1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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BeYours Discussion

Mar 16, 2012

    1. She's absolutely lovely! Thank you so much for sharing!
    2. I ordered a beyours Olive boy from sunny's world back in November because I absolutely fell in love with his face. ; u; but it's been just over two months now and i'm starting to get impatient!! I can't wait for him to get here.
    3. I can't wait to see your Olive~! He has such a nice face, and I love their bodies as well.
      Sunny's World has been good and reliable for me so I wouldn't worry yet, you can always message them if the wait gets extra long, they have usually given me prompt replies :3nodding:

      Here's my Olive, Dmitri <3 his face-up still isn't done and he doesn't have his proper eyes, but oh well... I still think he's cute~
      [​IMG]IMG_20170117_005131_081 by thebodyvolcanic, on Flickr
      • x 2
    4. Oh gosh he has such a lovely face * o * even the unfinished face-up looks so good already. Smitri looks so precious!
      One of the big reasons I decided on beyours was because of the bodies as well, it's so hard to find a non-super muscular body in SD size it seems.
      It's been a couple years since I got a brand new BJD and I forgot how hard the wait can be!! My last boy was secondhand, so he was in super quick. I'll probably not send an email until over the three month mark Cx
    5. Thank you so much!! And me too! I'm really not into the buff 6-pack aesthetic for my dudes, so I was happy to find BeYours, their bodies are really lovely.
    6. Aww.... What a cute boy! He looks so sleepy, and kinda grumpy to be woken up! :D
    7. I don't mind the super buff manly men for some looks xD but I was looking to shell a specific character who is a small grumpy thing and has like no muscle mass. most sculpts and bodies just didn't work for him at all. ahh, now I just need to actually order clothes so he doesn't have to be in the nude when he gets home...
    8. Aw thanks so much :whee: I actually got the "grumpy/just woke up" comment on my instagram too :lol: he must be channeling me...
    9. LOL that was my mistake, I only got mine some boxers from Alice's Collections and no substantial clothes, and he's been near nude for quite awhile. He fits into regular SD tops pretty well though so he's used the ones I have for my Peak's Woods dude, and my friend was kind enough to make him some pants so I could bring him to a meet x'D
    10. - u -;; I made that mistake with my poor last boy...he just sat on a shelf...completely nude, for months. I almost felt guilty. I'm hoping the clothes I ordered actually fit him, pants wise. Good to know shirt won't be a problem!! : D
      xD at least he wasn't flashing everyone at the meet?? My local group has brought nude dolls before, the sweets shop we usually go to is so used to it at this point they don't even bat an eye when we restring dolls mid-shop.
    11. Hahaha omg that's great! We only go like once a month to this coffee shop IDK if the staff recognize us or anything yet. And I didn't want any regular non-doll people to be freaked out by a ~2ft tall naked doll:lol:
    12. Recently we haven't done, but we're supposed to have one at the end of the month. Cx we usually call the shop before hand as a warning, just in case it's supposed to be a bust day or something. Oh man but I understand!! I wanted to bring my 60cm boy out into the city and to the mall with me but I chickened out of even doing that and brought a tiny instead. I can't imagine having a completely naked doll in a place that wasn't already used to it.
    13. Yepp >w< I'm too shy to even bring fully clothed dolls out unless it's with other doll people hahaha. I really want a tiny to be able to take around in a pocket or bag though...
    14. I just placed my order with Sunny's World on Friday, I hope you get your boy soon! It's been a very, very long time since I ordered directly from a company, so I feel your pain and the wait is going to be hard! So great to see lovely photos here while waiting, though :)

      @TheBodyVolcanic Your boy is lovely! Echoing everyone else, I picked BeYours for the delicate body and then was lucky enough to find a perfect headsculpt as well. I love my big buffbody mcmuscleman but this character is meant to be very slender and small!
    15. Ohh man I understand, I am too!! I'm good to bring my tiny out into the city, but I couldn't even bring my 60cm boy with me into the book store without like...glancing around to make sure no one was paying attention. Dx it was nervewracking and I wish it wasn't!

      @Wolfie Ohhh who did you order?? c: yeah, it makes it a bit easier seeing all the amazing photos, I'm ridiculously glad I stumbled on the thread.
    16. buffbody mcmuscleman omg :XD: me too though, I actually found BY because a year or two ago I asked in a Facebook group if anyone had recommendations for bigger non muscular boys. After I found them though I've found I really like some of their girl sculpts as well so I might get one of them someday too ~
    17. Redcopper! He's a character I've been trying to re-shell ever since I had to sell my KD Elf Ttori many, many years ago, and I think this will FINALLY be the right fit!

      @TheBodyVolcanic The sculpts are all really pretty! And I'll have to get some good photos of the delicate and lovely BY next to mister buffnstuff when he arrives :lol: My other SD-size boy is an SID Claude!
    18. @Wolfie Ohh,I understand. xD I'm re-shelling as well. I'd decided I didn't like MDSs as much as SDs, thus the hunt for my boy in a bigger size...it took longer than I expected - u- ;; Awe, I'm sorry you had to sell your KD elf but hopefully redcopper is going to be perfect! > u <
    19. I think he will be, thanks!

      My poor Ttori came from a bad resin batch back in 2006, and turned butter yellow within... two years? Maybe not even that long. The shiny, plasticky, banana-colored resin was just awful to handle, so even though he's a character I adore I just couldn't keep the doll itself. In the years since then, I've found the same thing as you--I still love MSDs, but SD sculpts are just so detailed and they're really pleasant to work with! I can't wait to see how the BY body feels :)
    20. D: oh god, I would be so heartbroken at a bad batch of resin, that's awful!! and in such a short amount of time too. Man, my big boy is from I think....2009 and he's still not all too yellow, thankfully.