1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Cerisedolls Mini Discussion part 3

Feb 5, 2016

    1. Thank you kindly <3
    2. Did you all see the giant stack of Kitty Jolie she's ready to mail off on her instagram? :) I'm excited!
      • x 1
    3. I did, I can't wait to see pictures from all the people getting her! She's not one I think I'll ever purchase for myself but I love looking at pictures of her
    4. Yeah I saw the giant pile and have been anxiously awaiting a shipping notification, but no such luck yet D:
      Hopefully she is on her way though and they just haven't been able to update all the statuses. I mean, there's a looooot of order statuses to update lol.
      I have a tiny hope she will be in time for my birthday Thursday. But probably not!
    5. I can't wait for the flood of cute spam!
    6. Ooooh, I woke up to an email from the delivery company that she's been delivered at my parents today :D I'll see them Thursday so just two more days <3
    7. Waaaaah people are receiving Kitty Jolies?!?!?! I'M FREAKING OUT GUYS! Congrats!!!!! I'll let you know if mine arrives, but so far I'm on "preparation in progress." Mine has two faceups though, so it might be coming later.
    8. Mine has both faceups too! Aaaaaaa~ I'm so anxious! No news yet, but this is so exciting! I can't wait to see what others do with her. :love
    9. Waaaaahhh she arrived ! My precious Kitty Jolie and she's totally cute ! I adore the bag, its the old pink white striped one with cute bows . . .
      Her name is Melba cant take pics its dark now.
    10. Congrats!
      But the old bag? There have been dolls that were shipped with the new bag so I assumed that's what we would get? :/
    11. I hope it's the stripe one! :D And hopefully it won't take long for faceup girls to get out. Unless the casting company sends them to her separately from the blanks, they should be included in the magic shipping box pile! :D
    12. The shipping box pile was from Lillycat sending them out, not them coming in.
    13. @Snow Thanks ! I've seen only the grey bag lately but perhaps I wasnt paying attention :)
      I tried some quick pics but my batteries are dead * bummer *
      My kitty has a face up I totally did not expect her yet I checked my email during lunch break and I had a notice from the dutch handler not Lillycat. The package was delivered at my neighbours house :| . anyhows she is here and I love her color, she came with lilac/purple eyes.
    14. I'm freaking out! My husband is working at home today, and he just texted me a picture of a quilted pink and white bag from Lillycat! Kitty Jolie is home, and I had no idea she was on the way :aeyepop::D
      • x 1
    15. I know, I saw the picture and mentioned it. ;) That's the "magic shipping box pile" I was referring too, lol! Unless the casting company is sending -her- a separate shipment of faceupped dolls, then that pile of boxes that she's been prepping and sending out should also have faceupped girls in there.

      I don't understand what wasn't clear? XD

      @bronzephoenix OMG SHUT UP WOOOOOO!!
    16. I guess they waited to ship everything out until the faceups were done as well. Which explains why the blank Kitty I ordered got shipped two weeks after they arrived in France.
      There was no guarantee they would have been in there though, until Aeryn mentioned otherwise. These faceups got done really fast compared to other companies. And I'm fairly sure that in the past she's sent out blank dolls before the faceupped ones.The casting company doesn't do the faceups.

      Congrats Bronzephoenix, that's nice to come home to!

      Another pink bag though... I know you guys are excited about it, but I am seriously disappointed. I can't say for sure yet, since I won't be able to open mine until Thursday, but I'm a bit sad and confused. I've seen dolls arriving with the new bag so I don't know what's going on. If I do get the pink bag I really do hope I can exchange it or something.
    17. The casting company -does- do them. I asked. They do the faceups based on Lillycat's designs.
    18. Does anyone have an idea how long it'll take before Millies will be ready? I know my impledoll took 3 months but I figured each company is different
    19. Ah, guess I'm stuck in the old ways.

      @Raetic I ordered Kitty Jolie on September 29th and she arrived today. So 4,5 months approximately.
    20. @Raetic You can check the item listing for the processing time. Millie Choupie has a processing time of 100 working days (Monday-Friday). Usually Lillycat is a week or two early, but in the case of Kitty Jolie, I think it took 102 working days for me? I'm not counting holidays, though, just weekdays. It's actually a lower number of days, since holidays don't count.

      @Snow Do you mind if I ask why one box is preferable to another? I generally recycle them anyway, unless the doll is limited/a fullset and the box is valuable to have. What do her other boxes look like? I have no idea XD

      @silverholly 8D I'm so surprised ahhh!