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Brava Bambi (Bambicrony) Discussion Part 2

Aug 19, 2011

    1. Bambicrony doll - I'm very happy to hear that you make efforts to restore the credibility of Bambicrony again. I really loved your dolls with fairy/elf ears that you had some years ago! Will you also release dolls in Snow White skin (so beautiful!) in the near future? My biggest wish would be a Ciao Bella or a Brava Bambi with elf ears in Snow skin :)
    2. Hello, babyelf :)
      CB size dolls of white skin will be released in the near future. We are preparing fairy dolls(elf ears) & wings of beautiful colors. ^^
      I wonder, What's your favorite fairy head? Thank you :)
    3. I did it! I ordered a fullset Anna:D I got her with the Golden Rose wig. No fancy ED eyes though.

      I wasn't going to get the fullset but her outfit is only $50 more. I also realized that Bambicrony does not charge extra for tan skin, which is awesome.

      Honestly I think I caved because she reminds me so much of my Momocolor Tan Lucy Fullset - even the outfits are similar (and the milky blonde wig). White dress with pink detail, pink shoes...it even has a similar-looking gold key at the waist! I can't wait to take photos of them together:aheartbea:aheartbea:aheartbea
    4. I CANNOT WAIT TO GET TAN ELLEN!!! Eeeek. It will be my first msd size doll!
    5. Bambicrony, do you know if you have plans to release Tanned Emily in the future?
    6. I was one of the few people who ordered during that time that was and is happy with my tan Ellen. Unfortunately, after purchasing three Brava Bambis, a Marianne, and a Ciao, I am very upset about Ellen being sold again in tan. I hurried to purchase her, when I wasn't really in a position to do so, because I was told she would never be produced again in tan. The tan Ellens were limited in number and my full set was limited in number as well. There was no time limit. The limit was the number of dolls produced period. Once they were sold out, they were never supposed to be made again regardless of the outfit, etc. I feel like Bambicrony is going back on their word just to make more money.

      I am happy for someone who is now able to purchase a doll that was previously sold out, but I can not support a company that goes back on their word. It is unfortunate as I had wanted to purchase more dolls from Bambicrony, especially a Bellezza.
    7. I found out about the msd girl from bambicrony girls yesterday, and Grace looks just lovely lolita girl. But i can't seem to found any owner pictures form her on this forum or on flickr. Is she that new or just not that popular?
      With the current winter event it makes me want to buy her :o
    8. Yuuki, if you look at the earlier pages in this thread, I posted some pictures of my Grace. She is peach puff. She is my favorite Brava sculpt. Really gorgeous in person. She might not seem as popular because she is the newest. Her head was offered as a gift when you purchased so much in dollars from Bambicrony back in the fall of 2010. She was not available for purchase through Bambicrony separately. Again, we were told she would only be available at that time and only if you bought enough to get her.

      If you also look at Nine9Style, they have a Bambi Grace modeling some of their outfits. They offered Grace, under a different name, in three different dolls with special outfits. I think they are all sold out now, but it will give you an idea.
    9. Thank you so much for your're post. I did not notice that was Grace! She does look so different there.:sweat I am not good in recognize them when i just found a new company that i like.
      I see so that is way i can't find her on the web that much. I figure out the she was part of there lolita release so there should be more pictures. But maybe the owners don't post them online etc.
      Thank you for the tip! I will look at nine9style website. I a bit nervous about ordering her, not only because of the money but i own only elfdoll Yumi and floating head. But both off them there where allot of pictures on the web so that i could convince myself if i like the mold. With Grace i am not that sure yet, i love her in her stock pictures. She give a sweet lolita vibe and would look great in lolita dress but i am not sure if i like her cheeks yet *_* i am a bit person that love to doubt.

      I have a (maybe stupid) question, did bambicorny first named the Grace mold Katherine? (Or the Katherine mold Grace it just how you look it) Because i found this quote in this topic;
      And the doll looks so much like Grace, well her cheeks look not that puffy, but here eyes and lips look a bit like Grace.
    10. Yuuki, that isn't a stupid question at all! Yes, the sculpt was called Katherine originally at Bambicrony. Mine is a Katherine, but the Katherine sculpt is the same as the Grace sculpt which is the same as the Isabelle on Nine9Style. It is very confusing and would make a lot of sense if they just kept calling her Katherine, but I think they changed the name to be able to sell her again after they promised the sculpt/head was only available as a gift and would never be sold again ever.
    11. Thank you for explain it too me. I wonder why bambicrony did that, it does not make sense why release a doll and then change her name too different one. Maybe to sell more dolls or something like that? I read that bambicrony did that with more dolls, tell them they where limited and then sold them again. Its not really polite off them, but then again i am happy that they did that with katherine.
      :) I love Isabelle on Nine9style, the puff cheeks that i a worried about doesn't show that much there. I will check out flickr etc. if i find more owners pictures under the name Katherine and nine9style. Thank you :goldstar
    12. Hello, Yuuki :)

      I know about Grace, Katherine, Isabelle (Nine9's)
      All three doll's sculpt is different ^^

      Nine9's Isabelle, Lucy, Mika, Ellen - 4 doll's sculpt is same mold :)


      I find at flickr - Snow white skin lolita ver. Grace ^^
      There are sold out .. May be no release again :)

      Is there that you were looking for?
      I Hope My comment this helps. *.*
    13. Thank you ^-^ i love the picture of her in the lolita dress 0.0 why is she sold out :| she would be perfect.
      I know Grace is normal skin and Katherine was snow skin. I wonder how normal skin look with my other dolls. I have one snow skin doll (almost same as the Natural/normal skin minifee)

      Really? Grace and Katherine look almost the same. Can you tell me what the different is between those molds?
    14. Yes now that you point it out like this i see it :ablink: it makes Katerherina more sad and 'muh' looking then Grace.
      Thank you!
    15. I paid off my layaway last night! Bambicrony has informed me that my Anna is made, they are just waiting on her wig. She might ship out next week! :D
    16. Bump! My fullset Anna shipped today:D Probably for the better, since I was scheming to add more items to my order...
    17. So, uhh...Nia? She's stinking gorgeous. What age would you say most Brava's look close to? I'm looking for a companion to a JID Ryan that won't look childish next to him. Wondering about the possibility of Nia, but of course...no owner pics yet.
    18. Nia is so cute! I'm really excited to see Bambicrony producing so many lovely sculpts!:aheartbea

      Also, my Anna fullset arrived today!:D I can't believe how gorgeous she is! My box opening is here!

      Thank you Bambicrony!!!!! She is so perfect:aheartbea:aheartbea:aheartbea
    19. Any one see the tanned Emily they will be releasing soon, she's so unbelievably beautiful :)