1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Buying a doll you thought you would never buy

Nov 11, 2009

    1. Never thought I'd want any doll larger than my Lati Green, but now I'm in love with Dollmore's Lusion Dahlia and have just ordered Volks' SD13 Elena. I also swore I wouldn't have any boy dolls as I am sick and tired of looking at boy clothes/shoes/accessories from my sons, but Homme Ducan is seriously growing on me...
    2. I do this all the time. In fact, if I'm kind of meh about a doll at first, I suspect I'm going to get it *L*. It's happened with at least two of the dolls I already have and also with the Chalco I have on layaway. Sometimes ones that don't strike me as gorgeous start to intrigue me. It's kind of weird! *L*
    3. I didn't think I'd like females or any volks dolls. Ok, I liked Volks, but the price tag...ouch! Now I own 3 Volks, and one is a girl, but she has other females hanging around as well!
    4. i never thought i would buy a tiny....with a horn ^^ but i fell in love with the unicorn tiny from soom
    5. Well, I'd always thought I wanted non-fantasy type dolls, efl ears and hooves just weren't my thing. But then I made up a beautiful character who has elf ears. Now I really want to make him into a Jingling LoongSoul elf!!
    6. I never thought I'd get an Iplehouse Ryan. He's so cute, with that insane buff body. But he's perfect for the character, and it wasn't until i actually got him that he started growing on me lol.
    7. i thought i'd never own ANY boys.... i got one for my son then i got a head for me and then a body for him then another... and now... well.... i have a 90cm Hale and LOVE my boys. (still LOVE my girls) A LOT!
    8. I never thought I'd own a limited doll, let alone a Soom limited. Sure, I checked them out every month to see the next pretty doll, but I was never completely wowed enough to want one.... Then one day the Soom Amber preview picture showed up right around my tax refund.... Downhill from there!! XD I finished that layaway, and thought it couldn't possibly happen again, but of course, the Thunder twins appeared. In fact, I couldn't even decide between the two, I had to have them both! Again, I finished that layaway, and Soom's 6 month layaway option went away, so I thought that even if I wanted another, I wouldn't be able to afford it. But I found a way to make it so, and now a Chalco is one payment away to being in my possession.

      But on the bright side, it's because of those last 3 'Soomings' that I decided to get off of my behind and start looking for a decent paying job.
    9. A limited Volks doll that was released at a Dolpa in Japan! I really couldn't afford her, but somehow I did and she's here. She's beautiful though and I'm really happy with her!
    10. I, too, never thought I'd own any Tinies at all, because I don't really like them. I like big tall male dolls. And yet, I find myself owning 4 Tinies: one rare Unola Azurite, twin Lotus Nears, and... and I once won a fetal-position ReiTenshi at a Dolpa, so the Volks fairies clearly wanted me to own a Tiny. I guess certain special tinies were just in the cards for me. :>

      Also, I assumed I'd never bother buying a doll with fantasy animal body-parts, because I don't like anthros either... But that assumption lasted exactly as long as it took Soom to release Vega Last Song. Change hit me like a brick. *pow!* Bring on the fins!
    11. I was trying my hardest to not get into the larger than large-sized dolls, but have gradually caved... first going over 60cm with Soom MDs and now I'm waiting for an EID Tedros... geesh...

      60cm had seem plenty large to me, but everyone seems to be wanting larger and larger (as well as smaller... and more ... I guess it's just the nature of doll companies to try and find a niche to fill).
    12. I'm too new to the hobby to have a "never thought," but when I first started looking I really didn't see myself going for the tinies, now my first doll will be one and I plan on at least a few more.
    13. I never thought I would get a Chrom hybrid. I snagged up a Chrom Firelord head and will order him a Popodoll body in the summer. Then I will have my own wolfman =3. I am so happy.
    14. Yep! :3 I generally don't like the BBB faces, and REALLY don't like the bodies, but upon browsing the gallery, I found a precious Weylin mod and had to have him! Of course, he still needs a body 'cause he's sharing one with my AR Warrick, but that's to come later. xB
    15. I have two dolls like that xD At first, zaoll luv. With horror-like promo pictures she has, when I looked at them at first, I was like 'who on earth will buy such an ugly doll'. But only few days later I bumped into owner pictures, and she turned into the most amasing mould i could ever imagine \(=_=)/
      And, also Neville. It's not like I didnt liked him, when I fisrt saw him I thought he was really, really lovely. But back then I was in state of 'closed eyes are booooooooooooooooring' and so I wasnt planning to buy him, ever. And now it seems he'll be my first and only SD boy xD
    16. I never thought I would buy a Volks doll straight from the company, or elves (because I typically don't like them). Well all that definitely changed...except, I still don't like elves as much as some people do. But I just had to get Bobobie sprite twins. :)
    17. I have another lol! I HATED dollshe dolls I just couldn't stand looking at them for the life of me, then I looked at some photos of poses and i started thinking well...there's possibilities. Anyway after a few minutes of debate in my head I hit the purchase button and my bernard with dsam35 body has been ordered. He's grown on me since my impulse purchase and I'm pretty excited to see what he looks like.
    18. Absolutely. When I first got into BJD's, I didn't care for Dollzone sculpts at all. But since then, I've seen how versatile they are, and all the wonderful things that their owners have done with them, and I'm now awaiting a Dollzone Feilian of my own. I think that my tastes have changed and expanded since I first discovered BJD's and now I can honestly say that there is not a doll or company I would never consider owning a doll from. I find them all beautiful.
    19. As far as I can remember, this has happened to me twice:

      At first sight Luts Senior Delf Abadon did not match at all any of the characters I could recognize (Almost all my BJD are my particular resin vision of One Piece manga and anime series characters) or imagine in my crew, but when I saw Luts Senior Delf Abadon LE's head make up I could not think of any other than the commander among my troop in him. The rest is already a known told story.

      I used to say pretty sure, and more than convinced, during years I would not be able to suppose myself owning a Dollmore BJD because features of these molds were not exactly kind of my style and I thought they could not fit my group. Nowadays, a Dollmore Glamor Model Doll I actually love, Nayuta Kenzo, has been the last one to join my resin Strawhat's because I saw in him my cola super cyborg.

      You might never know what your mind may imagine and/or see tomorrow in a mold/sculpt.
    20. I never thought I would buy a Volks MSD F-18, at first I thought the sculpt looked too cutesy, girlly and well... Dolly. :sweat I was into the more tom-boyish looking girl sculpts, like SD Kun or MSD Toppi. But after I got one I thought she was the most adorable thing ever and now her and YoSD Lin/Shinn are my favorite molds, so much so that I plan to get two Lins.