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Big BB Discussion(All Companies)

Mar 24, 2017

    1. I'm seriously thinking about it, after I get my SD guy's body upgraded. I've been wanting the Big BB size, and I've been hoping some will come out with smaller eyes/more proportional features... This one looks a little "older" which is nice :) I'm not sure that the "right" one for me has come out yet though XD
    2. There was a news item about ShouShou Emily but when I try to access it now I get

      Den of Angels - Error

      You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

      Maybe it's under review.
    3. @nancy_schroeder_ca That's odd. I can say that painted wings was the dealer. You could also find her on Licht's site but she could be under review due the type two body she was on?

      The name of the company that sells her Body is sold on Doll Super Shop under the company name 靈 舞 人形 which translates to Dance Soul Doll.

      #63 AnnoDomini, May 1, 2017
      Last edited: May 3, 2017
    4. I always loved Napidoll heads. I may have to go check that out.... though for my wallet's sake I shouldn't. >.>
    5. As DollSuperShop are also a recast dealer, I'm not sure if you need to edit out the link as per DoA rules.

      This seems to be the Taobao site for 靈 舞 人形 / Dance Soul Dolls which Licht list as the maker of Emily.

      Its odd that her face sculpting is of a completely different quality to the other dolls in their line up.

      Edit: sorry, I get it now, the body is Dance Soul Dolls but the head is by a different maker, Shoushou. Thats why the sculpt quality is so different.
      #65 babytarragon, May 3, 2017
      Last edited: May 3, 2017
    6. @babytarragon Ah thank you, my mistake but I knew that name sounded a tad familiar. In a bad way ^^;

      Yes I think that's she very cute, she apparently also matches Volks NS so if you don't want to go through with the Dance Soul Doll body I think there are other options out there then.
    7. Hi everyone :3

      I've just recently fallen for Xaga's MIBobby. I hope to add her to my MSD collection and am currently contemplating if she'll fit or will clearly stand out.

      As it is, I'm kind of tempted to just order her and see for myself ^^° Fallen in love and got so many ideas for her already. Even thought I'm usually totally not into BB dolls as most of my BJD cast is teen to adult (and I plan one old man among them too, so ^^°). BUT if everything works out, I already have a place for MIBobby and story to work her into everything -^3^-
    8. @Snowy MIBobby is really cute! As far as her fitting in it depends on how you place her in the story I guess.

      There will be a noticeable difference but I've given up on trying to squeeze my dolls together in my story and just made a new story for the big bbs I want. Hehe

      I really like MiTata my self and that might be whome I get from the Xagadoll line. I'm hoping they may a big bb version of May though hehe.
    9. @AnnoDomini Thanks for your kind words!

      Well, unless she's completely bubble headed or BIG-headed, I already have some story variations on how to fit her into it. And I usually don't try to fit any doll in. The stories just seem to develop on her own.
      Either way, one version is that she's a half-giant and is living in a human village. She's taken a potion from an alchemist to stop her from growing any taller, so she can comfortably live among them.
      If she turns out like at my attempted photoshopping, she'll simply be a slightly chubby, short girl, fullfilling her dream of making the best cakes and sweet and magic versions with effects :)

      Also, I think a MiTata is in-stock at MoC *whistles innocently*
    10. @Snowy I haven't seen any pis of the Xaga white line with other size bjds. I think a few people on this thread have them, though, so maybe they can oblige?! I know MYou and BabyDelf don't look right at all with MSD size, but they are a bit bigger than the white line. It sounds like you have a pretty good story in the works, though! I fully support you ordering the oh so lovely MIBobby to try her out!

      I just recieved notice that my MYou Matcha with standard body shipped! Yay! Maybe I'll sneak back into my sewing room and whip up an outfit for her/him. I haven't decided if it a boy or girl yet, though I ordered the girl body. He/She is definitely going to be a younger sibling for Ellowyn. I think I'm making them a set from a steampunk time. Ellowyn is mechanically inclined and my Matcha will be someone interested in sewing.
      #70 whisperwolf, May 4, 2017
      Last edited: May 4, 2017
    11. Xagadoll are on the slimmer side, so they are closer to regular mini than others, but their heads are obviously much bigger, which I think is the main difference.
    12. That's what I thought, @babytarragon. Is their head a full SD size? I think MYou and Luts are 9-10", but white line look more like 8-9"
    13. @Snowy I agree with whisper wolf that your story sounds solid for the type of doll you're ordering, super creative too! If that's the case then I'm sure the size difference shouldn't be a problem with the way you'll have her back story set up. She sounds cute!

      @whisperwolf Congrats! I can't wait to see them! Matcha is really starting to get me too, moreso than Mousee who looks similar but I like matcha better.

      I'm still waiting for my Rosenlied Bambi and I'm getting anxious lol. So I really want to order a Loretta on a boy body. XD We'll see..hehe.

      And yes I saw that MiTata was in stock i was completely tempted.
    14. @whisperwolf Yes, I've seen those combinations as well, so I'm a little bit worried. Especially since they are taller than my plan. But you are right, the White line IS on the smaller side, so... :3

      Congratulations on the shipping notice :D Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand... it sounds like maybe you should have gotten twins ;9
      Steampunk is cool, no? *0*

      To semi-answer the question you gave to babytarragon: They are 8-9 sized. Strangely enough the difference in head circumference is only 2 or 3 cm, but while regular MSDs land around 7,5 inch, these few cm end up wiht 8,8 inch, which was part of why I was ... worried about bubble headedness ^^°

      @babytarragon It's reassuring to hear that they are on the slimmer side :) Thanks.

      -^^- Thank you! I intend to learn how to sew cute dresses just for her ^^°

      Also: Was tempted? :3 Not 'am' tempted? ;p

      This is btw my photoshopped picture. I simply cut them at the top head line and at the feet and then adjusted the pics to size (38cm for the Xagagirl, 42,5cm for the Luts KDF boy).
      The result... makes me think it's possible to work out for my concept, even thought the head is clearly bigger.

      [​IMG]size-reference-XAGA-MIbobbie_Luts-KDF-Multibodybody by Wildcard_Snowy, auf Flickr
      #74 Snowy, May 5, 2017
      Last edited: May 5, 2017
      • x 1
    15. @Snowy It looks like she'll work with your storyline to me! She is just so adorable!

      If I get another BB, it would definitely be a boy. I have a feeling that Matcha will stay a girl, but I'll experiment. I'm going to go sit down and work on my steampunk stuff now.
    16. @Snowy I only say 'was' tempted as I really want a myou baby soon and in can't swing both right now. Plus Myou is having a sale :3

      Great comparison but if course they head on the xaga girl will be bigger XD

      Matcha might be on my list, and now Luts baby delf Rose hehe. Oh dear...
      • x 1
    17. I will soon have a Gem of Doll baby to show off in here as well. <3 I'm two payments into my order for Miroro. <3
      • x 2
    18. @wherethelilacsbloom Miroro is so adorable! I love her little toddlerish teeth showing. Their bodies look to be well sculpted, with chubby little knees. Did you get the fullset? Congrats on almost paying her off! I can't wait to see her with Rose!

      btw, who do you use for your repainting usually?
    19. Thank you, @whisperwolf <3 I, too, thought she was adorable. And i rather like her eye shape :) It's droopy and adorable, but not as stylized as some of Gem of Doll's other girls. :) She's a happy middle for me!

      I just got her (no clothes), but with the face up. I wanted to see the quality of their face ups in person, especially since I have a line of girls already waiting for painting.. <3

      As for artists, my favorites to work with these days are Darjeeling and Memento Mori. Darjeeling, however, seems to be taking a break from commission work, for the most part. I adore Mori and am actually going to be sending her two heads very soon (Maisie and Maya), I hope. She does excellent, quality work. A lot of my other girls, not painted by these artists, have had company face ups or face ups from artists commissioned by their first owners.. :) My Angell-Studio girls all have A-S face ups, though I might change some of them at some point.. I am in love with how they painted my Mandarava and Hua Rong though. As you know, Anabelle has a Luts face up. I also got a slot with Pauli's Faceup Studio, and I'm really excited to give her a try. <3 And my Mako just recently returned from BloodyCrow, and I love how she turned out. <3 I'd love to commission more asian artists, but in general, its difficult to get replies from many of them. I think TTfaceups is absolutely amazing, but as far as I understand, she doesn't take international commissions. :(
      • x 2
    20. I got lucky and found the Xaga MiBobby on sale 2nd hand only a couple days after posting here.
      I'm now waiting for her arrival, which is likely going to take at least a week ^^°

      Already started a first dress for her and searched together some emergency eyes and a wig ^^°

      Definitly will post a size-comparisson pic once I got her :3
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