1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Cheap doll after cheap doll?

Jan 17, 2011

    1. I'm going to be honest here. First thing I look at is the price tag. I have a total of 10 dolls currently 2 on the way and one I am about to purchase from someone here on DOA.
      I fault no one for wanting a certain doll or for the money they spend on them that is up to the individual.
      I however have a certain price range I am willing to spend on a doll so I almost always buy second hand.
      Tinies no more then $100
      Msd No more then $200 (I have only broken this once... and for a limited edition I fell in love with dang you AH Mr. Kozy)
      SD no more then $300
      Sure it takes me longer to get the doll I am wanting but I enjoy the thrill of the hunt and they normally come with a face up and extras^_^
      Some of my best deals were a Megi for $100 a Puki Puki for $80 (If I'm not mistaken) and a bobobie Tony for $150 including (4 pairs of eyes, 4 wigs, 5 pairs of shoes, 3-4 outfits, shipping, and many other goodies)
      So it's not the fact I am impatience and don't save up for the dolls I want, I am even more patient waiting for the doll I want at a fraction of the cost ^_^
      For me I don't have a sculpt I have to have. Sure there are ones I would like but I do not regret any of my purchases I love all my little hunks of resin XD I just find a price I like then look at the doll, if we click It was meant to be!
    2. I own a Sato-only Volks FCS doll. I also own a Bobobie 60cm doll. Yes there is a noticeable difference in resin quality, faceup quality, sculpt detail, facial symmetry and joint engineering between the two companies. My Volks boy has heavy smooth resin that is warm to the touch, is proportionally built, sculpted in accurate detail and has a very nice faceup. My Bobobie has light plasticky resin, asymmetrical facial features, tube limbs and came with a pencil faceup. I did get what I paid for in both cases.

      You know what though? I don't care much about any of that, none of those features (or lack thereof) is a deal breaker for me. It was nice that the BBB was $600 dollars less, but really who gives a shit if I saved money buying him? I bought my Volks because I think he's cute, and I bought my BBB because I think he's cute. I've got more Volks and RS dolls on my wishlist and I'll buy them without a qualm too.
    3. Looking back at what I've written, as well as the very similar posts that have come before and after it, I worry we may need to do a lot of damage control again.

      But thinking about it, I think we've proven that 99% of BJD owners are not stuck up, or elitist. I hope that any new owners who look at this thread can see that most BJD owners are welcoming and supportive.

      And like someone else said (who I don't remember at the moment) I stick to what I know - which is why I made that "Stick to what you know?" thread. I think it's natural to do it, because if you're like me, some of us have never had the chance to hold and move a BJD until they got theirs.
    4. Huh. I'll have to try that the next time I say something offensive and don't feel like owning it when people react badly.

      Moving right along ...

      The two dolls I currently covet the most: one, an Iplehouse YID, would run me close to $800 sans shipping; the other, an Angelsdoll Jin, would clock in closer to $300. I adore them both equally and want them both equally. Jin's face most perfectly approximates the character I have in mind (and I have been searching for her long and hard). As far as I'm concerned, her lower price is gravy.
    5. If somebody's dream doll is a Bobobie, there's nothing wrong with that. Why the heck do so many people assume that everyone who buys an inexpensive doll really would prefer an expensive doll that they must try hard for? There are many ways of enjoying this hobby, it's rather annoying to constantly hear everyone who likes a cheaper doll being told that cheap dolls are okay, but if they really want something more expensive and of higher quality... yada, yada, yada. Dream dolls are an individual choice.

      I know people mean well, but not everybody is the same. It gets harder to ignore the left-handed compliment in, "You should buy cheaper dolls if you love them, but if you want a high quality doll..." after about the thousandth time you hear it.

      BabyTaragon, I love your suggestion. People should buy whatever they want for whatever reason they have. I think it would be lovely for this community if that taboo were to disappear completely. Whether people buy on the high end or low end of the price scale, it doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt anyone for people to buy dolls because they're cheap. Nor does it hurt anyone for people to buy dolls because they're expensive.

      So long as people live and let live, it really doesn't affect anyone at all.

      It's always awesome to hear people who love dolls at both ends of the spectrum. :aheartbea
    6. There are so many good comments, I wish I could quote or comment
      on them all, but I thought this was said well.

      I suppose this hobby is like anything else, but mostly because it's
      a community where people share their dolls, in threads, signatures
      and profile, that at a certain point we might be bored and like to
      speculate why someone has what they have. Personally I love seeing
      other peoples dolls, and I love the diversity I often see. I enjoy seeing
      box opening threads and the excitement the new owner feels, whether
      their first doll cost $99 or $1900:aheartbea

      But I think it's unfair to speculate WHY someone has only "cheaper" dolls,
      and especially unfair to care unless you want to give some of your
      money to them because you think a more expensive doll will make them
      happier OR?

      So, I will admit that I forgo a lot of other "luxuries" in life, because I want
      my dolls more than: to go see a movie every weekend, to go out to dinner,
      I really didn't get any new clothes last year...but I did get 6 dolls and a few
      heads:sweat That was my CHOICE:) Everyones situation is different!!
      If someone else really wants their first doll or another doll but either doesn't
      have the $$ for a more expensive doll, or really just needs the "comfort" of
      a doll they can get right then....well whose right is it to look down on them?


      I want to share a little story, about a girl I met here on DOA last year.
      She wanted a BJD soooo bad, I'm not sure I ever wanted anything as
      badly, but she was young and only had a small allowance and on top of
      that her parents weren't too keen on her getting one, mainly I guess
      because of the prices. Well she had her heart set on a certain LE that was
      long sold out, but as it is in this hobby, there's ALWAYS a new doll coming
      out, so she fell in love with another one. By this time her parents were
      "warming up" to the idea of letting her get one. But not quickly enough.
      And so another LE passed her by. She was sad but hopeful.
      Well months and months passed, and even more doll passed by her that
      she wasn't able to get. At another point it seemed likely they would help
      her get her first BJD and she was soooo excited. But it didn't happen.
      Then at this point she found out about another company that had "cheaper"
      dolls and she could get a basic. She was really happy to have found these
      dolls and it seemed likely that she could get one because they weren't LE
      or very $$$. But I suppose because she had liked so many other dolls in
      months past her parents weren't convinced she wanted this (or any?)
      bjd badly enough, and I guess they also thought it was a frivolous luxury
      and wouldn't do as much for her as something else they could buy her.
      About 8-9 months passed from the time we first starting chatting in pms
      and she still never came any closer to getting her first doll.
      Then for whatever reason I never heard from her again :( I really believe
      if her parents had simply allowed her to get ANY doll, even if it was a
      "cheaper" doll she would still be active on the forum and we might still be
      talking. The reason I'm saying this here is because I'm certain that all
      the stigma and general distaste that so many older collectors have towards
      cheaper dolls made her want one that was slightly less attainable, so much
      so that she never ended up getting any.

      If someone can only afford a BBB etc. then who are we to look down on
      them...unless we are willing to help them out? Wouldn't that be wonderful.

      Since I saw this mentioned I have to comment on it:
      I absolutely hate the term "serious collector". What does that even mean?
      And how does someone choosing "cheaper" dolls make them less serious?
      Isn't this a hobby to be enjoyed? Doesn't that count more and come first?
      In many hobbies a "serious collector" is someone who keeps their collection
      in MINT condition, never touching it and keeping it in a box. The ONLY point
      being for the value to increase so they can sell it for more. It makes me think
      of the people, who I cannot stand, that buy LE dolls, usually Limited in #, just
      so they can raise the price up secondhand and profit.
      THEY consider themselves "serious collectors" and I would never want to be
      compared with them.

      From that standpoint I'm pretty sure we would ALL fail the serious collector

      These dolls are meant to enjoy, and to make us happy, in whatever shape
      and form that occurs. It's not anyones right to pick on others for their
      choices in dolls. Period.
    7. Hi again! well, i've thought about it and some things i said about cheap dolls weren't nice. I didn't even start this topic for those reasons, that wasn't my aim to be like that at all. Last night it was actually 2am LOL, i just wasn't thinking strait saying half the things i said. now i look back and think what right i have to judge other people and their dolls. the reason of the topic was to see why people collected a lot of dolls from the same company that were cheaper. It wasn't aimed at all cheap dolls and owners because you have one or two cheap dolls. i meant the ones who seem to have a mass of them, and by mass i mean more than about 5, Those sorts of owners can afford a ton of those ones then they can afford others as well. I was just wondering do they like them for their look? or because they just want to own a ton of dolls? or other reasons?

      eveything else forget i said XD
    8. I have both cheaper dolls and more expensive dolls. I bought some customhouse dolls because I was curious about them and I liked the look of them. Any complaints I have about the dolls relate more to having to deal with customhouse than with the dolls themselves. I frequently shop for a 'doll fix', can't resist a sale and am generally curious about other dolls and companies out there. I've bought cheaper dolls, hated them, bought more expensive dolls, not really liked them, bought cheaper dolls and loved them. My favourite doll (I-doll Alice) was a special price - first one to order got her for $210 reduced down from $500. She still amazes me with her quality and sculpting. I'd happily buy more of her. I've currently got Dollshes on order - they were half price. I would have liked to buy a DollnDoll Mo $195 and a Peppermint from Mint on Card both cheaper dolls simply because I like the look of them. Unfortunately I've run out of funds due to Xmas shopping. Price doesn't always mean crap quality, there can be some really good bargains out there at different times. I've also got a friend who loves the Resinsoul sculpts simply because she loves the faces.

      There are also people who no matter how long they save, they won't be able to afford an expensive doll and even if they can, wouldn't buy it. I know that I've had some dolls that have becomes sought after by collectors ie Sard, Beryl, Vesuvia, Kaye Wiggs Annabella and it gets to the stage where I'm reluctant to keep them in the house once their resale price gets too high. I'd hate to have a doll that I couldn't afford to replace. I've ended up selling them for that reason. I have two young daughters and there is always the chance that they could damage/drop one of my dolls. I refuse to lock them away where my kids can't touch them. Both my hubby and I are agreed on this. His father collected Meccano and he remembers seeing boxes and boxes of 'toys' that he was never allowed to play with. I want to share the joy of my BJDs with my daughters. Sure, people may have six cheaper dolls, but it could have taken them 5 years to get them. A long and frustrating time to save for one single doll. I don't tend to find there are many people with cheaper dolls who whinge about the more expensive dolls. Most people are happy with what they own. Sure there are people that want to own 'exclusive' sculpts, then there are people like me who sell them once they are perceived as 'exclusive' because they don't want dolls with that nametag.

      Lula78 - I just read your post. As a parent of young children (my eldest is 10), I've learned to be a little wary of their 'passions'. Sure, she wanted a BJD and passionately, but the feelings she expressed over the internet may not have been reflected in real life. My kids can earn pocketmoney each week ($5) and get birthday and Xmas money (up to $300 from all relatives) which would be enough to buy a BJD or whatever their heart desires or at least come very close. My eldest will save diligently for whatever she wants and eventually gets there. My youngest gets distracted by anything and everything. Possibly your friend wanted it but was hoping to nag her parents into getting it for her. I would want to see some proof that my kid was saving hard to get there. If she's saved $50 then spends it on toys/lollies, I'm not going to take her heartfelt desire terribly seriously. She may have continued contributing to the forum had she obtained a BJD or she could have been the type of kid to move onto the next fad once she's gotten something she was after. Her parents may have a very different story to the one she was telling. I'd be reluctant to put potentially 000's into a hobby that could be a flash-in-the-pan. It took 3+ years for my kids to convince me to get them a Nintendo Wii.
    9. @Hobbysue Like i said, i'm not asking this to the people who have a mixture in their collection. I'm talking about people who just buy from the same cheap lines
    10. Although I freely admit that all 4.5 of my dolls are definitely what is considered "cheap" in the hobby, I somewhat see both sides of this argument. Somewhat.

      I absolutely think that every owner should choose the dolls that make them happiest. Whether or not price is a factor. For example, I personally am a little neurotic about money, and rarely have very much of it. To spend more than my rent on such a luxury item would make me unhappy. I would worry, and feel guilty, and probably think about selling the doll whether or not I wanted to just because the ZOMG pricetag would weigh on my mind. So price does factor into my plans when I am putting dolls on my wishlist. This is what makes me happy, and I would laugh uproariously at any suggestions that it's somehow "wrong" to collect this way.

      Of course, I also chose the dolls I own (and the dolls on my wishlist) for many other reasons, uppermost being that I badly, desperately, deeply, madly, wanted those dolls. And having got them, I do want to show them off to their best advantage and make them look attractive. I think perhaps what Moemi18 is responding negatively to is a perceived lack of effort by some owners. Perhaps he/she feels that if someone's doll has a ratty wig and build-a-bear clothes and is plonked anywhichways on their messy computer desk and photographed with a cell phone - and then that person expects/demands lots of attention and gallery comments and whines when they don't get them... maybe that's a little disrespectful to the owners who visibly put a great deal of effort into their doll's styling (or pay a great deal for someone else's effort, like artist faceups and atelier clothing). I think this may be the point he/she was trying to make. I myself sometimes roll my eyes at gallery posts like that... but honestly, rolling my eyes is as far as I'm gonna go, my mouth (and my keyboard) are zipped. I wouldn't want to make anyone feel bad about their dolls ever.
    11. I don't think the reaction is based on 'OMG Cheap doll', but it's 'OMG dolls I don't like', that bother people. I see people who keep buying expensive dolls over and over again, and I wonder WHY waste so much money? But it's more about that I don't like those doll molds, etc... To each their own. One should buy the doll they want to buy. Why save up to get an expensive doll just because it's expensive, a statis symbol, etc... when you'll be happier with a cheaper doll that has the mold/face you want. More expensive dolls are more expensive to repair, etc... and I have some expensive dolls that I get far less joy out of, because I don't want to damage them because of their cost/value of the doll, and I wonder why I bought a doll I can't play with. Again, to each their own.
    12. But that's a whole different discussion separate from prices and how many of what dolls people choose to buy. It doesn't make sense to ask why people would only buy less expensive dolls and then start accusing people of not taking enough care with the dolls that they have. And of course whining is annoying, but provided people aren't whining (and many don't), then what they do really has no impact on anybody else.
    13. And I could have had a shiny new car for the price of all the Soom dolls I've bought. It's an item with a higher perceived value than even the loftiest of MDs, but you don't see me zipping out to cash them in for a car, right?
    14. I do like some cheaper dolls, i said that in previous posts. i'm not asking for that reason.

      @solstelpa is right at what i mean.

      i'm not trying to rip on people.

      Buying expensive doll after expensive doll is far more less a waste of money because we're getting quality.

      i am scared to damage my dolls, but i was scared to damage my cheaper dolls too, shouldn't we all be worried about damaging our dolls? they're not childrens toys after all, they're not meant to be played with like children would. Everyone should be careful with $200 or even less dolls, in the end its still a lot of money
    15. @Taco, yes, you're right. I guess that's more in response to some of the side-comments the OP made, sorry.
    16. Because we like the sculpts much better than any "expensive" doll we've seen.
    17. A rousing discussion - I think most of the posts in here were well thought out and well presented. Well done.

      In order to keep this "debate" from veering into other topics it's going to be locked now. Everyone can take a deep breath and have a cup of tea!