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Chantal - Souldoll Zenith Girl!

Dec 4, 2009

    1. Oh dear, I think I am going to get her no matter what at this point, thankyou for that final nail Anistasiya! I need a body that poses fantastically for my larger doll heads.
      I'd prefer if she was around 65 rather than a full 70 though, I have so many ubertall girls! (Darn my love for Dollmore Models.)
      I do wish they'd put up some naked pictures.. I'm sold based on the fact she's a souldoll body + gorgeous face, already.
    2. Have her measurements been released yet? I'm curious as to how tall she is, what eye size she takes, etc. She looks like she'll fit a character I have in mind, but I need her to be a smidge shorter than my Soom girl. >w<
    3. She looks pretty sanely bewbed, though it's hard to tell with the dress. Smaller than the EID for sure, and likely the super gem, but the shape is going to be what makes or breaks it, I think. It'd be nice to see a natural slope going on.

      She has a nice 'long and lean' quality going for her, at a glance, but her curves may be more dramatic without the dress. The double girls don't look busty dressed, but the nude photos they have seem considerably more so -- I just ordered a double girl so I can't say for sure how they stack up really against similarly sized girls, though, and even that might not tell us too much.
    4. Leadora it's Sunday afternoon in Korea so I don't think they will release any more info until tomorrow at the earliest. I will post an update as soon as I get answers to what I posted on their Q&A board.

      surreality I hope you're right. Big bewbs I can always sand down, and "long and lean" sounds good to me. I don't mind solid hips though, and it's good if the legs are sturdy and in proportion to the torso, too often they seem scrawny compared to the rest. The dress does seem to be a thick, heavy material that blankets and hides much of the curvature, much like snow on a landscape... The wait is frustrating and exciting as usual, I could go either way right now, but need more bodies!!!
    5. Hmm I have been looking at pictures of the zenith boys, and have discovered that they do not have all the jointing of the double bodies. Uh oh. I hope they allow a hip joint and thigh rotation on Chantal @_@

      After owning Soom bodies, I am loathe to get a body that does not have at least either a hip joint or thigh rotation.. Double bodies pose so well, why would they go backwards and have less jointing on the larger bodies :O
    6. Souldoll replied to my question with a "please wait a little longer".
    7. "A little longer" means a little longer to set money aside for this girl (or girls, if the nonhuman is as awesome as I fear it will be), so I can't say I mind the wait! :lol:

      That face just keeps haunting me. I absolutely can't stop looking at that first image. I can take a pass on the outfit, but the hair, faceup, those utterly haunting, eerie eyes? Just stunning. Absolutely stunning.
    8. Oh I've got funds, not in a hurry to order though, I just want to know IF I am going to order or not. I'm sure the human won't be limited at least so it's not so much about getting in quick (unless a quick arrival is desired) and even the Chiron centaur is still available, so probably the other-than-human version will be available too.

      The head is nice, I don't care for the dress; as St. James mentioned, a pic of the profile would be good, but most of all I just want to see the body and find out the measurements.
    9. Agreed, I want more pictures of the face from angles, and the body in more than one pose at least, if they are not going to show skin. They went a little boring with the photography.
    10. If this is the human version, the Alternate must be even more amazing!! cant wait to see more of her :D
    11. Just seen her. Very, very promising. If she is blue and has multiple arms, I might be finding myself adding another female doll to my collection. Come on Souldoll! Put us out of our misery!
    12. I've had her as my desktop background for the past few days now 'cause she's that beautiful and I'm impatiantly waiting for her non-human form to be revealed ... god ... so far the only thing protecting my money is the fact that I don't have any boy tall enough to accompany her and it would be a shame to leave such a Lady all by herself ... but a multiple-armed, possibly blue-skinned doll ... AND my girlfriend saving up for Chiron Centaur ... >___<~ Dang, there goes my Barron Fond ... @_____@~
      I'm still trying to stay strong but darn, doesn't she make it difficult? *______*~
    13. I have to admit I'm not particularly taken by her face, but oh man, that outfit... She's a gorgeous doll all-around, just not what I'm looking for at the moment.

      If there are more female Zenith molds made in the future, though, I could be in trouble. D:
    14. The outfit on version two is terribly yum. It tickles my Victorian pinup-collecting brain just right. Body pics are up at that link: http://souldoll.com/shop/step1.php?number=1897

      A little... implanty, but I do like the body in general from what I can see. It's not uberpushup like the elfdoll torso, at least, and more modest sizewise than the supergem at a glance.
    15. Couldnt figure out what you meant til I saw the nude pic. She does look implanty LOL
      The hips and legs look nice. except for the knees
    16. Okay I just saw the nude pics of Human Version 2 and those knees are a little weird looking, but her body is very promising. I just hope she is not too expensive, I really love the makeup on version 2 and 1.
    17. Ooh. With the way it was set up, I think ver 2 gets my vote! She is beautiful!!!
    18. I think I want both sets of eyes, the faceup from 1, and the outfit from 2. Yegods I hope that will be possible. Victorian frillies! YAY! I'd cheerfully try for both if I didn't know I'm likely suckered for the nonhuman, too.
    19. I have to say that the body isn't what I expected. The knees are a little different from what I had in mind and maybe I had too high expectations from this girl, because I really admire their Zenith boys.
    20. Love it, love everything about it. The breasts are perky but not overlarge or over pushup (Although I own a DM Glamour bust Model body, so everything looks normal compared to that), even the odd looking knees are fine by me, as if they'd stuck to the zenith boy knee style it might have been a bit too knobbly.

      But you know what has sold me? She has back dimples on her hips. I love those. And the vertebrae showing at her neck, and her gorgeously sculpted shoulderblades. How has no-one mentioned that yet!

      I will be hitting up the split forum asap to get one of these bodies. Not totally sold on the head yet though I think.. I do wish she'd come with a hip joint and thigh rotations though :(
      I'm assuming the pricing will be the same as Hewer and Chiron's human versions. 610 is a little pricey, but probably worth it.

      Are we hearing about any measurements yet on the head or body?