1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Black Cherry Doll

Jun 14, 2014

    1. oh! I’m surprised the proportions work. Very good to know!
    2. Has anyone heard anything about their Xioa Yu head from the August pre-order?
      Just curious as I saw a photo of the heads on Harucasting’s Instagram some weeks ago now.
    3. She said on instagram that they are in and will start shipping in about a week.
      • x 1
    4. The XiaoYu head is so pretty ^^ I ended up getting one of the in stock heads in normal skin. Now begins the search for a hybrid body
    5. Thanks @nancy_schroeder_ca I must have missed that.

      Congratulations! I have a Dollstown Elf body on order for mine, hopefully it'll ship within the next month or so.
      • x 1
    6. @Gynure Hi, thank you so much for the photos, your Ichigo is beautiful. I see what you mean about the proportions and the head does look too big. I think I am going to go with the Dream Valley body or possibly a Supia body. Thank you so much.
      • x 1
    7. I ordered Xiao Yu during the pre-order and contacted her last week about it -- my head shipped out that day, so if you haven't gotten shipping information, I would DM her about it, she's super responsive!
    8. Still waiting to get the perfect body for my Ichigo, but I figured I'd show the two bodies I've tried her with. I'm waiting for an Impldoll Star Body, the 63.5cm one. The ones in the photos are Dream Valley's new 60cm Girl body, second one is the Impldoll Model body, 56cm. I mean, that one looks nice...but I want/need her to be taller. So on we go with this one. Getting her resin matched and everything if they can manage it.
      ( https://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c36/kassidybl/20190919_152829_zpsnmcxgha3.jpg )

      ( https://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c36/kassidybl/20191010_185344_zpsmuk9ki5h.jpg )
      • x 4
    9. Thanks @karlyl I sent her a message yesterday but although she's read it, I've not heard back, I guess she's just super busy. I will try to be patient....after all, the body I've ordered for her hasn't shipped either, so the poor girl would only be hanging about bodyless anyway!!! :D
    10. [​IMG]

      I picked up my Xiao Yu in copper today! She actually got here on Saturday but I completely spaced and forgot to get her from the PO until today . Can't wait to get her body and figure out how she's going to be painted!
      • x 5
    11. I just preordered the Bukkumi doll and body from their instagram preorder. Is anyone else getting one of these dolls? I love the smaller size (30 cm)!
    12. I ordered Bukkumi also!
    13. I've seen the pre order and love the cookie series but there are so few images of this body's posing posabilities yet (or I have missed them). And I must admit I am not thrilled about the idea of a discount you can 'earn', not all potential buyers are able or want to post about it.
    14. I have pre-ordered a Bukkumi too, she's such a delicious cookie (pun intended). Can't wait!
    15. There are body pictures on Instagram back on June 5th. Not a lot of posing, but the joints look good.
      • x 1
    16. I had trouble finding lots of photos too, but I figured that's just the name of the game when you're buying a first release preorder doll haha. I did look at owner photos for other black cherry dolls, but my understanding is that they've only been doing bodies for a very short amount of time and there aren't so many out there (if anyone knows more about the black cherry body types I would like to hear more about what they've made!)

      I did find that if you check out the #blackcherrycookie tag on instagram there are some good shots of the body being sculpted and the completed blank body with both face molds, I think only in the lighter skin tone though. They also did a side-by-side comparison with a monster high and barbie doll and that's what really made me fall in love with the doll. She's like the perfect size for me!
      • x 1
    17. This morning I paid for a Brownie doll. I am now thinking of her backstory and how I will have her face up. I wanted Bukkumi, too, lol so I enlisted my husband to make the decision.

      how many Black Cherry dolls do you all have?
      How did you choose which one?
      • x 1
    18. With those principles, I wonder if the heads would fit one resinsoul sd13 boy body???
    19. My Xiao Yu head is now on it's way from Russia! I'm so worried that it'll get caught up in Spanish customs even though the value has been marked down really low....it just seems to be taking ages at the moment.
      Her body hasn't shipped yet from Dollstown though.....