1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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cherishdoll - "cone head" unicorn/demon!

Jan 26, 2007

    1. The colors are so well put together on their little faces!! Beautyful!!It is soo hard to choose!
    2. CUTE! I want a tiny unicorn girl! It's a good thing for me I dislike tinies. XD
    3. Will they be selling the separate demon heads? I have a preorder on a Chubby-- and I would buy a horned head to replace his "regular" head, if they sell them as optional parts.
      VERY cute!
    4. Vicki, you could try asking here http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113590, that's the news thread and hopefully Cherish will keep an eye on it to answer our questions. I'd like to know if they're going to be limited or not; I just don't have the funds for them right now, or even in the near future, but maybe *one day* I'll be able to get these two. So yeah, I'd rather they weren't limited! lol
    5. The heads are listed separately in the parts catagory. And both 'cone' kids are listed in the standard catagory. So hopefully that means not limited? :)
    6. Ooh, I certainly hope so! Have known companies to move dolls about a bit, but what you've said certainly makes sense! Excellent, two new dolls to add to The List... D'oh.
    7. I'm so very seriously thinking of going for the little demon Chubby. I've glanced at Cherishdolls only seldomly, because I always though "Oh, I don't really like tinies." Of course, I'm the same one who thought she'd only have SD boys, (and now has a Narsha boy AND an Valencia...)

      And saddly, I already have a character idea for the little... I'm so doomed.
    8. My my, after the Orient Doll's winged vampires and now Cherish Doll's cuties with horns. Think it is time to start my tinies collection.
    9. They are too cute to be allowed >.< my wishel is going to be jealous. I hope that they last a wille... or at least take a wille to come out. I have to buy a body for my other girl and I mite be putting another doll on layaway >.< but they are soo cute
    10. Okay I am so in trouble... you know you are in trouble when you look at a doll think she's so cute and a name pops in your mind... and it won't go AWAY... I hope they aren't limited... but since you can order them as option parts.. I think they are going to be around for a while.
    11. Darn it, that little unicorn has sucked me in!! I wish I'd never seen this thread, LOL. :sweat
    12. LOL the same..only its the demon, Chubby..makes me want a lil Chubby girl. :D
    13. Oh man. Now I NEED to make a little unicorn boy. I hope she/he(?) isn't limited.
    14. They're standard, I'm sure.
    15. They both are on sale :-) , so far only 10 in stock for each.
    16. I have my head and body ordered, just waiting for an invoice so I can pay....
    17. EYAAA!! This is too preciousss!
      Ohhhh Alley is pretty much my dream doll, je pense. :fangirl:
      I've been in neeeeddd of a unicorn BJD for the longest time. xD
      I wish Chubby came with a unicorn horn too, though. He has the most adorable face!
    18. Only ten?? Wow, I hope they restock! Maybe they just don't think they're going to be that popular. So wrong, they're too cute!
    19. Hmm...they look quite interesting and they are unique.
      But I think that my normal Alley is better for me. Nevertheless, if someone likes more different dolls, go ahead and buy it!;)
    20. Amazing~~! :D
      How wonderful & unique dolls they are!
      I'd like to have it for my own!!
      I'm gonna get this lovely & cute doll right now.