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Are your dolls replaceable?

May 24, 2011

    1. No. Even if I bought the same sculpts over again, got the same wig, the same eyes, everything, it just wouldn't be the same. I'd always KNOW that the second version was a replacement and it just wouldn't feel right.

      To me, every doll is different and no two will ever be exactly the same.
    2. I feel like it would be really hard to replace my Soom Amber if something ever happened to her because she's harder to find, but I would try to find another one. I know she wouldn't be the same, and I wouldn't want her to be. I just love the sculpt so much that I would want another. For me it would be really hard to move on from the Amber I have because she is my first BJD, so she's even more special to me (and she's my grail doll).

      If something ever happened to any of my non-limited dolls, I would still get the same sculpt. I wouldn't try to make them the same either, but I get BJDs because I love the sculpt, not because of a character I envision them to be. One of my dolls does have a personality and a story, and I would do my best to recreate him if something happened. But I would probably change the story because I know he'd be different. If I had to replace a doll, I would also rename him/her, and not force them to be something they're not.

      I'm trying to say that I don't think my dolls are replaceable, but I would try to recreate them because I become attached to the one I have. If they don't fit what the other doll was, I would make them into a different "character".
    3. I don't think my dolls are replaceable, in a sense. I couldn't just "reshell" the doll as the character the former doll was. I think even if I were to buy the same sculpts and everything, it just wouldn't be the same.
    4. I'm usually pretty sappy when it comes to subjects similar to this one... but here, my rational side kicks in and says "Yes!", because honestly, these resin beauties are fabricated products. Many molds will be around for a long time ahead (unless they're limiteds, of course, but there's almost always second-hand bargains), so if one of my dolls were to break beyond restoration, I can buy a new doll to replace him/her. The character I had in mind then I fell in love with the mold itself won't change just because he/she appears with, say, a slightly darker/lighter resin colour or has a body with a different joint system.
      In a way, it will be sad if you think back on what my doll and I had gone through before the replacement - all the places we travaled to, all the photos I took of the doll, all the small details I've worked with - but I think that in the long run, I'd be sadder if I didn't get an identical copy to inherit the previous doll's place, than if I just left his/her place empty.
      But, I haven't been a BJD maniac for a long time enough to experience this subject in person, so you never know. Perhaps I change mys thoughts when my very first doll (the one I have the strongest emotional attachment to) breaks? Who knows?
    5. I hope I never have to deal with it but my household insurance better cover it, they are listed on it. I don't think I could ever replace Ceil, my Lati Doll red, something about his model is no longer made or something. I got him second hand and I've modded him to be more proportionate, so he'd probably be a whole new doll from another company. My other 3, I think it might be easy enough to get replacements of the same model and I would do my best to 'resurrect' them. But the .5 floating head, maybe I'd have to get a new version. I'm very fond of them as is, and with two of them having their default faces, I'm not sure the 'in house' artists who would do the replacement dolls would do the same face, but I would try.
    6. I could never replace Dusk. I just feel that if she was destroyed, it would be like she died, her soul that I gave her would leave...If i were to replace her with same body and name...she would not be the same soul...only a look-a-like...the new one wouldn't know of the great times we had together...lol sounds weird...i know.
    7. I could never replace Feya if she were damaged beyond repair. We've had some crazy and good experiences together, and a replacement wouldn't feel right at all to me. Not only because Feya's personality is impossible to duplicate, but also because I'd feel like I was cheating her, or the memory of her somehow, if that makes sense.
    8. I would be downright devestated if one of my dolls where damaged to the piont that I would consider replacing them all together. For Ryu, he's a limited doll and I'm not quite sure if I could even find the same scuplt to replace him, but if I could I might be able to. As for Chase and Aiden, Chase I would replace in a millisecond because I would be nothing without his scuplt, but it wouldn't be chase anymore, it would be someone else. As for Aiden... no one could replace him, I would be devestated if I lost him and certainly unable to replace him.
    9. There are a few dolls in my collection whom I can replace without much emotional anguish, but some of my older ones--especially my first--it'll be difficult if any of them were to break beyond repair/get stolen/who knows what. It's not so much the doll itself and the character tied to it, but I have some good memories and experiences tied to those particular dolls. They have history....and I'm so sentimental when it comes to those things. If Hikaru were to ever break in a million pieces, I'd still get a Hikaru v2, but I'd probably try to contain the pieces of the original Hikaru in a jar if I could. Just to keep him. :XD:
    10. Recently, I have sold several heads without body. Now, I have 8 dolls and all of them are the only ones ^^
    11. For me they are completely irreplaceable. While Frost was an already existing character the more I worked on him the more was added to the character design. So if he was irriplacably damaged then I would not just get another doll with the same sculpt and remake him. I would never have that character again. I'm pretty sentimental to though haha
    12. I feel that mine are irreplaceable and it just wouldn't be the same, even if I could go out and get an identical one.
    13. I don't mean whether or not you have limiteds or whatever, I mean if one of your dolls were destroyed somehow, would you buy the same sculpt to replace it and name it the same thing?
      Yes, definetly!I am very attached to my resin kids, but even more attached to their characters, so I would replace them.

      Or are your dolls irreplaceable to you to where you couldn't bring yourself to just buy a new one and feel the same way about it?
      Although I would replace a doll, it would never feel the same way about a doll.
    14. I doubt any of my dolls are replaceable to me. If anyone of them broke, I won't hesitate to buy the same sculpt again to "mend" it back. However, no matter how similar they look, deep inside my heart, I would probably feel they're different.

      Still, I won't give it a 100% no on finding a new and more suitable sculpt looks for the character if it ever occurs to me.
    15. No not replaceable, but I do have a few other molds I would like to get, so I would move forward with that. I really like the ones I have and would like to keep them the way they are.
    16. I don't think I'd feel the same about my dolls if I needed to get them replaced.
    17. Let's hope I never have to find out.
    18. Oh my gosh, the vary idea of having one of them "break" can being unable to fix him is just terrible to me! If it was their bodies, for instance Ryo has a chunk of his leg missing for some unexplainable reason, I wouldn't have a problem replacing those, however I couldn't ever replace them entirely. The new dolls just wouldn't be the same, and I couldn't even guarantee that they had the same personality.
    19. I agree with nerakk. I would be crying for a couple months and then my friends that would help me by getting me in the mood of buying a new doll and shaping the doll's character.
    20. Actually no. Luts does not make Cutie Delfs anymore so my Corys could not be replaced period. And the others...no...