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Bobobie/Resinsoul 1/6 human discussion - part 5

Feb 15, 2014

    1. She is just lovely, @Tera incognita. I love her dress as well.

      I finally got a little RS Bei. I'm still not sure what she will look like in the end, but she is too cute. These are a really fun line, aren't they?

      • x 2
    2. @bluepita Your Bei is adorable!

      I just switched Sindri's eyes and he looks much more like himself. I also a ordered a bunch of stuff from War Toys- will definitely post when they arrive! I'm having the damndest time with clothes for him so hopefully these will work. He has a YOSD shirt that works, but the pants I ordered were way too short. My Lan can wear Minifee clothes and my Yu can wear Pukifee so I feel i'm spoiled! I can't even find patterns for him!
    3. bluepita
      Thank you :)
      Your Bei very nice
    4. Thank you both.

      I've got Bei in Barbie right now, but I'm hoping to either make or find her something else soon. I like the color of her wog enough that I may try to resize it instead if buying something else.
    5. I hope I do not get in trouble bumping this for a question!

      I would like to know if Resinsoul Bei arms are double jointed or not? I LOVE her torso sculpt but I want double jointed arms at least for photos haha
    6. Mine definitely isn't. :(
    7. The default Bei body is not double jointed, no, however, I've (very lightly!) sueded her arms and tightened her stringing there, as well as adding stronger stringing to her legs, and she's actually quite a nice poser these days:

      [​IMG]Posing Test by vicemage, on Flickr

      I'm not sure if there's a 1/6 DJ girl's body available currently from RS (someone else will need to chime in on that!), but if there is one available, you can also request a body swap to get the double joints you're after.
      #307 vicemage, Mar 8, 2016
      Last edited: Jul 8, 2017
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    8. There is a DJ girl, She's in the 28's on the site, it's Zi. You could get a Bei head on a Zi body.

      I will also note, that I am planning (but have not yet actually done it) to get a Bei torso with the Zi/Xu limbs and mod the Torso to accept them, I have put the Pixiu limbs on the Bei before and they fit rather nicely, along with having a Bao with the Zi/Xu limbs and He does quite well. If you're ok with chancing having to do some sanding to expand or shrink things It is perfectly possible to get those limbs and that body if you're wanting the slimmer body. Zi is a little pudgy, not bad, but kinda noticeable...

      Also I can post the pics of the Bei with the pixiu limbs if need be... Actually since she needs restrung like a mofo I could theoretically put the Xu limbs on her... I'm 99% sure that the Zi and Xu have the same limbs...
    9. Ohh that I can probably do.

      I love Bai torso (such a pretty hourglass) something of which the other girls don't sadly have.
    10. When I was emailing Sun about my Bao and for some reason I mentioned the Bei I have planned and Sun was like "I don't think that would work" and I'm just sitting over here snickering like... I've got sand paper... If you do decide to go with the DJ limbs and the SJ body, let us know what you do to make it work, I love seeing what people do ^_^
    11. LOL in all THEORY it should work.. Probably will be getting Bei as my second BJD/ if I got left over from my first :XD:
    12. I enjoy doing face ups on these dolls. Although they are single jointed many times, I find that they are still pose able and a nice resin to paint.
    13. I got my impulse buy Elfkin Umbra a couple days ago.

      I got brave and did some very gentle modding, mock piercing and body art.

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    14. They look wonderful! You should come join us in the Bobobie/Resinsoul 14cm and 15cm Thread! Bobobie/Resinsoul 14cm and 15cm size dolls discussion part 2

      I put a dress I had made for my OT Dal on Sindri and uh oh... I think she might be a girl!

      [​IMG]Maite1 by RainbowSox, on Flickr
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    15. Sindri may have borrowed one of Maite's magic books today... she can be quite a naughty faery!

      [​IMG]4/4 by RainbowSox, on Flickr
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    16. Adorable pictures. Hyssop, your Sindri/Bao makes a very cute girl.
    17. Does anyone know if Blythe clothes fit the Bei/Ni/27cm body?

      Also, I just discovered that bjdshoes.com has a whole pile of 4.2cm shoes in their YoSD section!!
      #317 Alchemist's Fire, May 12, 2016
      Last edited: May 14, 2016
    18. The RS mini thread has a photo that turns up from time to time with all the different hands that the mini dolls have, so you can compare size and shape and so forth. Do we have one for the 1/6 dolls? I'm interested in how Bei hands compare to the newer dolls like Zi, but an "all hands" reference like the mini thread has would be awesome.
    19. Yea actually, I have it too... ^_^ Yay! useful!
      • x 2
    20. Yay! Thank you. :)

      Wow, I knew the new dolls had larger hands but that's larger than I expected. If I do get RS hands for my Sugarble like I was thinking I will want the Bei hands (I thought so since I have Bei hands on my March and was able to try them on, but I wanted to be sure).