. There's always the option of having a feminine boy, in which case he'd be wearing girly clothes, so... A lot of variety! One of my boys likes to wear leather/-ette uniform, militaristic style clothing which is actually a real challenge to find in good quality and affordable without having a seamstress make it for you.

      Besides, I'm female, it's no fun for me to dress female dolls. I much prefer the challenge of dressing male dolls.
    12. OMG, NO! The boy dolls are what attracted me to BJDs in the first place. They are so much fun to change up. Plus you can get into some great cosplay with them, weapons and all. No, no, no, - the boys are fabulous.
    13. I think boys require a bit more subtlety in dress than girls, which makes them maybe... a bit more fun? XDD You start focusing on the tinier details, rather than whether or not to have pink frills or black satin frills.

      It's like kimono verses Elizabethan dress. One's very much more "flamboyant," and lotsa people like that. ^^
    14. i have three boys and two girls, and i find my girls are much easier to dress- and therefore more boring, i suppose. Miki wears only Friends 2B Made and the occasional borrowed princess dress, which she will then want to steal. Ruthie wears only Goth Lolita. out of my boys, one has been a cross-dresser (although he seems to be growing out of that now), one refuses to wear anything but the same green flowered robe and an assortment of jewelry, and one dresses like an "ordinary guy". i don't know... i think it's that with the girls i know what they're going to wear, more or less, whereas with my boys- even the one who only changes his jewelry- it's a bit more of a challenge to get them "perfect" every day. so no, i wouldn't say boys are boring at all!
    15. I have a boy and a girl wwweeellll DOD still has my girl.... I love making clothes for my boy.I never seem to run out of ideas.
      I'll go on the girly side, as long as I stay away from bright colors, hearts, totally pinks etc......then i'm still giving him a manly imageXD.
      Really i think you just work with their personality.My boys most fav colors are ivoy, black, red, greens. plus punk plaids always rock!!!!
      Skirts on a boy are ok. As long as its not a full ball gown, or a can can skirt. thats just to strange
    16. i don't know, my boy Isazu is quite fond of his fluffy green-and-black tulle "can can skirt" ;) it comes off as being quite punk!
    17. I havent got my girl yet ssssooo in the mean time i've been using my boy as a skirt model........he ssssooo hated meXD, thou it was lovely but not him. Once again i guess its their personality. My firends El doll lives in a skirt
      At my work there are a couple on men that come in, in skirts its sssssoooooo wrong. No lady I know says "OMG that man has nice legs" XD!!!!!!!!!!!!But that feel life

    18. I must agree. Boys are more of a challenge, because it's difficult to make them look different. Whenever I design clothes for my boy, I refuse to make things that I've already seen in other places. It's my personal goal to make the most different things I can :) Hence, how I designed my togamono :)
    19. Actually most of boys should be wearing fun, exciting clothes (one likes street style, one is like...bondage) I'm just too lazy and/or cheap to get them cool clothes.

      Men's clothing can be very fun and fashionable, it just usually isnt'...
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