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Bobobie/Resinsoul 1/6 human discussion - part 5

Feb 15, 2014

    1. Aw thank you. Definitely need to find her bow, I seem to have misplaced it - again. She's my hunter elf, definitely not a little girl anymore. Definitely gonna make new things based around her personality now versus just her little face.

      Avery though, still a girly girl to the core.
    2. I love how the dolls have their own personalities. When people say they aren’t bonding with a doll, I think they are unable or unwilling to discover its personality. It takes quite a bit of experimenting for some to shine. Others are immediately obvious.
      • x 1
    3. It really is fun to see how a doll will change from when you first get them to when you finally see them shine. Vala was always meant to be who she is now, I just needed a good swift kick to finally work on her story to find that. Still need to find more workable fabric to make her 'official' design outfit for her doll self. (My awesome buddy @AileenRose did a whole bunch of awesome art of Vala and her fellow elves and really helped me out thinking of her world and her story. So Vala's doll self reflects that now. ^^)(Seriously Aileen, thank you!)

      (Designs are here if anyone wants to see. Yellow Rose Productions — I told you there would be color. So, here’s our... )
    4. Skimming this thread has made it clear that my next doll will be a RS/BB. I just haven't decided on the face sculpt yet, but there are a few that would work for the characters I have in mind!

      Ironically, or perhaps perfectly, my characters are all elves too - blood elves from World of Warcraft. X3
    5. Allow me to help influence then with my own elf. >W>

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    6. @Fairy Milliner Thank you for all the measurements! I was thinking of getting jointed hands for her as I found some that have 8mm wrist, but decided against it in the end as Bei's hands a pretty tiny, and in case of a possible bad resin match!

      @Mahgiep I've found over the years that 'bonding' as some people call it can be a hit and miss thing. There's many types of BJD collectors; some don't give their dolls names, others make complex character backstories. I find it all very interesting, how the same sculpt can be made into so many different things; from a clothes sewing prop to a pretty collectable, or @Azael case, WoW blood elves! I personally sell my dolls for a variety of reasons - no longer like them, too fiddly, bad poser, don't care about the size anymore, or I just want cash for a new doll!

      @Arashi Uchiha Is Vala tan skin on the Bei body? What did Avalon do that involved necromancy? In most fantasy settings, necromancy is always looked down upon as a very powerful, yet repulsive art due to its nature. Is this why Avery lost her elf ears?

      I hope everyone had a nice holiday! When I ordered my Ni, Sun said she'd ship in about a month so I've been checking my e-mail all the time. The Chinese New Year is pretty late this time around (16 Feb), so as long as she ships out before then, that'd be great! I've ordered so many thing for her and they keep coming in now that Christmas is over, I'm dying as I've not had a new doll in years!
    7. Vala is on the Zi body actually, she was my first from the company straight out order. Avery is on the normal Isabella body and Gene (her twin) will be on the Xu body.

      Avalon was trying to resurrect his parents. He was under so much stress from being left behind to raise two ten year olds he got desperate - he's only 19, he knew better but he also thought he knew better than the forces that left him alone with them. That's why Avery lost her ears - they all lost something. For Avalon he's cursed to not be allowed back in the world he and his family is from. His siblings curse came from the creatures that did emerge from Avalon's attempts - Avery lost her elf ears and her magic was sealed away making her 'normal'. Gene's magic was weakened so he can barely do anything with it.
    8. [​IMG]

      Apologies for the Christmas duds but some sibling antics while waiting to hear back from Sun about Gene.

      (Speaking of, his wig is here and my mom is buying him welcome home presents.)
      #408 Arashi Uchiha, Jan 15, 2018
      Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
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    9. My Ni has shipped! Just received the e-mail from Sun. Hopefully she'll be here soon! :dance
    10. AH congrats!

      #410 Arashi Uchiha, Jan 17, 2018
      Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
    11. She's here! I am really happy with the default face-up, it actually looks a lot better than I thought. I was prepared to ship her off to a face-up artist immediatelly, but she'll keep her default for now!

      I paid extra for body blushing, it's super delicate and adds just the right depth to her body, hands & feet blushing is on point too!

      The only bad thing is that both my pairs of Mako 12 mm leave massive gaps in her eyes, giving her that soulless doll look... I just bought a new pair (14 mm) so she'll have her new eyes soon~

      Surprisingly, she fit some Middie Blythe clothes I had bought for a PukiFee sized doll! They're just a wee too tight at the back, but they still button up properly!

      I'll post her box opening later today!
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    12. Congrats on the new cutie, hope to see more pics of her soon!

      (And good to know about the eyes. I was gonna get my Summer some 12mm green eyes I'll have to double check. If he takes 14mm I'm gonna have to check what size eyes my song has then since I was gonna get them matching eyes)
      #414 Arashi Uchiha, Jan 22, 2018
      Last edited: Jan 22, 2018
    13. I am new and I am awaiting the arrival of a LT Isabella. Her name is going to be Isleen Bronna Riordan. I have some newer Barbie outfits I am going to try to use for her. However, I am hoping to sew for her, too. Has anyone tried patterns from Gracefairie? How was the fit? If you have any other pattern suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
    14. My Isleen arrived today! I have discovered one of the problems with buying on evil bay--sometime sellers get little details wrong. She is not a light tan, but a normal skin. Fortunately, I like both. Her wig came at the same time, which she is super happy about :celebrate. I think she is really kicky. When I get better lighting. I am going to take a picture of how she is strung as it looks weird how it is tie in her head. I'll need help determine if someone did a bad re-string or if it that is how they tied at the factory.
      #416 babs64, Jan 25, 2018
      Last edited: Jan 25, 2018
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    15. @babs64 Congrats! If you mean a bunch of loose string inside her headcap, that's how she came from the factory. Mine has tons of extra in hers. About patterns - I'm no seamstress, but Barbie patterns should work. Make them smaller around the chest and slightly looser in the sleeves, so they can go through her hands as you cannot remove them.
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    16. Bigger waists too.
    17. Congrats, @babs64! Though based on just the one photo, it looks like she might actually be light tan? It's hard to say just from a single small picture, of course, but light tan is pretty light; NS is even lighter and pinker, though, which is why I suspect she might be. Either way, I hope you're happy with her and I hope you share plenty of photos. :)
    18. @Mirabilis, thanks for the info on the strings and the Barbie pattern suggestion. After investigating I have discovered her arms are to tight, thus the karate chops XD. But her legs are strung to loose. I was able to pull at least three inches of excess elastic from both sides.

      @Mahgiep, I agree with your suggestion to adjust patterns for her waist. She is definitely more realistic than any Barbie.

      @vicemage, Thanks! I can't wait for this weekend, so I can get some better pictures of Isleen in daylight. The seller sent her in her original sleeping bag including the DDE sticker that says NS. So, I am pretty sure that is what she is.