1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Big BB Discussion(All Companies)

Mar 24, 2017

    1. Thank you for clarifying it for me~ I checked the site again, and the model was under the 1/6 category, but it looks like they're actually 38.5 cm. I'll definitely consider it now!
    2. @Princess Kenny Yeah some companies view dolls under 40cm as 1/6th but there are lot of big bbs who arent quite at the 40cm mark still consider msd/1/4th.

      They list them as big bb hands so that was a giveaway for me haha xD I hope if you try them you review! ^0^
    3. Hi, would anyone be able to tell me if there are any of these types of doll that are double jointed? I got a bit lost in all the information :)
    4. Xagadoll, Doll Legend, Souldoll and Huajing are double jointed, not sure about others
    5. @princesspetal MYou original BB body is double-jointed as well with lots of notches (but single-joint wrist and ankles), but the pear body is a true ball-joint, not double-jointed, at all joints.
    6. Thank you so much for your responses :) Do you know if any of those would fit the animator doll clothes? Or if none of those, do you know others that do? I heard the Mokashura from Dollmore does but not sure about any others
    7. While some Animator clothes may work on various dolls, if you want one that can reliably wear Animator close I think the Mokashura is the best choice. The Animator body has unusual proportions.
    8. I've heard that MYou BBs can fit Disney Animators' clothes, but it might be a bit looser since the waist circumference is about two inches smaller. Someone who actually has a MYou doll should check this, haha.
    9. I was just about to post a list of Taobao shops that make clothing for RL Holiday/Big BB size. If anyone has more links please feel free to post!

      Odd Aristocratic
      Funfun Studio
      Annas Clover
      One White

      Bear in mind that since RL Holiday is the most popular size in China, the clothes might be largely based on that type. They are also smaller in circumference than Myou or Baby Delf too so make to sure to ask your agent about sizing.

      I'll post these shops on the first page too and feel free to share with the other big bb company threads.

      I have ordered from Yoyo before and they make lovely clothes that apparently will be made for Myou doll too.

      Nigo is also in Etsy which there is more stock there than on her Taobao.
      #109 AnnoDomini, May 17, 2017
      Last edited: May 17, 2017
      • x 5
    10. I can add to the list. Though my understanding of formatting is rather terrible.

      Anything priced at 999, 9999, or 8888, etc. is sold out. A lot of these smaller companies tend to keep Sold Out merchandise on their Taobao pages... I suppose, as displays.

      Desers (Almost always Sold Out, but worth checking. I own several Desers outfits and LOVE them. Luts also sells Desers clothes..):
      1/4 GIRL-+DESERS+ When dreams come true-淘宝网

      Nyx doll:
      洋装-nyx doll-淘宝网

      Classic-Garden (Almost always Sold Out, but worth checking)
      默认搜索页-Classical Garden-淘宝网

      Solo Paradise:


      Amy Clothing Man (Mostly girl clothes, actually. :P)
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    11. You can go look at my flickr account. I have tried various animator outfits on MYou original body to great success, as well as some other clothing lines:
      [​IMG]Disney Animator dress and shoes on MYou BB by Mollie Bradford, on Flickr

      Most of her other outfits are etsy clothing made for animator dolls, as well.
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    12. Ahh, she's so cute as Anna! That's a really great fit. (:
    13. I surprisingly got my MiBobby just in time today before I had to leave to meet up with BJD friends actually XD
      Luckily I could whip up some stuff and the dress I started on fit.

      With the variations of dolls my friends brought, I could already check the size difference for her amongst my own MSDs. The difference IS there, but not as glaringly as I had feared.
      From left to right:
      a Fairlynd Yo-SD Boy (I think it's Chiwoo? I asked my friend for proper tagging but didn't get a reply yet :3), then there is a BlueFairy Xiao (discontinued), my XagaDoll BB MiBobby and finally a KidsS ky Moonstone.
      [​IMG]Little Group Meet by Wildcard_Snowy, auf Flickr
      • x 6
    14. @Snowy Congrats on her arrival! She looks so cute too! Yes they look different from normal msds but it's a good difference!
    15. @Snowy She is adorable! Definitely not too bobble-headed! I love the little dress you made her, it turned out cute!

      I finally finished my steampunk outfit for Toile, but I don't think it is her style. It will probably go to Ellowyn.
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    16. @whisperwolf She is absolutely adorable! You did a great job, that jacket is wonderful! Everything comes together so nice too! But why don't you think it's her style at all?
      • x 1
    17. Breath Doll's Mojito is a really tempting head.. I think I want to buy it. xD

      Congratulations on your new arrival, @Snowy ! Your Mibobby is really cute. <3 I really want Micoco at some point.. But it'll be a while, with all of my other incoming BBs..

      That steampunk outfit is lovely, @whisperwolf ! I especially love the jacket. <3 Very cool. :o

      By the way, did you guys see the new Limited girl from Xagadoll? Elaine is soooo cute. <3 And I love that they gave her freckles in her faceup. ^_^
      Q&A_xaga doll
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    18. I don't know, I just think she might be softer than the steampunk look... we'll see if it grows on me! I'm planning a separate steampunk dress and corset, maybe they will be more her style.
    19. @whisperwolf Oh, that steampunk set is really coold :D Did you use watch-thingies for the googles per chance?

      Really cool set, thought I do understand feeling as if something doesn't 'suit' a doll :3 Ellowyn definitly will be happy to get this set :D

      Also thanks for the wishes. The dress is part of a set, actually. I just didn't get to work on it more, before her arrival. It's based on the Upper Austria version of the Austrian traditional dress 'Drindl'. I didn't quite get the right fabric for it, but it's close enough :)

      [​IMG]Xagadoll BB MiBobby - Nao by Wildcard_Snowy, auf Flickr

      @wheretheliclacsbloom Thanks a lot! I totally adore her and 'fear' she'll get totally spoiled ^^°
      MiCoco is also adorable! I saw her online in stock somewhere and debated on snatching her instead (I think it was mandarake? Maybe? ^^°) but then Nao-chan showed up -^3^-

      I didn't see Elaine until now, but those freckles really are adorable.

      A friend of mine ordered Clothe on layaway the other day, after seeing my Nao thought -^3^-

      Btw. Nao-chan can wear Luts KDF shoes :3 Just figured that might help some ppl out.

      I hope to get a good picture of her tomorrow next to a Luts KDF girl and boy, for size reference.
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    20. @Snowy Nao-chan is adorable, and the dress is so cute!
      For the goggles, I used two cheap ladies watches from walmart as per this tutorial. Then I made up my own side pieces to make them a little more goggle like. I also 'goop' glued a screw to the upper edge of one of the eyepiece parts (I tried to solder it, but couldn't figure out how!), added nuts around one of those tiny alligator clips. I clipped a monocle I got from a set from JoAnn fabrics steampunk findings section to it. I had glued the gear inside the monocle. Since the monocle is attached to the screw, I can move it back and forth.