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Bye Bye Alice Cherry Blossom! Discussion

Sep 6, 2008

    1. Oh and don't forget the marketplace too. Sometimes you can get a fantastic deal. I got my 1st edition alice for $300. I don't think that is bad at all considering that she is pretty mint. She does have a restringing issue but restringing is not bad at all.
    2. Awwww...it looks as if Elfdoll has removed all reference to Alice Cherry Blossom from their website now. :( The Joint Project section has disappeared from their menu. I know that Alice and her family members are no longer being made now, but it bums me out at not being able to at least see them pictured in Elfdoll's archives section. On the bright side, I do have my own ACB "Cochon" to play with, so I guess I'm just being rather foolishly sentimental over a change to a company's website.
    3. Awww I didn't see that either! That sucks. I agree they should keep it up as well.

      Charles does have his own flickr group and flickr account, you can still see them there. I know because I am subscribed to them :)
    4. I have seen charles group and it does have a lot of nice pics
    5. julidc: Elfdoll usually does remove discontinued dolls from their website as practice. Even for their own dolls. Not sure why they do it.

      I don't think it's necessarily bad some times seeing a discontinued doll you can't have causes more hurt but it would be nice if they had an archive of sorts
    6. Thanks Gamekitty! I had seen Charles' flickr site before, but the part about being able to subscribe to it. :doh

      Thanks to you too Aichan! :D I think I'm finally subscribed to this group now. ;)

      Yeah Aree, I hear what you're saying about having to constantly see a doll that you can no longer get...that can be heartwrenching. :( But adding these dolls, along with all the others currently listed as "sold out", to their Archive section would be helpful as a source of reference. In the case of ACB and family, I found it kind of odd that the whole "Joint Project" section dissappeared. Considering these dolls have been feautured in several doll magazine articles recently, I would think that Elfdoll would want to keep showing these characters somewhere...good for publicity you know. :) Anyway, I'm sure Elfdoll has their reasons for everything they do, and who knows, maybe they just haven't gotten around to updating the archive section in a while. ;)

      Hugs, Juli DC :)
    7. Some Alice Cherry Blossom pictures from beginning to end can still be seen here on Charles' Creature Cabinet's Gallery: http://main.charlescreaturecabinet.com/?page_id=84
    8. julidc: Elfdoll also is revamping their site so who knows "Elf Doll shop will be temporarily closed for site renewal"
    9. Thank you Charles!! :fangirl: I wasn't even aware of some of the outfits you have pictured. I have Reindeer outfit, but none of the others shown, I'll have to keep an lookout for them on the secondary market. ;) And it's great seeing your sketches too. :)

      Yep, I'm looking forward to seeing the "renewed site"! ;)

      Hugs, Juli :fangirl:
    10. I'm sad that Alice Cherry Blossom is discontinued. I was looking forward to more variations on Alice. Someone even told me a rumor that a chocolate-colored pig was in the works. That would have been so amazing!
    11. that is sad, I've always liked Alice. I'd still like one someday even though my husband thinks they are the creepiest thing ever. :P

    12. They grow on you, when my husband saw Alice he thought she was so cute now when we go somewhere that *might * have photo opps he grabs her to take! Lol
    13. I really don't understand how anyone could think that they are creepy. My husband and I think they are the most adorable things ever. But I have a friend (not a doll collector) who saw the piggies at one of the dolly meets, and she was totally freaked out by them, especially the mother pig, Victoria.

      Now that I think about it, I guess I can kind of understand being weirded out by Victoria because she's kind of sexualized due to her shapely figure. Also - it draws attention to the fact that the piggy bodies are more human being that they have only two nipples and a belly button.
    14. Well I guess its like some people think regular dolls ar creepy I guess it depends on their perception of them... I have never been to much for the anthro dolls but when I saw Alice I fell in love.
    15. Well, I don't know about you all...but I have made sure that my whole Alice Cherry Blossom Family is tucked safely in their house....not listening to the news or reading the newspapers....don't want any panic or hurt feelings among the other BJDs.....these sweet piggies have not caused a pandemic...that's for sure. The only "crisis" they ever caused was the fast depletion of funds from my bank account for new ourfits and the completion of their lovely Family!!
    16. I'm totally with you on this. There's no way my piggies caused any kind of epidemic. They are perfectly healthy! Besides, it's somewhat misleading to call this a "swine" flu, since it combines a strain of the human flu and avian flu with swine flu. Also - no pigs are actually sick.
    17. Well the alternative is "Mexican Flu" LOL I didn't read anywhere where they said it came directly from pigs. More that it coulda come from the feces ponds/flies

      I was watching "Pig Bomb" last night. It was interesting, but it brought to mind poor Edward.

      Just as a word of warning, Edward's tusk canine fell out. Luckily I found it in the vacuum bag *_*
    18. Calling it the "Mexican Flu," would sound SO wrong! I'm glad they're not calling it that. I heard some doctor on CNN or MSNBC call it the "North American Influenza Strain." It's technically correct, but kind of cumbersome. I think they should shorten to the trendier "NoAm Flu." So fierce!

      Back on topic - I haven't been giving my piggies enough attention lately. I've been very busy lately, and I must admit that I am really excited to get my first Puki next week...
    19. LOL that is too funny!