1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Bonding and YOU.

Aug 20, 2004

    1. Thankyou all for your responces! it warms my heart there are so many good people out there!! :D
      ooh, how did you fix the uber arched back?

      what i dont like about her body is how it moves. she cant sit without her arms propped up agaisnt her keeping her from flipping back, her arms are too lose, and i already tried tightening the strings and it failed. the click jointed arms and her knees get to me, only because they are "one more thing..."
      i know this sounds hokey, but i love the personality i see in her, but the body just feels flimsy and cheeply made! Kira *which is the name i decided to give her* doesnt deserve such a weird body... arg
    2. i reccomend fabulous, modest clothes. IF you dress her in clothes with long sleeves, full skirts, pants, tights, and such, you probably won't see her body that much. Honestly, i don't like the DD body much but when i see it dressed in clothes i can hardly tell the difference between it and any other body. Maybe invest in some KK workshop clothes from ebay. i've seen them on DD bodies and they fit beautifully And they're not that expensive. (and the ones that cost a bit more you get a lot of stuff. ) Or find other clothes you really love. And besides, maybe your doll isn't too thrilled with her body either, lots of people hate the way their bodies look. :)
    3. What about switching her body out for an Obitsu 60 cm body? The Obitsu torso isn't quite as pretty as the DD's, but it seems more poseable.
    4. Obitsu 60 cm body? cool, does anyone know how they compare to other bodies in terms of posebility etc? oh, or, does anyone know what other bodies a dd head will fit on?

    5. urk, i cant edit my post. anyway. i was browsing the forum searchy thing and i found [link]http://denofangels.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5178&highlight=dd[/link] now, im really BAD at directions, and one message said Kiyakotari had posted the link. so, does anyone know how to do this that could maybe...explain it to the bad-direction-following me?

      um yea...it sounds nice. i reallly hope i can fix her that way.... *_*
    6. Here's a link to a tutorial on how to modify a DD body, by the wonderful Scarlet_Hands, and I found it very useful when I did my own modification.


      Also, here's a picture of the alteration I made in her method, due to the fact that my DD has a Kira13 head, so I NEED the S-hook to be in her head to hold the headcap (and thus the head) on.


      Basically, here's what I ended up doing:

      Fixing the Super-Arched Back

      1) I stripped her butt-naked. :lol:

      2) I took off her head, and pulled her arms off so that the string from her head pulled down into her body. I untied one arm (you have to take apart her elbow to do this - it takes a bit of pulling, but it WILL pull out of her upper arm) and took both the arms off her completely, but looking back on it I probably didn't have to do that. In fact, I PROBABLY could have left her head on while I was working with her, and had the same basic result. Her torso just would've been a bit harder to work with.

      3) I held her legs/hips between my knees and pulled her torso up, to expose the knob that her leg string is tied to. I detached the string from the knob, and set her legs and hips aside.

      4) At this point, I enlisted my dad for help. I had him take his dremel tool and cut away the knob, so that there was a nice hole where it had been. I hovered the entire time, begging him to be very careful and reminding him how expensive these dolls are, and how hard to get, etc. Scarlet_Hands said she removed the knob (and made the hole) with an exacto knife, so you could probably do that, too, if you don't have access to a person who's good with a dremel tool. But be careful not to stab yourself (points at scars on hands from model-making days)! My dad used the dremel tool to smoothe out the edges of the hole so the string wouldn't catch on them, but sand paper would probably work too, it would just be harder.

      5) This is where it got more difficult - I had the changes made, now I had to put her back together. I put her arms back on, and pushed the loop of elastic between them back up into her neck (If you decide not to take off her arms/head, you won't have to do this). I put the S-hook back onto her neck elastic, to hold it up in the neck and keep it from slipping back down into the body with the next part..

      6) Then I took a VERY thin and long pair of pliers with teeth on them (smooth needle-nose won't work, as they don't grip the elastic) and grabbed only one side of the elastic between her arm and her neck (hemostats would work better, but I couldn't find any). I had my mom hold her torso, and I pulled the elastic down until there was a loop coming out of the hole where the knob was. I took some cord (I used old parachute cord, but pretty much anything that's strong, won't cut through the elastic, and will hold a knot shoud work) and put it through the loop of elastic, so that I had plenty of cord hanging out on either side. Then I released the elastic, and pulled the elastic on the other side of her neck down the same way (once again with my mom holding her body). I took the cord and stuck one side of it through the NEW loop that was sticking through the hole where the knob was, and then once again released the elastic.

      7) Next, I took the pliers and grabbed the elastic in her legs, pulling it up until I could thread the cord through it, too. I made sure I still had plenty of cord to work with (I reccommend starting with at LEAST 2 feet, since you can trim away excess after you're done). I took each end of my cord (and this is the HARDEST part, trust me) and did the first step in a square knot. Then I began tightening it by pulling on each end of the cord, with my mom holding the torso away from the hips and me holding the hips between my legs so I could see what I was doing. The tighter you can get it, the better. It took me about 15-20 minutes to get it as tight as I wanted, and my hands were KILLING me when I was done. It was very hard to tie the knot without letting it loosen back up, but that's what you have to do. Then, I checked the tension by posing her in a few different ways, and afterwards tied a few more knots of various kinds, just to make sure it wouldn't slip loose again.

      8 ) Rather than cut off the excess cord, I simply tucked it all inside her hip piece, since I may need it later if I have to unstring her again. And that was the end of the alteration process! Now my DD's back was no longer held in that super-arched position, though it could go back into it if I wanted it to. She could also bend from side to side, and lean forward (though that looks a bit awkward, just because of how the DD is formed). However, I wanted her to be able to hold poses better, too (and sit up better!), so I decided to wire her part way.

      Wiring the Legs and Torso

      9) The next day, I went over to my local hardware store and bought 10 feet of solid copper wire in 12 gauge, that was coated in plastic. It comes in many different colors (I used tan, but white would be okay, too), and is only about $.10 a foot. I brought the wire home, and held it up to my DD, bending it so it was in the right shape to go from one leg (about half way down her calf, almost to her ankle) up into her torso to right below her neck and then back down into the other leg. Once I was sure I had the right amount, I cut the wire so the piece I wanted to put in her was separated from the rest of the wire.

      10) It took a lot of work, but I managed to thread the wire down through each of her legs (those holes for the elastic in her legs are TINY!!) so that the bent part of it was sticking up between her hip and torso parts (I held her torso between my knees so I could pull her hips/legs away from it, but having a helper would probably make this easier). After I had that done, it was very simple to pull the torso far away from her hip piece and slip the loop of bent wire up into her body through the hole where the knob used to be. After that, I tucked all the excess string back inside her hip piece (I'd pulled it out to free up sorking space) and voila! She posed, sat, and HELD the positions, no problem.

      So that's how I did the alteration. You don't have to wire her if you don't want (or you could wire just her torso and upper legs, and not down through her knees, but it will hold her torso better if you do, and she'll be able to sit no problem. She also stands REALLY easily now. Here are a couple pictures of Wren sitting and posing, showing off a bit of her new ability.

      ....Okay, maybe not. >.< My camera won't connect to my computer (yet again)! Grrrr... Stupid piece of...okay. Never mind. Pctures will come when I have access to a working camera....hmmm...that Finepix S3000 is pretty nice... **ponders uses of money I don't have yet**
    7. I have a 60cm obitsu. I accidentally broke her neck thingie, so now her head doesn't stay on, but here's a pic of her anyhow. :)


      She has magnets in her feet and comes with a magnetic black saucer to stand on (it's flat). I really like the Obitsu 60cm. Yes, it's clunky looking, but dressed up, you can't even tell. :)
    8. YAY! i just want to thank everyone who helped me out with this body thing. using Kiyakotari's tutorial, i fixed up her body. i just want to wire her arms, if i can, and shes DONE. thank you thank you thank you :D
      so yea, i will post piccys soon. :grin:
    9. *lol* that's too funny :) a BJD with body image problems :P
    10. You're VERY welcome! Did you wire her legs? What did you use to cut out the knob? The only part of her arms that you can wire is her shoulders, because of the way the elbow/wrist joints are made, but the DD wrists and elbows actually have a fairly good range of movement, so that may not be a problem.
    11. i used a dramel-whatever tool, and i did wire her legs,with 12 gauge tan coated wire.
      my parents and i had a bit of a tiff regarding her...

      im probably going to have to sell her. its a looong story. :cry: :cry:
    12. WHAT?!?! WHY!?!?! **dies** Tell me everything. I have more than enough time to listen, trust me. I don't have school again until the 5th.
    13. Aww, what's the problem? if you tell us what happened, maybe all of us together can find a way you can keep her. especially after all that work!

    14. well, when i told my mom about dolls, and that i wanted to get one, she was all cool with it, until i told her the average price tag >.< (i was drooling over Yori at the time) she said, even though i had more then enough money, i couldnt buy something thats 600$ as my first doll, i had to start smal". Period. So, i scrounged around i found Dollfie Dreams, for much less. so after lots more convincing, i order her. i was always a little nervous about how she would pose, since i had read a lot of stuff about DDs i didnt really like, but i was really desperate to have a dolly of my own. so she comes. we get off to a rough start, but she grew on me. i figure out her body limitations right away, so i post this thread. i get that wonderful tutorial, and have a lot of fun taking her apart, and all that. it was weird, my dad even helped, and enjoyed himself. later that night i practically restrung her again, with differant wires, as a test...so the next day, i wanted to change the wire i had chosen (back to the one in the tutorial :oops:) unfortunently, i was in a bad mood *_* and when i asked for help from my dad, he just blew me off, kinda meanly. so i go stomping upstairs with her in my arms determined to string her myself. when i come back out of my room, with a very taken apart DD in my hands, mom starts accusing me for being mean to my dad. i got kinda pissed, and argued, and made a passing comment "its your fault all this happened anyway, i didnt even WANT a dd, but you made me get one" because she started accusing me of not being content with what i had gotten and how i couldnt get into this hobby if i hated every doll i owned, i was ungreatful etc... i felt so bad about saying that (especially to kira!), but i was so mad i wasnt even thinking. but...they kinda got really upset. dad storms away going "FINE SELL HER" and mom says "your going to pack her up and get whatever you can for her, then your going to reconsider dolls as a hobby." i tried to talk her out of it, but she just wouldnt listen, saying i needed to learn self control and that i always get mad and stuff. so they had me post her for sale that evening.

      yea...sorry for the long post. but... meh. i feel really bad cus it IS 100% my fault. i shouldnt have gotten mad...so...i dunno if there is much i can do when my dad and mom gang up like that. its like they wont even stop being mad at me until i sell her. :cry:
    15. ....Hmm....wow. That sounds like a tough one. Try this: Sit your parents down and tell them you want to talk to them. If they're too busy, then try arranging a time with them in the near future where you can talk to them. Show them that you're both responsible AND serious about this hobby. You used your own money for her, right? That's good - now, you need to build a base of 'this is important to me and it's a very good hobby for someone of any age.'

      Once you have their attention, explain to the CALMLY that you do love your DD. Try to make them understand that this IS an expensive hobby, but a very rewarding one. Explain about how your earlier reservations about DD came from her posing problems, and how the custom work your and your father did on her had fixed that. Also explain that the DD is a sort of a 'test' or 'starter' doll, to let you explore how you feel about the hobby, so you don't just jump in and spend $$$$ on a doll that you'll later simply want to sell.

      You could also try citing some of the 'parents who don't understand' threads, and possibly even show selections from them to your parents - I suggest printing out good parts and giving them to them on paper, because there ARE posts that might....ah...weird them out a little bit. Like mine. :oops: But I've got a fairly unique case, I think. Anyway....I'm assuming from your posts - and the fact that you still live with your parents - that you're in your teens. Your age can play a part in this, too - a big part of the reason my parents don't like my dolls is that they tink I'm too old for them - I'm 19. Also, you could point out some of the common 'hobbies' for people your age (whatever that is) like drinking, drugs, partying, random sex, etc. Try to think up some fairly good ones, too - not just bad ones. If you ONLY point out bad ones....it could be taken the wrong way. But you could always use the "there are much worse hobbies that I could have taken up - that would ultimately end up costing me a lot MORE than dolls, and not just monetarily" argument to shore up your front.

      I'm not really sure what else you can do - really, you just need to make your parents understandthat this is important to you, and do it ina calm, reasonable, well-presented and prepared way. They will appreciate both your honesty and your thoughtfulness - trust me. Other than that - all you can do is hope.
    16. I think a calm, written apology might do wonders in this case. If you talk to your parents, your tone of voice or something might get missinterpereted. I would try sitting down and composing a well written letter apologizing to your mother and father, and explaining that you were angry and frusterated and that your doll means a lot to you especially after all the work you put into her.
      I used to have real trouble with my parents when i lived at home, i didn't want to hurt their feelings but we differed on so many things so radically. I found writing letters let them read the letter on their own time and it also showed them how serious i was that i would take the time to write an apology. Also, while writing, you can take more time to really consider what you want to say and how to say it.

      Suck up.

    17. ok. i talked to my parents. thanks to Kiyakotari and Eptrauma for their advice.
      i think it went well. i sat down with them, apoligized profusely for loosing my temper, and talked to them about my doll. i have the hautedolls mag, so i showed them that, which impressed my mom, and that was good. i also talked to them about all the people who populate DoA, how great they are, and what a wonderful hobby dolls are. i reminded mom about the sewing skills i could learn, the art skills etc. i basically sucked up.
      my dad didnt really care, but at least hes not mad. mom loved the hautedolls article, about volks, becuase they are so dedicated to being a quality company. though i think she understands the whole doll collecting thing a bit better now. she even wants to help me sew some clothes and stuff....
      so thats the good news.
      the bad news is they still want me to sell her. becuase "you've already posted the message, backing out now would be highly unprofessional." i guess i can understand that. however, there is a good side. mom consented to letting me get any doll i want, regardless of price tag on the condition that i earn an extra 300 dollers the would be left over after i've paid for a doll. but. yea

      so thats that. i wish this hadnt come up around new years, but *sigh* thats the way it is, i guess. i hope i can find a good body for Kira...thankyou for all the support n stuff. they did appreciate me being so mature about it, and i think thats what helped, in the end.
    18. Out of curiousity - have you actually gotten any offers on Kira yet? If not....maybe you can point out to your family that it wouldn't be backing out of anything if no one was interested.
    19. sadly yes, i have had at least three offers...
      she was all packed up yesterday, i kinda wish someone would just buy her, its just so depressing to have her just cocooned in a bubble wrap coffin...alone...doing nothing. meh.
      im kinda exasperated with this whole thing...i mean, i mention her and my parents get this annoying/pissed off look on their faces...i wish she could just go to a home where EVERYONE loves her, and she wouldnt have to hide away in boxes or rooms...

      ps. now i feel super guilty about saving for a lishe! like im betraying kira...*huggles kira in box of bubble wrap* i've decided to name the lishe kira though, and make her up as though she were kira in a diff body.
      wow, that sound psyco
    20. You're not betraying her, really!! If every time you look at her, you recall with a twinge this unfortunate row with your parents, you will have a hard time loving her. She will go to someone who will love her, and in time you will get the doll YOU really want, so it's happy endings all around! I'm glad you worked things out with your parents.