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Are tinies like drugs (or Lays potato chips)? You Decide!

Jul 20, 2009

    1. Don't mention CCC! I'm trying hard not to get a fairy from there...I love little fairies!

      (though what I find most attractive at CCC...does not seem to be available on the site... :lol: )

    2. you better not be talking about kori D=
      they are addictive. i ADORE my msd and my SD when he had his body but TINIES I NEED THEM.

      One Yo, three puki's, a strong desire for: PKF, LTF, MORE YOSD, Latigreen, Lati yellow, moar puki.

      i have a list somewhere its bad
    3. I agree! These are highly addictive!
      I started with a Felix Brownie, then I bought an Elfdoll tiny and am about to get another Elfdoll tiny. But you just can't help it! They are so sweet!
    4. Are tinies like drugs (or Lays potato chips)? You Decide! Reply to Thread

      Drugged potato chips.
    5. I think they are highly addicting.. Here I am with one, but I'm working feverishly on trying to figure out how I can get the other bazillion I want >.<''
    6. Yes! I am sometimes crazily doll obsessed!! *_*
      Most times the only thing that stops me is lack of money.
    7. At the beginning I really want an SD boy...
      Now I have some tinies home...some on way.... some I want XP...and my poor SD head I bought two(or three?) months ago ._.'
      And I'm saving money.... I know I will be ble to buy him a body soon.... the matter is "to buy my SD a body or to buy tinies?" ..... tinies are SO tempting ;_;~~
      sorry Haru TT *try to hide from the mad head that keeps staring me with those bloody eyeholes(because he's without eyes yet)*
    8. The tinies are so fun! I think I would be more addicted though if there were as many unique ones as there are MSDs and SDs. You can get such awesome clothes for the big dolls, but clothes for mature tinies just don't seem to have caught up. :(
    9. Since this is a site for tiny addicts, I think we should spam some photos of the itty bitty ones. Here are some photos I took of my Puki girls:




      And here's one of my tiny boys:

    10. Excellent idea, sfbeck!


      And I just saw today that my first pukipuki, my Pukisha, has shipped! Yay! More tinies for me!!!
    11. Two months ago I didn't think I would like a tiny bjd at all, preferring the more mature looks... But now I want one badly, even tried to get one off ebay as I don't want to wait for weeks for a new one, but got outbit.
      And I don't even know how it happened, I mean how I fell in love with tinies that is :D
    12. sfbeck those pictures are just amazing!
      I only collect tiny dolls now. I prefer 12cm and smaller. They are addictive!
    13. Tinies will definitely multiply soon after you get your first one! :) (not without making your wallet slimmer, unfortunately) There's something about getting one that makes you want many others.
    14. The tinies are addictive because they are so darn cute. And it's always easy to justify one more because they don't take up much space.
    15. My love for tinies is hard to explain to my boyfriend. He doesn't understand why the little ones can cost the same or more than the bigger dolls. I was confused about it in the beginning as well, but then I did my homework on how horribly deadly and difficult working with resin is, and how it must be a pain in the bum to cast a doll that even the smallest resin flaw can ruin. And darn it all, I prefer the slim tinies too.
    16. They're crack/potato chips/Tim Horton's coffee. Take your pick.

      I don't even have any, so of course I couldn't just get one, I had to buy two Brownies. I couldn't let one be all alone around here, she would have no one to talk to! :lol:

      And then sfbeck had to post a pictures of hers, including one with blue hair. And blue-haired dollies are my weakness. *_*:...(
    17. Azami, I call that little blue-haired girl, Blue Roses. She's a Rose face mold Puki from FairyLand. Plus the name reminds me of a quote from the play "The Glass Menagerie," where a character says she has the disease pleurosis, and the boy she has a crush on thinks she said "Blue Roses."
    18. A photo of my new Lati doll yellow sheep Cookie, because she is just too cute! (I already answered this question... above.)
      I am now collecting the tiny Lati dolls... How can you not want more of these? lol
    19. Ah. They're like both drugs and potato chips. Just not bad for your body and or fattening. :D darn little things are addictint though. :) bought Soom Bygg and Beyla, now just bought a Puki. gah they're invading! Or multiplying..... 0.o'
    20. Potato chips... because its impossible to have just one. You HAVE to have another, then another, and then the whole can. XD
      I have two Volks Yo's right now, and I want more!