1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Buddydoll 70cm Mars and Mercury

Sep 21, 2007

    1. Must...Start...Saving! Who could resist Mars Tough??? He'll be the perfect companion for my Sooah : )
    2. Can anyone do me a favor and show pics of the male buddydoll slouching? That would reaaaally help!
    3. Well, these aren't too clear (since he has a coat on), but here's my
      Minimee I'm working on right now - The Crow, as portrayed by Mark
      Dacascos) with the Buddydoll body. I think it slouches great!


    4. Thanks, that helped! Do you have a front slouch pic?
    5. Ohhhh sorry, he's in pieces right now - hopefully I'll have him done next month tho.
      I realllllly REALLY love his torso! :aheartbea
    6. No worries. Another qn though since you have other dolls, how's the resin? Is it as thin as the buddy girl and as fragile (compared to other company resin)? Btw, is he NS?
    7. This is interesting, looks like the 70cm are getting more popular eveyday. Great body and face, I would like a long lasting one though. I'm not good with fragile dolls. Thanks for the info.
    8. I'm not familiar w/Buddy Girl, but it doesn't seem that fragile to me....
      seems pretty sturdy and solid. I need to inspect more areas of the
      parts to be clearer on that (I'm at work right now). The resin is very
      smooth and has a bit of shine to it (msc should dull that tho).

      I got a NS body (it's the only choice) but I would compare their NS to the
      BW of other dolls, it's quite pale. It's a pretty good match with Minimee NS
      heads, although Minimee is a tad more dark or yellow as you can tell from
      my pix. But nothing too horrible that it can't work together. :)
    9. I would love to see a pic of Mars tough without a face-up. I want to see if that brow really is so big or it looks that way because of the face-up, so if anyone has one, that would be great.
    10. [​IMG]
    11. Can Mars tough also fit in 63cm male body?
      or can he only fit in 70cm body?
      I am struggling between him and souldoll Killian.....
      but Mars is too tall.. 70cm...
    12. Mars tough head is suitable for 63cm boy body,
      but the best way would be to use it for the original body.
    13. Oh, he is the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. I wish mine would come soon.
    14. Does anyone know of any places that have shoes that will fit the M-Buddy dolls (aside from Buddy Doll)? I am waiting for my Mars to arrive and I haven't gotten him any shoes yet. Where did anyone who has one get their shoes, and how did they fit?
    15. That body is absolutely amazing !!! Thanks for sharing the pictures:aheartbea !
    16. Does anyone know if Dollmore Model skinny jeans fit the Buddydoll boys?
    17. If I might note, my Demon Garden body is a little shiny BUT his resin is so silky smooth I find myself just sitting around rubbing his body .... :sweat Seriously!! It's just nice to feel.