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Bobobie/Resinsoul 14cm and 15cm size dolls discussion part 2

Jul 15, 2012

    1. Hi, this is my dark tan modded Yu.
    2. She's so cute! Love the earrings!

      Leisas4, Magisteraya, thanks so much ^^. I was stubborn tonight and finished my Yu's faceup even though natural daylight was long gone. Now that I've uploaded my pictures to my laptop, I can see it's far from perfect... but for now I like it :). My girl insists that her name is Ally, by the way :D

      Meet Ally! by Ev's Dolls ♫, on Flickr
    3. Oh NO QAQ now she's even MORE ADORABLE...
    4. Tezuko, it is so cute, I love it all the earrings, the colour and that wig is great.
      Evelien, I think Ally looks more lovely now.
    5. Thanks guys! :-D
    6. Leisas4, thank you! :)
    7. Tezuko, what a cute photo of her. Where did you get the wig? I really like it.
    8. Oh, all those sweet Yu pictures... Will you guys stop it already!!! :D

      Evelien, she looks really cute in red. I just firmly vowed that I would *not* get more dolls this year, but she is very tempting... (sometimes I hate it that these tiny RS are so affordable... LOL!!)

      Tezuku - I really love this pair... And that curly wig is adorable!
    9. Fairy Milliner, thanks :)
    10. This has got to be one of the cutest pictures ever:XD: I absolutely adore them! Such a beautiful and lifelike photo:aheartbea
    11. Mitya, yes, I too like lifelike photos, thank you!
    12. Tezuko , thank you for the wig link. They are beautiful dolls. Did the dark Tan dolls have seems lines that you needed to fix? you are making me want to buy a dark tan doll :)
    13. Leisas4 I got a dark tan bobobie lucky and he did not have any seem lines at all, nor did he have any marbling like I had heard about in the past. It seems as though they have really gotten it down now.
    14. Leisas4, when DT dolls arrived, they had a marbling. After I washed it with soap, the spots disappeared.
    15. cbrooks18, thank you so much for letting me know that. I have seen alot of pictures of the dark tans lately, and I am really considering getting one. Now which doll shall I choose "giggle"

      Tezuko, Thank you for letting me know about washing them.
    16. Ah, sorry for disappearing, Evelien its so good to finally see your red skin yu, she is absolutely adorable!! The eyes look so good against that skin *o*

      I have a question about Yu's. I don't know if it's just my doll, or if all of them are like this, but it's impossible to get her head off. Her S hook in her head is too large on the bottom, and will not fit through her head hole at all. Like it's closed off, too big. I don't really know what to do..
    17. Pull her head up so you have plenty of slack, stick a pencil (or something) into the strings between her head and neck, then with the pencil holding the strings, you can just remove the hook and her head with it. :3
    18. Oh! So you have to remove the hook as well? LOL I can't believe I never thought of that. Wow, I feel silly :sweat But thanks so much for enlightening me
    19. I had the same problem with my Yu, only my luck was that it happened at Think Pink and Marcia helped me ;)