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Buying a Doll Because of Fetish

May 12, 2010

    1. Me too! My friends laugh at me.:D

      Besdes that, Noses are a big deal with me. Cute button noses bug me, I like my noses like dollshe does.
    2. I might save up for a doll to shell my character in, and one of them is going to be a crossdresser :XD: I have a fetish for cute guys that crossdress, roflcopter :XD:
    3. I've discovered a have a real appreciation for doll hands. ^_^; I spent a lot of time admiring Yoru's hands when I got him, and I play with my Littlefee's hands quite a bit too. Eye shape plays a big part in my doll selections too.

      But otherwise...WINGS. @_@ If it has awesome wings, I am immediately in love with it.
    4. Wow!
      Grey skin, pointed ears and dreamy eyes, sort of like this? :XD:
    5. I love love love dolls with unique/expressive lips. If a doll doesn't have a cute mouth, I probably won't buy it. However, just because it has a cute mouth doesn't mean I'll buy it. ^^; It still has to fit into my plans.
    6. I'm a DSAM35 lover too! The only thing that stops me getting one (and sticking a saint head on it) is the unrealistic proportions, he's too elongated. Yeeeah...I love crazy joints but I also want realism. I'm fussy :P Also, I'd keep him hanging around naked, just to enjoy his freaky body.
    7. I love dolls with teeth~~ I know a lot of people find it creepy- but I simply can't resist cute little dolly teeth! :)
    8. i don't know if it's counts, the reason i bought first doll is totally due to i feel he looks like the character that i love to death in a Bl novel ......................................

      i can't resist a doll with a little sad feel like Volks williams ................................... XDDDDDDDDDDd
    9. Great question. I have some resistance luckily, but I looove elf ear dolls, If the elf ears are cute, I can forgive the rest.
    10. What unique fetishes everyone have!

      I love an open mouthed and little teeth or fang as well..it just so cuute.. Oh and I always look at mouth..I love it when it's a bit pouty...:XD:
    11. Fetish is often used in a religious context, in terms of an object of adoration or sacred devotion--and for a lot of us, that's damn close to the truth. I know I say I'm "in love" with some dolls, but all mine (so far!) are children or pre-teen, so I mean it the way a mother means it. My current Object of Veneration is an off-topic Lasher "Ainsley," and I love her to the point of distraction...and that's a good part of why I'm broke until payday:lol:! (My kids are grown, btw, so there's no "depriving my babies of milk money" type concerns here.)

      My own fetishes in dolls--pointed ears, mouth shape (the teeny tiny mouth that's little more than a brushstroke doesn't appeal to me at all), and a sweet expression. LittleFee Ante Elf sends me over the moon; she's close to perfect on my personal BJD scoresheet.
    12. Fantasy dolls.. There is just too many of them! Somo has them, Souldoll has them... I wanna themmm!!!!
      Yes, Fantasy dolls are my fetish.
    13. Well, my obsession with dolls used to be noses...but now I think it's leaned more towards big eyes and cute faces. :D I've had too many sad dolls, too many sad days... It's time for happier dolls. :)
    14. I really like males with pretty eyes... on real guys and on dolls. I expecially like blue, green, and a mixture of blue and green!
    15. I'm an ear fetish, abnormal ears to be exact (elf/mermaid/etc). Yes the face is important too, but I'm not nearly as picky about the face as I am the ears. I don't think I'd ever want a doll with normal ones.
    16. the first thing i look at are beautiful lips that's why i adore Soom Dia boy and is obsessed in having one also beautiful hands and a face with character.
    17. I prefer dolls with really big sad eyes and small lips, maybe it is fetish ))
    18. I think mine would be the pouty faces.... I like dreaming heads a lot too....
      Its really hard to say actually since I do not really have those kinds of dolls xD
      Or not the ones I would really like to have > A<

      I do know I have something for effeminated guys, its a curse I tell yeah!
    19. For me, it would probably be top hats, if that counts. XD

      Like the full set dolls that have those dashing gentle man clothes.
      It's all mostly clothing for me. (Especially fishnets, chains and zippers. Biggest fetish's right there. Haha)

      But for facial features.
      I'm not too sure what in specific... XD Feminine, I guess.

      Edit: Totally forgot about the Tender and sleeping faces. Even If I don't like that specific doll normally, The tender and sleeping faces simply make me go head over heels.

      Maybe it's my love for serene and peacful looking things.
    20. I am a huge Mana-Sama addict and just love everything about that guy. There is almost not one day when I do not draw him or read Mana related fanfictions or anything Mana related for that matter. So I got my self a Mana-Sama minimee. Now waiting for his lover Gackt Minimee. And yes I do have an enormous Mana fetish in a religious way. He is God to me. It is so serious that I could kneel down on my knees in front of the real Mana if I ever saw him. So my doll choices are most of the time something Dark and mysterious, angelic and innocent or devilish. My dolls reflect the beauty of Mana.