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Ask your 70cm Dollshe boy clothing questions here!

Jun 29, 2005

    1. Gah I was trying to find something new for Kai today... same boat..
      I broswed all my usual favourite haunts online for scope and nothing..nyathing.. -_-' and I don't have anything particular in mind - so I can't commision.

      We need more tailors for Hounds ^-^
    2. There isn't much for hound on Y!J unfortunately. Every now and then someone makes something, and then they usually sell the outfit with the hound himself T.T
      I've noticed even in japan people have to use commissions.
    3. eluts.com carries some clothes for Hound, and well...it's only 3 outfits, but maybe they'll be getting more in. XD;
    4. i do hound commissions :3 you can click the link on my sig..
    5. I need to make a new gallery... but anything you see on my site can also be ordered in Hound size.

      This is a page from my portfolio, but it shows more of the stuff I can make. :3
      http://www.g36.net/smcneal/dolls.html Basic prices are on here: http://g36.net/ocdesigns/ Hound's fun to sew for because he's so elegant. I think that's why he ends up mostly in suits and fancy boy stuff. I'm certainly guilty of that... I think the thing I get the most orders for is a poet shirt for him. On the other hand, my personal Hound, Nathan, is lounging in a Sandman inspired trenchcoat(actually a commission!) and a pair of beat up jeans. X3
    6. batchix, wow. i'd been to your site before but somehow I'd never seen that page.

    7. never been to batchix site b4.... lol

      anyhows i ask someone locally to do tailor for me... let u know once i get my hound and the clothes :D
    8. Ok, where can I find decent priced clothes and wigs for him? He's already going to cost me 700 bucks, bald and naked, and I know I can get him a face cheaper through DOA than any place that sells him, but the clothes...even the basic outfit is over a 100 bucks. I'd sew for him, but all I have is SD sized patterns.
    9. Iplehouse and Cheerydoll both have decent sized Hound clothing selections. And just about any SD sized wig should fit, mine wears Leekeworld. ^^
    10. Thank you very much. All Luts has is pretty pricey, moreso since they had to raise prices!
    11. There are a lot of designers on here who make Hound clothes, too -- there's a thread dedicated to it somewhere, if you do a bit of searching :)

      -- Andi <3
    12. ^-^ Dollmore ~ Iplehouse and Cheerydoll are the most amazing quality but they are more expensive

      It depends what style of clothing you're looking for as well.. ^-
    13. I draft, sew and customise for Hound if you are interested, doesn't matter if you want specific or absic. If you are interested PM me
    14. Still going to be a good while before I can even think on getting one, maybe around Christmas, hopefully! Just seeing where stuff could be found! ANd yes, I'll definately PM you Effigy!
    15. I do alot of commissions for Hound, and pride myself on keeping my prices very reasonable.

      Batchix also sews for him.
    16. Ah yes, I will keep the three of you in mind when I get him!
    17. You can pester me too, Rynn. I've got some basic patterns drawn up for the big boy. ^3^ I'm finally totally happy with my dress shirt pattern for him.
    18. Yay Osaka! ^^
    19. Hey all,

      Does anyone here know where I can find these types of shoes for Hounds/Bermanns?

      - casual shoes
      - sneakers
      - ankle boots that look like blundstones or doc martens

      Most online stores have chunky goth boots, but I'm looking for boots that look realistic, you know something you'd wear out to work yourself and not too overdone like a fantasy character.

      Most casual shoes I found look like dress shoes, is there anything that looks like golf shoes perhaps or something funkier?

      Sneakers...I haven't seen a single one. Anyone know?
    20. Dollmore http://dec54261.dreamweb.co.kr/index.php has a really good selection of "normal" shoes and they list the measurements as well so you can check size. I know they have lots of sneakers, don't know if you'll find the other shoes or not, but it's worth a look.

      I haven't recieved my order from them yet, but my friend orders from them all the time and says their quality is great and their prices are not bad.