1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Buddydoll Raphael Ltd Discussion Thread

Feb 19, 2009

    1. Tenshi: I hope so. ;_; Next check or two and I should be able to order him! Thanks!

      E.Hadrian: I was thinking of that too, and decided that my boy is going to have a very strange personality problem where he thinks he's the Phantom of the Opera (despite having nothing physically wrong with him). Or he'll just wear it and when people ask he can have a different answer each time.
    2. Wow, what an awesome mask! How cool that it stays on using magnets, I never even thought of that! Maybe I can do that with my masked dude...

      I love me some POTO and stuff inspired by it, but he's too beautiful for me so I'll pass. XD I can't wait to see what people do with him though.
    3. He's quite handsome. Definitely a favorite of mine after Mars. Hopefully Buddydoll will continue this look as I think this will finally help them gain some more attention.

      I'm pretty sure too that 16mm is the common eye size for them. However, I have 14mm as I felt 16mm was too big for my taste, and it made the sculpt (Mars) look more mature.
    4. Wow, thanks so much for the info!
      And thanks to Buddydoll, Raphael is really HOT!!! *o*
    5. He looks so better than I expected.
    6. Sadly, I am not going to be able to get this good-looking guy. The funds just aren't coming together for me. :( Rent must come first.

      I look forward to seeing lots and lots of owner pics from those who get him.
    7. I gave him up too. I wish they sell head only ....:...(
    8. I'm sorry you guys couldn't swing him :(. I was looking forward to seeing a lot of this guy!

      Anyways, I guess I'm very lucky - I sold my Topaz so I was able to order him. I paid for him in full already and got him blank with only shoes and the mask as extras. I liked the outfit but I can probably make something similar on my own so I decided against it. Also, faceup practice on big dolls is a good thing.

      . . .Did anyone else here actually order him, or am I by myself waiting? If I'm by myself I'll try not to get too lonely XD.
    9. I may have accidentally on purpose ordered him >.> With the mask...I couldn't resist and it was literally the first time I saw him today when the sale is suppose to end @__@

      Rush decision, but man is he perfect for a character of mine and not many molds at all jump out for him...So no Tenshi, you're not alone XD
    10. Whoo! We are not alone! We'll have to keep each other company XD.

      Interestingly enough, he's still available on the website, but the 5th was over quite a few hours ago in South Korea. I wonder why he's still up? I hope he's selling okay.
    11. Yeah, I'm not too sure about that..The only thing I can think of is that they're waiting for the 5th to end everywhere in the world XD

      They'll probably stop him tomorrow just to get the last few sales in......Maybe.... Perhaps they've forgotten about him..XD
    12. Wow. I've never been a fan of BD before, but I really like him. Like others have said before, he absolutely has a inspired-by-Erik TPOTO feel to him. And he's cheaper as a limited than a CP basic. That's amazing. As big a fan of noses as I am I think his is a bit long for my tastes, and I don't have the money anyway (like Mad_Hatter I accidentally on-purpose ordered a time-limited doll when I shouldn't have XD I actually ordered half an hour AFTER the event ended but they didn't notice and I didn't say anything :lol:). He's beautiful, though.
    13. OMG! They released him as basic now :sumomo:!!!
      YAY! Hope for all of us :) who wasnt able to get him LE!
    14. YESSSSS! I love Buddydoll!!!!

      *Image of chibi Smaug throwing buckets of money on Buddydoll*

      I think I know who my next big boy'll be :aheartbea
    15. Looking at the Basic Edition, wouldn't Raph-y make an adorable girl? xO <3333
    16. Yay, now more people will have him! Looks like the only differences are the outfit and mask - even his faceup is the same. I am definitely glad I jumped in while they still had the mask available.
    17. I am absolutely in love with this doll--he is just what I was looking for. Now if only I had half a grand lying around...0.o
    18. OMG! He's soooo beautiful, I love the mask.
    19. They start selling Raphael head part!! but no mask though...
    20. :aheartbeaHe is so gorgeous! TG they released him in basic. He is my next boy, definitely!:aheartbea