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BJDs only for "nerds/weirdos/perverts"?

Mar 8, 2011

    1. My questions are, has anyone ever thought you were a pervert for your hobby?
      I've never had anyone say that I was a perv, thank goodness.

      Ever talked to someone who thought they were fetish like?
      I had a stragner when I first got my doll call him a sex doll. Which, I still don't understand.

      Sexual in any way?
      ...not that I can think of.

      Been labeled a "nerd" or "weirdo" for your hobby.
      Yes, but that was way before I go into dolls, when I was around 8 or 9, and I'm now 27.

      Do you consider yourself a nerd or a weirdo for this hobby?
      I think this hobby is apart of my weird/nerdy persona, but I've always been like that. So, I think people expect from me.
    2. My questions are, has anyone ever thought you were a pervert for your hobby?
      No, never. Or, at least they haven't said anything to my face.

      Ever talked to someone who thought they were fetish like?
      Nope. Creepy, yes. But not fetish like.

      Sexual in any way?
      Not really.

      Been labeled a "nerd" or "weirdo" for your hobby.
      Oh, yes. My boyfriend thinks I'm a total freak but that's what he loves about me and my dollies are just part of that. :)

      Do you consider yourself a nerd or a weirdo for this hobby?
      Not because of this hobby, no. I honestly don't think that there's anything nerdy or weird about collecting dolls whether you're male or female, young or old. I'm a nerd and weirdo because of other things. ;)
    3. Weirdly enough, till this hobby, people (specifically coworkers) thought I was "out there" a little but not really strange. Now they think I'm strange, too old for this, weird, crazy, stupid for spending so much money on DOLLS, etc. But, to be honest, they're not the most "outside of the box" of people. Plus, also, they're the types of people who place other things over creativity, which I don't. Some even go so far as to think being artistic in any way is a waste of time and stupid and they just "don't get it" (one of these people being a close friend of mine, which is awkward). They don't see the purpose of BJDs and their artistic merits. Since joining this hobby, it's brought my creative side out more than anything has in about 4 years. To be honest, I don't want to go back to that uncreative time right now. I stopped writing, photography, painting and everything and I didn't like that feeling. So let me be a weirdo or a nerd or both or whatever else. At this point in time, I don't care. I will wear my weirdo/nerd badge with pride!

      As for the pervert thing, never been called that or had it be insinuated that I am. But, in all honesty, I don't think dolls are sexual. Even love dolls MADE for that purpose don't seem sexual to me. SEXY, maybe. In my opinion, a doll being sexy doesn't mean I think it's suddenly a sexual object. Me and a friend were talking about how sexy Iplehouse Carina was earlier but that does NOT equate me wanting to, erm, DO anything with her. So, yeah. :D
    4. I recently just brought one for myself and i think they are adorable and pretty to look at. One of my friends keep joking about the male doll look like more of female then male and i think the reason why he say that is the cost for the dolls.
    5. Ha. The dolls are often the most normal of my hobbies to muggles so they're never really gotten me much flack, and my straight laced, middle class corporate America coworkers are actually all pretty intrigued by them and like to ask about them.

      It's the extensive collection of homoerotica, busty PVC figures, and cosplay that make most people think I'm whackadoo. And I'm fine with that. They don't have to like or even understand the things I like. I don't have to like or understand the things they like. This applies to friends, family, and everyone else in the world. I have a friend who stopped dead in her tracks one day when I said I actually hate getting jewelry or flowers as gifts because I find both of them wastes of money and would much rather have something I like instead. She was flabbergasted. I never wear jewelry and flowers are expensive and what, last a week at most? For the same cost I could have a new video game and get extended enjoyment from it. I also feel the same way about children. I have friends and family with children. They love their children. I am glad to support them, but it's something I will never understand wanting to do because, to me, children are a huge resource sink and not worth the sacrifices needed to be a good parent. It's never going to be a priority for me. I respect their life decisions, they can respect the things I enjoy doing with my life.

      But to answer the questions...

      My questions are, has anyone ever thought you were a pervert for your hobby?

      Not to my face, not that it would actually bother me. I am a giant, raging fujoshi and not ashamed of it. I certainly wouldn't be bothered by someone calling me a pervert over dolls.

      Ever talked to someone who thought they were fetish like?

      I think they can be fetishized myself. Nothing wrong with that either if that's your thing. I am not sexually attracted to my dolls, but wouldn't be upset or judge someone if they were.

      Sexual in any way?
      See above answer

      Been labeled a "nerd" or "weirdo" for your hobby.
      I have weirder hobbies. People who know me already think I'm a total nerd.

      Do you consider yourself a nerd or a weirdo for this hobby?

      I do consider myself a nerd, but I also consider myself pretty normal and don't identify with the negative social stereotypes associated with the term.
    6. I've never been called a pervert because of my interest in the hobby. Sure, I've read and heard comments like, "Ooh, Yukinojo/Williams/Lishe/Bermann/[fill-in-blank-with-choice-of-"sexy"-doll] is hot!!", but I never took them that seriously. And yes, the dolls can be posed and photographed in a sexual/sensual manner, but that's just one aspect of a very varied hobby. One detail does not make the whole. And even if some hobbyist do use the dolls as fetish objects, that's fine. That's they way they choose to enjoy the dolls, and bonus if they create intriguing concepts/arts with it!

      There have also been also mild snickers about the boy dolls being anatomically correct from non-collectors, but that's easily taken lightly. Hell, I'll snicker right along with them.

      While I realize it's not your run-of-the-mill hobby, like gardening or collecting baseball cards, nah, I don't personally consider myself nerdy or weird for collecting these dolls. I appreciate them for their beauty, and if that is considered "weird" or "nerdy" by anybody, that's a-ok by me. I don't allow narrow-minded people to define who I am.
    7. I consider this to be a hobby where say, instead of people collecting shoes, I collect dolls. I don't get where the sexual stuff comes in, unless it's a doll fetish, but that's something entirely different... I mentioned "ball jointed dolls/bjds" to a couple of guy friends and they got hung up on "bj....bj..d" so I passed it off as immaturity on their part. :roll:
    8. In my user profile, I refer to myself as "an admirer of expensive, fetishistic items, such as dolls, jewelery, shoes, and designer clothes." I'm not referring to these objects as sexual or religious fetishes, but what you could call secular fetishes (if you're in a jokey kind of mood), or maybe consumer fetishes ... objects that are beyond the ordinary, highly-desired.

      In other words, I've got expensive tastes and I like good things.

      As for the dolls themselves being sexual, I'd ask why ... just because they've got (extremely rudimentary) genitalia? I assumed that omitting genitalia was a Western habit that (presumably) some Asian cultures don't share (see the perky little anus* on Sanrio's Pompompurin, or the balls on the cat bus in "My Neighbor Totoro" ... though, now I think about it, genitals are always blurred out in manga, so maybe that theory doesn't hold).

      Anyway, to address the questions:

      Has anyone ever thought you were a pervert for your hobby?
      Not to my knowledge.

      Ever talked to someone who thought they were fetish like?
      Not to my knowledge.

      Sexual in any way?
      Not to my knowledge.

      Been labeled a "nerd" or "weirdo" for your hobby.
      Not to my knowledge.

      Do you consider yourself a nerd or a weirdo for this hobby?

      *next-door neighbor of the genitals
    9. Has anyone ever thought you were a pervert for your hobby? Not really no, but I have only showed Hero to a select group of people. :)
      Ever talked to someone who thought they were fetish like? When I first got her, someone asked me if that was one of her uses, and I was instantly floored at their suggestion. I of course assured them that was not the reason for me getting her.
      Sexual in any way? See above. :P
      Been labeled a "nerd" or "weirdo" for your hobby. I have been labeled this through my whole life, so Im not sure if this hobby changed anything. But I just like to be who I am and I don't care how people see me. :)
      Do you consider yourself a nerd or a weirdo for this hobby? Again, always been weird, not just this hobby. :P
    10. Weirdo, yeah. But everyone's strange. It's not a big deal. I think the terms like nerds come from the fact that nerds like anime, or manga, or not mainstream things, or as the stereotype goes. But getting into dolls means being exposed to them from places that aren't mainstream, like anime or manga, etc.

      So in a way, they're right. But in many ways, they're wrong.
    11. Though it isn't the perfect place for the diversion of topic, but I wouldn't really call anime too far from the mainstream these days. Seriously, it's everywhere compared to when I was in junior high (and a hardcore anime addict) and high school. (Yes, I'm old. I know.) Used to be you knew where on your coast in the US sold manga or VHS tapes, not where in your state, or county, or where you could find streaming content online direct from the distributors, to be fair. *rattles her cane*

      There is a part of me that hopes various other hobbies and interests will, with anime being a great example, become better known. In part, because 'when you know someone into <thing>', provided they aren't a total basket case, it's usually more likely that people won't leap to the craziest of conclusions. Gone are the days when you couldn't say, "I like anime," but had to, instead, say, "I really liked Starblazers and Robotech, ok?" and hope someone knew what you were talking about. ;) I doubt these dolls -- in part simply due to the price -- will ever become that widely known or understood, but adult toy collectors (not 'adult toys', adults who collect toys, though I suppose there are adults who collect adult toys, too) are more generally accepted these days than they once were, and it isn't hard to nudge people toward that sort of thinking.
    12. This is an interesting topic, at least the part of the weird and nerds; I believe that every person is weird, because each of them have their own interest and points of view, the most important fact is to be respectful to other people likings.

      If I had been called nerd or weird, it had not been in my face, but I consider myself one and very proud of it =)

      About the "sexual" content of the dolls, I do not believe that, for me the ABJD are pieces of art, but again each person is different.
    13. As a straight guy buying dolls, sure, many would call me a weirdo. Heck, I do it all the time. But, I don't think there is such a thing as "normal". There's what is "accepted" as "normal", but no one is really "normal".

      Personally, though, no one has really said much of anything to me about it. They (being close friends) just nod and smile.

      The only "sexual" type comment I ever received was from my Father who sometimes jokes that the doll is my girlfriend. Which, I kinda hate when he says that. I guess it doesn't help that I'm single. >.>

      Has anyone ever thought you were a pervert for your hobby?
      They may think it, but have never come out and said it. I respect my girl(s) so I don't know why they would think it other than assumptions about my gender etc.

      Ever talked to someone who thought they were fetish like?

      Sexual in any way?
      Other than my Fathers comments (see above), no.

      Been labeled a "nerd" or "weirdo" for your hobby.
      Maybe in a joking fashion, but I probably say it about myself more than anyone else. It's probably a "make the joke about yourself before anyone else can" syndrome.

      Do you consider yourself a nerd or a weirdo for this hobby?
      Sometimes, but I think it's really because, as a guy, I'm not "supposed" to buy dolls at any age, let alone over 30. And while no one close to me really says anything about it, I still feel generally weird about it around them. I guess it's more in my head than anything, but I'm the paranoid type. I still really like them (my BJDs) and they make me smile. I guess I wish that someone around me would show some interest so I wouldn't feel so "odd man out". Since no one really says anything about it, I internalize what I think they must think. Yeah, pseudo psychology.
    14. No one has ever called me a pervert for liking dolls. I can see people calling someone else a nerd or weirdo. Everyone has their own opinions. But, being a gamer-girl, I don't consider being a nerd a bad thing. It just means I like specific things. Besides, as long as my husband doesn't mind my hobbies, I can care less about the other people.

    15. This is completely off topic of my own thread, but I love you. (saying muggles)

      But I love reading everyone's replies to this and their thoughts. I'm glad nobody has gotten the same "harassment" as me hahah. But that's just from my brother. I really don't care what he thinks because, well, he's my brother. And I understand that nobody is really "normal," that's why I said I didn't really know who would be considered a "normal" person. I think this whole community is made up of amazing and artistic people that really do love this hobby as much as I do!
    16. I think bjd is for talented people with wide interests. People, surrounding me, thinks I am a bit crazy and childish, but most of them have their own hobbys.
    17. My questions are, has anyone ever thought you were a pervert for your hobby?
      Never. People want to be like me, they don't call me mean things. Usually when people find out that I do have dolls they immediately jump to thinking that I have them because I am a costume design student and I use them to practice sewing, while this is not entirely my reason, it is one of them, so I let them think as the wish. I get asked a lot if only costume design students can get them! Most of the time people think that my dolls are really beautiful and cool. They think I must be really talented to make them so pretty.

      Ever talked to someone who thought they were fetish like?
      I have not, but I have seen people who are pretty fetishy about their dolls and, frankly, it creeps me out. I just don't like seeing pictures of dolls always grabbing their crotch and doing gross things with their 'sister' dolls.
      But as I said for me.. no. No one has ever accused me of anything like that and I've never given anyone a reason to do so.

      Sexual in any way?
      No. Sure the word 'sexy' might get tossed out to say that the dolls look good, but that doesn't mean that people think dolls are sexual, they're just pretty resin works of art. It's like saying a car is sexy. It's not meant in a sexual way (or at least I hope not!)
      I would like to note that having dolls be 'sexless' creeps the crap out of me. It's just a personal thing. I won't buy a doll if it doesn't have it's parts where they should be. I don't think that's what the question was trying to get at though..

      Been labeled a "nerd" or "weirdo" for your hobby.
      Nope. Like I said, people think I'm just really cool and artsy so they usually just accept the things I do. People that know I have dolls are really curious about them and want me to show them mine.

      Do you consider yourself a nerd or a weirdo for this hobby?
      Not at all. I think I'm awesome. I'm pretty, smart, and I like this hobby. I don't think any less of myself for it. These dolls are a beautiful form of self expression. I'm not weird for liking them in the least.
    18. My questions are, has anyone ever thought you were a pervert for your hobby?
      Nope. Not to my face. If they did, they'd get slapped...

      Ever talked to someone who thought they were fetish like?
      Not really. I have friends who are creeped out by them, and the fact that I bring my dolls everywhere. She said it was like a "weird dependency" which I guess was almost true at that point.

      Sexual in any way?
      When my mom learned that the dolls were "anatomically correct", she was actually quite fine with it. A little amused, actually. But she didn't think that made them "sex dolls". Her comment was that the companies simply didn't "de-sex" the dolls. That's the closest I've ever come to that kind of comment.

      Been labeled a "nerd" or "weirdo" for your hobby.
      Ummmm.........not directly, no. But I've been labeled Nerd and Weirdo for plenty of other things. :lol:

      Do you consider yourself a nerd or a weirdo for this hobby?
      Not just because I collect dolls, but I am a Nerd and a Weirdo because of many other reasons as well. :)
    19. My questions are, has anyone ever thought you were a pervert for your hobby?
      Well not toward me personally. One person did make a connection to sex dolls, but when I showed my journal page of my doll, she was dressed and delicate and lacy, so then they backed off on the opinion.

      Ever talked to someone who thought they were fetish like?
      Nope. I believe there are probably people who use dolls, including tiny dolls as a fetish item. But it wasn't a consensus. Also I don't talk about them that way either .

      Sexual in any way?
      Just what I said above...

      Been labeled a "nerd" or "weirdo" for your hobby.
      Definitely both! My friend at work calls me a nerd, but makes sure to let me know he is a nerd too. He collects comic figures :)
      My mate thinks I'm a weirdo, but he's scared of dolls and think they are incredibly pricey for what they are. I told him my next doll is going to be life size 1:1 muhaha:) Nah I'm a tiny doll person, but don't tell him that!!Neither of them said it in a mean way. So far I've gotten weird looks or non-understanding, but no real insults or anything about it.

      Do you consider yourself a nerd or a weirdo for this hobby?
      I consider myself a total weirdo not just for this hobby for everything I like :) I love My little ponies, BJDs, horse models, collectible figurines of the unicorn persuasion, mail art, etcetc. Oh and I love comics too haha:) I don't see it as an insult but a compliment on being open minded and seeing more than just a "DOLL" but all her possibilities <3
    20. I tried being "normal" once. It was boring as hell and quite stifling. I like being weird. And I'm a nerd and pretty much have always been a nerd (I was that kid who actually liked going to school to learn). But I'm neither of those things because of being in the BJD hobby. Its just a happy coincidence *smirk*.

      As for my dolls being sexual.... In my head, they are sexual beings because they're the physical representation of the characters in the stories I write. Those stories typically have a heavy erotica content, thus the way my dolls appear to me in my head. However, to the casual observer, they likely don't appear overtly sexual unless I've posed them in a manner to suggest that. Most of the time, they're fully dressed and not decked out in a way that's sexually provocative. People will comment that they're pretty (or creepy, depending), but that's about it.