1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Bobobie/Resinsoul 1/6 human discussion - part 5

Feb 15, 2014

    1. The Zi body is just awesome isn't it?


      In celebration of finally starting her story, my little hunter elf got herself a set of proper garb for it.
      • x 2
    2. Oh nice, I need to practice doing faceups too. I'm just so hesitant to start cause there are so many different good tutorials on multiple different ways to do faceups lol.
    3. [​IMG]

      Avery having some fun while her big brother watches over her. She really likes the plane toy all the dolls share.
      • x 3
    4. [​IMG]
      I love my first baby. Lan is so precious.
      • x 3
    5. [​IMG]

      This is Oliviott, my Bobobie March. I've had her for many years now and she is one of my faves since she is small enough to carry. My larger dolls just end up staying on the shelf.
      • x 9
    6. Aww! She's super cute!
    7. [​IMG]

      It's Shark Week at my house. Which means it's time to hit the beach and enjoy some shark antics.
      • x 3
    8. I have just joined. I have 6 hybrids with Zi/Xu bodies I'd love to share. What do you use for photo sharing here?
    9. I have a tumblr doll centric blog so I grab my photos from there although it makes them huge here. I think other people use Flickr.
    10. Thanks. I was thinking of making my own website for my photos. I've gotten fussier about joining social media sites these days.

      Oh! I can use my Instagram. Nope didn't work.
      #370 Mahgiep, Jul 25, 2017
      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2017
    11. I use Imgur. All you gotta do is view the picture and then insert it into the little photo image insert thing. Way better then photobucket and doesn't take a billion years to load.
    12. I use flickr, but it's a bit fiddly. You have to go to "share" and email and find the jpg link in the code it gives. it's not exactly easy. Boo hisss.
      But i'm lazy and don't want to upload stuff twice.

      I've been playing with Lidara, my Bei tonight. I made her a little circlet thing and a belt and she stole a sword lol. She's looking a little more like how I imagined.
      Still hate her wig.
      I'm having a real hard time finding 5-6 sized wigs that are a: not insanely child-like with pigtails or bangs or whatever and b: aren't in the US and have a shipping cost of like £10-15 JUST IN POSTAGE
      Sorry but no, i'm not paying £30 for a sodding wig, especially not one so small.

      So aside from Liv wigs (which she's currently wearing), where do you guys get your wigs?
      Angelesque has some but none of them are appropriate styles.
      I literally want something like Monique's Ginger wig, you know, no bangs, long waves or curls, in an auburn or dark brown shade.
      • x 1
    13. If you go to "share" and "bbcode" instead, it just gives you the exact code you need to copy and paste into here, nothing fiddly about it. :)

      And Cete does have a Monique wig, but it's been forever since I got it so I can't remember the style:
      [​IMG]Cetewind by vicemage, on Flickr

      Her brother's wig is from FMD, which also sells a size that fits these little cuties.
      • x 1
    14. Let me find out shipping to the U.K. I'd be willing to buy a Monique wig for you.
    15. aww that's sweet of you (And look at Brenda in your icon! she looks awesome)
      Yeah, all the people selling monique wigs want at least £10 to post and that seems excessive for a wig, I mean, they're squishy and fairly light.
      Especially little sizes.
      We have a UK stockist supposedly but she doesn't respond to emails and has no webstore (it's like stepping back to the 90s man. Who doesn't have a webstore in 2017?)
      So hmmm.
    16. I just bought a 5-6 wig and shipping to me was $3.50. Ginger wig is $20. So before international shipping is added it would be $23.50. Should I check it out? I could box my wig and bring it to the PO to check...
    17. [​IMG]

      Shark week is still on going with some shark fest to supplement.
      • x 3
    18. I have a really odd question that maybe someone here can answer. Would the RS Zi bust piece fit the BBB Isabella/March lower torso? Does anyone have both the Zi body and the BBB girl to play mix and match the pieces with?
    19. I wish I could help since I have both, but I can't restring them yet so I wouldn't even know where to start swapping. ^^; I'm so sorry.
    20. Maybe in the future then. :) It's mostly idle curiosity for now since I have an older March (2009 I think) and getting the new pieces if the hybrid would work would require resin matching. If I'm going to get custom resin for that I will also order a whole doll in that color to make the matching fee feel worth it, so I would have to decide on which doll for that and save up anyway. :)