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BlueFairy Pocket Fairy Clothes discussion. What fits?

Jan 23, 2005

    1. One place I looked has stated that pocket fairy fit 4/5 well, not sure about size four though. Their heads are very slightly bigger than puki heads, a size four may fit thoough
    2. its normally size 4
      PocketFairys have larger heads than Puki :)
      before I made them I bought Monique size 4 and they fit my dolls lovely
      Poshdolls did Fab PocketFairy size wigs
      size5 would be too large
    3. Monique acrylic wigs has an elastic cap and both sizes 4 and RD4 fit.
      I don't think monique size 4/5 fits. I have a 4/5 infant wig I use for Pyogo, but don't but it, it's not a real wig, it's something strange (more like a toupee).

      There are other places to buy PF wigs, if you're interested I can give you some links.
    4. I use Monique 4/5 wigs for my PFs that I get from www.audreysdolls.com . They work pretty well.

      All the girls in this pic are wearing Monique 4/5 except for Chou, who is wearing her default, rubber-cap wig.


      Penny, Pinky, and Sabrina are the names of the styles, I believe.
    5. clochette: it's strange, I have pinky and Penny in 4 and they fit perfectly... About sabrina I'm not sure but I might have it and all the wigs I have are 4" or rd4, and the ones I bought 4/5 were too big o_O
      Well I guess it depends from... the wig?

      wickedgood I' pming you :)
    6. are there any little boy pocket fairy sized clothes anyone knows of?
    7. will azone/blythe/pullip/barbie/moxie shoes fit the pocket fairies? does anyone know if liv or moxie teenz wigs fit them?
    8. mon2x the liv wigs will definitely be too big - they are 5/6 size and pocket fairy's wear 3/4 or 4 (my PF Sugar wears a pukipuki wig from fairyland, while my yoko wears a PF wig from cancan j series)

      The sugar sized pocket fairy girls can wear some of the slimmer fitting blythe shoes - but not the takara or plastic heeled MJ type shoes. Mitten, my sugar, is wearing all blythe or pukifee shoes.

      As for the little original pocket fairies - they could wear them but I think most would look oversized with their small stature.
    9. @honeythorpe : Thank you for your reply, =D

      I made some notes on what fits pocket fairies,based on the replies on this thread however on some posts, i don't have any idea if its for sugar/pepper or chubby pocket fairy ^^;;


      wigs= audrey and monique 4"

      clothes = Bratz clothes
      Mini baby born
      Tinytears tiny baby
      Madame Alexander petite playhouse
      Wee patsy
      Gala princess doll
      Strawberry shortcake

      Shoes= Madame Alexander petite playhouse
      Tiny betsy mcall
      Princess sara shoes
      Blythe flat shoes
      pukifee shoes

      please correct me if i'm wrong =D
    10. Question about the bratz clothes.. are they the teen bratz, or the kidz bratz clothes that fit? @_@ I'd like to get some clothes that will fit my girl..
    11. I found that "Baby Alive Crib Life" clothes fit really well, and there are a lot of outfits to pick from. :)
    12. I am still having the hardest time finding clothes and shoes for my new (to me) chubby little Yoko! She bald and naked. So sad. :) Heh.

      Anyway, I've read through everyone's comments and suggestions and now I'm checking out Zapf Baby Born Mini; it looks like those clothes are my best bet. Thanks for all the information! I bought a size 4 wig. We'll see how that works out! *fingers crossed for luck*
    13. Is there a separate thread for info on the sugar and pepper bodies as I think most of this is about the little ones?