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Baby Sup - Tiny from Supiadoll

Dec 17, 2007

    1. BJDMSB - I'd love to see the pram and bassinet. bashetteironworks.com makes some beautiful things, but I don't think I could afford it.

      blackeyeliner - I will have to go add my babies.

    2. Deleted (I re-read the marketplace rules).

    3. These are so cute! Do you mind telling me what brand they are so I can look them up online?
    4. Those are baby Supia dolls, supiadolls.com.
    5. Sorry, guess that did sound like I was asking about the dolls; I meant who makes the little carrier & walker!
    6. Oh, I should have realized it, lol. Sorry.
    7. Hey

      They are "Lots of Love" babies. They came with little 5 inch-ish vinyl babies in them. They also had other things available, like a bed, swing, and bath tub. The ones I got where the ones I thought looked the most realistic.

      Best of Luck,
    8. Regarding that bashette basinette, it's listed in the "accessories" section.
    9. Hi there,
      I've been asked to make something for one of these cuties.
      Does anyone have any pics of them compared to other dolls.
      I'm thinkning a bobobie or Lati Yellow maybe?
    10. I don't have a picture but I have had a Pocket Fairy before and they can wear the same size clothing, also Ellery Kish is the same size except for the feet.
    11. Lati Yellow is about the closest size. And yes, my Babysups could wear Ellery Kish, but only dresses and poufy bloomers, the Baby Sups have larger tushies so can't fit into any but the stretchiest of Ellery pants. They can wear anything made for the Latis though. I don't have either doll anymore, so I am sorry I can't post pictures.
    12. Aww look at the babies! They are so adorable, I may have to get 1 next year since I have spent out this year:sweat
    13. derilan85 - I noticed on the site, it says :

      "Baby Supias are currently Sold Out...We will have more information in the future on availability"

      Maybe you can email Doll-Fair and ask them if they can notify when they are available again. I'm going to keep my eyes on them in case they offer "tan". I love my Baby Sups and would love to get them in tan also. I say "also" because I could never re-home my NS ones. For me, They are keepers.

      Best of Luck,
    14. So cute!!!! Are they girls?
    15. cat777 - I wanted them to be girls, but I bought them (from a wonderful DOA member) from the classifieds. So Sena is a girl and Seron has boy parts, but they are very tiny. To me Seron is a girl, I don't see any reason to mod him since no one can see. I just love them my girls!

    16. bumping this up with a question....... are the baby sups still sold out? where the babies names are there is a hyphen and says "sold out", but they can be added to the cart, so i am confused. just thinkin'.........
    17. My girls got new rompers from swampy. Swampy is so talented. The outfits are adorable. What do you think?
      I absolutely adore these babies.

    18. Yia, your babies are so beautiful!:aheartbea I really really need a few of my own!:XD:
      If anyone has a Baby Sup in tan resin I'd love to see:D Especially Seron^^
    19. Gosh, what a cutie pie Eddie is!:D I just adore Seron and Sena the most of the three, I will have to have one of each of those two for sure:aheartbea Also, are those Kelly doll shoes he's wearing? It would be awesome if they could fit some Kelly shoes cuz I have tons!
    20. Does anyone know if they are ever going to release the babies again??