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B&G (Boy & Girl) Doll elf boys discussion

Apr 27, 2008

    1. They do both look really lovely. ;o; Ohhhh, I don't need temptations like this at the moment... XD
    2. omg i love love looooove the first one, Sapphira (sp?)

      but... i dont like the non-attached ear thing going on >>
      i wish they had some human ones.

      LOVE the face tho~ soo pretty OWO<3
    3. I LOVE the face sculpts, but the only thing that totally turns me off is the elf ears .__________.; I hope they make human ears :...(

      EDIT: Is it me or does Elf boy A remind you of Twilight Princess LINK? O__O
    4. XD I actually said the exact same thing but about Elf Boy B, but maybe that's because I had DARK Link in mind. :sneaky
    5. Anyone know what the price usually is for the SD sculpts? I can't find it on the site and I'm guessing these two boys will probably be close to that price range (or the same) :sweat
    6. Me, want, both, now...sigh. I've already got a Sky(Shiloh), who I love to bits. In fact, he's staring at me right now with a "Don't you have enough of us already" look. But, they're ELVES! With big pointy ears! sigh!
    7. These boys are BEAUTIFUL! I really hope B&G comes out with human ears though, because as beautiful as the elf ears are, they just don't suit the character I've got planned.
    8. From what I can tell on the website, the 1/3 size dolls are $330. That's really affordable. ^_^ Makes me want to bring home both of the elves. :o
      Here's Sky's page: http://hk.geocities.com/layla_mi/bgdoll/bgsky.html

      Heh... :sweat My crew of resin kids kind of look at me and say "You know you want more of us, aren't we just the cutest!!"
    9. MRRRG WANT.

      And lol, he does remind me of Link XD Maybe the colouring and the hair. So omgwant. Gonna buy him the second he comes out *-*
    10. I love them too! I will so get the Elf B one. I hope they are not limited. ^^
    11. I love the second elf the B model. I think that an elf in tanned resin ^_^...mmmm i love for made a drow ^_^. But, whethever, i like it in this colour of resin to ^_^. Is very probably that can be in my family in the future.
    12. Well, I love elves as much as all mythical creatures, I was looking for an elf, but then I bought Soom Vega Last Song! So now an elf will have to wait :( These two are gorgeous, I'm partial to the first one I love those ears that point down a bit more than the others. It's great to see so many different types of elves! I guess I'll be staring a wishlist soon!

    13. Mmmmmmmmmm, those are pretty. I like their facial features; not too extreme or unusual.
    14. I love Elf Type B those ears and that face says attitude all over, gosh I hope the price is not too much, why do I love and want every new doll that comes out??:doh
    15. alana 214: thank you! it seems I was looking at a different page XD

      My preference is towards the first one XD. I love his eyes and with the proper faceup he should look just like one of my characters.. now if only they made them in tan ;-; . Otherwise this skin color will have to do XD
    16. I think the second one, elf boy B is absolutely gorgeous. I hope I manage to get my hands on him. *3* I absolutely adore that face up.
    17. WOW. I really want them both, lol. I can live with ears A XD; I'm hoping for some human ears as well or some human versions. But I love them both, sadly I'll probably have to get both. XD;

      And I agree, I thought the first boy looks like Link! '_'

      The second boy screams to me the name "Ruby" to me. :kitty1
    18. *gasp!*

      Must Have one!
      The elf ears are more than adorable! I can't wait until we can order them! (haha...a few more days...)
    19. Anyone know when they'll go on sale? Are there any photos of the body around? Where do international people order them from? They've both got lovely faces.
    20. They go on sale on the 1st of May (which is... the 2nd for us, I think?) and you can order them from here: http://hk.geocities.com/layla_mi/bgdoll/bgm.html

      They're renewing the body, I'm not sure if it'll be the same as before... but this is the boy body. They're amazing standers, too *-* Rock solid.

      Weeeee, soon! *waits* I'ma get me a Sapphira asap!