1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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bjd in local news

Oct 27, 2008

    1. Yes I agree, that woman was very annoying... I'm glad that it was presented so nicely though, it makes it seem like a less "bizzarre" hobby. Heh, I wonder if anyone will start collecting because of that segment.

      ~Gio :)
    2. I watched the article all the way through, and I kept waiting to cringe when the one reporter started out messing things up... but...

      really, I don't think she was doing it to be demeaning, I think she did it due to unfamiliarity. News reporters screw stuff up all the time, and like she said, there were type-os in her text on the story, that's why she thought they might be Alien dolls (and I can't blame her for that... if you see an piece coming up about pop-out eyes and male doll collectors... well... I might have assumed "Alien" too)

      Honestly, I think those reporters did really well. They asked appropriate questions, were the right level of "shocked" by the price tag without implying that we're stupid to buy them at that price, and the female reporter made sure to point out, in a very normal sounding way, the fact that you take their headcaps off in order to change their eyes, etc.

      Really, I think they did a very fair job.
    3. I think that guy was totally inaccurate about saying oh there hard to obtain. As long as you find a website to buy them, and you have the money anyone could just buy a doll. He should of stated the truth which some of the ^LIMITED^ versions are harder to obtain.
    4. ..................................
    5. It's always fun to watch little bits of geek culture show itself in something so commonplace as the news. I love it!!! It makes you realize that in fact perhaps what you like isn't so foreign a concept afterall. :) For a news crew, they did pretty good at not being retarded... they even almost pronounced the name right.:roll: I was really proud of the interviewee for not correcting her or visibly wincing, he did well. Also mad props for condensing something so complicated into a little piece the commonfolk can understand without fully dumbing it down.:)
    6. awsome Free adversising for junkyspot!! lol that was cool to see tobad he didnt mention DOA though:(

    7. Excuse me?
    8. sorry if i offend
      opinions and personal preferences are allowed

    9. yea Excuse me??? wow Ive ordered from DoD and Junkyspot, the prices are about the same.... my DOD shall ran around 700 and junkyspot has doll for the same and more money...junkyspot does cary cheeper dolls but so what my bobobie tiny is not lacking any quality the my DOD shall has... get your facts straight please before you slam someone.
    10. wasn't 'slamming' anyone
      personal preferences and opinions are allowed
    11. You know I thought the guy was helping promote a local business after all since he lives in southern California.
    12. yep I thought so too, I love it im glad he did it:) I do agree that lady should not have intrupted him though... :) but im glad as I said yaya free advertising for junkyspot!!!
    13. sense everyone is getting so offended by my harmless
      opinion-full comment i'll get rid of it
      i love how this site is here but we can't share PERSONAL opinions.
    14. You continue to repeat that phrase like it's going to shield you from something. Truth be told, it's not too difficult to express "personal preferences and opinions" without sounding like an elitest snob. And did it not cross your mind for a moment that maybe if your opinions or preferences contradict the purpose or theme of the thread, you have no reason to post in it? :P
    15. ...
      blargh, pulled because it's not worth the aggravation @_@

    16. Rude much? Statements like this is really what makes the threads like "elitism in the hobby" spring up. I think its great that a new interview was done for Asian Ball Jointed Dolls. Getting them into the light. Showing the owners in a positive light, as collectors and hobbyists. Sure he could have recommended DoD or Luts but he recommended what he preferred what was in HIS collection NOT yours.

      Junkyspot and other companies such as Denverdoll allow us to get our dolls quicker. Do they sell cheaper dolls, yes. Do some people enjoy the beauty of Bobobie and other "cheaper" dolls, yes. I have dolls ranging from Luts to Dollzone to Soom. I love them all. I don't just buy "cheaper" dolls. I buy dolls b/c I appreciate the work that goes into them. Apparently he appreciate the works that goes into them and the service he gets from Junkyspot.

      Junkyspot does offer more "expensive" dolls. If you actually LOOK at their website. Look at their site before you make assumptions. Junkyspot sells Elfdolls and Souldolls as well which I don't consider to be "cheaper" dolls.

      People like you are what make the hobby go sour.
    17. wow, thanx for sharing the interveiw
    18. That was an intresting report...I order from JS a lot to. I love there dolls!
    19. It was pretty dang'd accurate though... your facts were right on and they deserved to hear them.
    20. What I got from the interview is a guy who loves his dolls. he didn't really get into how much stuff cost, because I think to him, it's not about brands, cost of the doll, etc is what matters.

      What matters is how much he loves the dolls, and how much he enjoy having them.

      Because...isn't that all that matters?