1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Cherry Castle dolls!

Aug 6, 2009

    1. I'll try. As someone who doesn't know much about dolls I am glad that I got you to look her over. I am still happy with the rabbit parts but think the dolls need more work and then I think they will have a really good product.
    2. Hahaha I blame the internet... and me taking complete advantage over my little Lexis... once you can string a puki, you can do anything! Sometimes, it just requires a little more swearing, and telling the doll you hate it until it does what you want... I love your doll... but only when it's strung and I don't have to string it... :P
    3. The knee which seems to right itself then goes all screwy but lining up then not lining up.


      The inside of the rabbit's headcap. Tallenvyaere took the screw out and I think I tossed it. You can see the little hole where it was though.
      Very strange set up for the ears.

    4. I bet that's the same knee issue I have, delicateterror, since we both have the 1/12 dolls. They probably use the same left leg for all of them! Tallenvyaere, is it worth taking a dremmel to or do you think we should leave well enough alone? He stands great and I'd rather have him standing well than the knee fitting into place and looking nice but him suddenly flopping over! (He can just wear long pants all the time. He can't get into Tommy shorts anyway!)
    5. Honestly? I'd say just try to deal with it... I might try to bulk up delicateterror's knee joint with some Apoxie, but these dolls are just very poorly made, so there isn't much that can be done :( If he's going to be wearing pants, then it's easy to hide the flaw...

    6. Ah thanks, I didn't know that, I thought it had something to to with the fact that I don't have full marketplace access yet. If they go for 130USD on ebay now, I rather pay a little bit more and buy a Lati white or something like that....

      The list of flaws on these dolls is quite overwhelming *_*:o
    7. I noticed that too ..I went to buy one and thought WOW !
      sudden price increase ...I dont think so

      and looks like they have some serious quality issues ...I dont mind paying $80.00 for a doll to do a little work on ..but not $130 ..when I can get a bobobie or resin soul ..
      ..and I know their quality is amazing ..or for a little extra a Lati white or Puki

      or Pop over to Karin and order yet another Felixdoll brownie LOL
    8. Oh, one more quick beware for everyone... the entire inside of the dolls are caked with resin dust (head, torso, even the stringing holes in the arms and legs)! Your first time restringing or opening the head cap to put in eyes, try to do so with a mask or in a well ventilated area... my hands were nearly coated in the stuff when I switched in the bunny parts.
    9. Here some news about my discussion with Cerry Castle :

      From: [email protected]
      To: gillesodette
      Subject: 回复:RE: 回复:RE: 回复:RE: 回复:RE: 回复: RE: 回复: RE: 回复: RE : 回复: RE : 回复: RE : 回复: RE : 回复:R E: 回复:R E: 回复:R E: 回复: R E: 回复: RE: 回 复:R E =?gb2312?B?OiAgICA
      Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 21:03:53 +0800

      you just a robber!want a free doll!
      i don't want to say anymore!just as you want to do!i will also tell other one to hear such a joke:
      you want to "change" it,but don't want to send it back to me.just want me sent it to you.
      if i can't give you a free doll,you will ask the refund that also give a free doll!

      发件人: "Odette alias
      发送时间: 2009年10月16日(星期五) 晚上9:14
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; =?gb2312?B?UkU6I

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}Me, a robber ? And you what are you ?????
      First you told me that I have to pas $30 return to you. After you told me $30 1 shipping. After you told me to return the doll. After you told me : return the doll or pay $88 + shipping cost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You're are robber and you play with me because you know I'm away from you . You call your business "Company " I call " Piracy , Lie, Abuse, "
      From the beginign you are not correct

      From: [email protected]
      To: ****
      Subject: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; =?gb2312?B?UkU6I
      Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 21:16:47 +0800

      i said"pay the 30USD back and send the doll back,take the price of shipping.we will change"
      or pay 88USD for a new doll!
      you are still just don't want to send the doll back?!
      30 USD,you have got!what do u want to say?it is in your paypal now.not me!
      you just want a free doll and the 30 USD!!

      &#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: "Odette alias
      &#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2009&#24180;10&#26376;16&#26085;(&#26143;&#26399;&#20116;) &#26202;&#19978;9:34
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R =?gb2312?B?IEU6I

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}I'm furious : You do like me like if was a dog !

      Prix PostPac International PRIORITY

      Zone 1
      Zone 2
      Zone 3
      Zone 4
      Zone 5

      You are in "zone 4" and it's not express...Ems...it's normal. CHFS 53 it's about $45. if I send by EMS I will pay the double !
      Don't say I'm a robber .Refund me correct pice !

      From: [email protected]
      To: *******
      Subject: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R =?gb2312?B?IEU6I
      Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 17:17:03 +0800

      the pics that the baby doll's head is ID&#65306;delicateterror 's doll.

      &#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: "Odette alias
      &#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2009&#24180;10&#26376;17&#26085;(&#26143;&#26399;&#20845;) &#19979;&#21320;5:31
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R =?gb2312?B?RTogI

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}I know that she told me on DOA and she told me that sh'es unhappy too.
      All people think you are not correct with me too !
      You said to me that I'm a robber ....how many robber know you who pay ?

    10. From: [email protected]
      To: ***
      Subject: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R =?gb2312?B?RTogI
      Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 17:32:41 +0800

      you can just ask paypal that if you don't want to send the doll back,how will others think?

      &#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: "Odette alias
      &#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2009&#24180;10&#26376;17&#26085;(&#26143;&#26399;&#20845;) &#19979;&#21320;5:42
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R =?gb2312?B?IEU6I

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}You know that with paypal I have only 45 days after payment for do something with them !
      I see you have someone on DOA !!!! So you could see what the people think about you !
      Let me tell you another thing now : You are a liar because yesterday you told me that was your picture ! And after to saw on DOA...you say the truth !
      Another one hasnt received her bunny parts.... You are robber, not me And you are a liar
      Good reputation for a new company...Congrats
      If you had done something for my problem I could tell too...but you choose
      I think you are like that with me because you a affraid that if you do for me you'll have to do for all

      From: [email protected]
      To: ***
      Subject: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R =?gb2312?B?IEU6I
      Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 17:48:37 +0800

      just because i left DOA.so you can say all the things "in your eyes",not "true

      &#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: "Odette alias
      &#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2009&#24180;10&#26376;17&#26085;(&#26143;&#26399;&#20845;) &#26202;&#19978;6:02
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238; &#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE =?utf-8?B

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}Ok, when I'm enjoy with a company I say.
      I see that other people have problems with you too...maybe the told you...maybe not.
      Now for the last time
      Do you want to do something for me or not ?

      I can tell the bad things on DOA but I can tell the good things too... you decide
      Now your company has a bad feedback and very bad reputation . You can change the deal
      At this time for me that's all

      From: [email protected]
      To: [email protected]
      Subject: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238; &#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE =?utf-8?B
      Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 18:10:02 +0800

      I just an agent of the company.if you think that i am not a good agent,not so bad,i won't working as an agent soon.you can say all things about"me" but not the company.

    11. &#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: "Odette alias
      &#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2009&#24180;10&#26376;17&#26085;(&#26143;&#26399;&#20845;) &#26202;&#19978;6:12
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238; &#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R =?gb2312?B?RSAgP

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}I havent problem with you but with the company. The company send the doll. The company made the doll. I talk about the company

      From: [email protected]
      To: ***
      Subject: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238; &#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R =?gb2312?B?RSAgP
      Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 17:07:05 +0800

      I have asked company.we can pay you 20USD,and wish that's the last

      &#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: "Odette alias GPU"<[email protected]>;
      &#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2009&#24180;10&#26376;18&#26085;(&#26143;&#26399;&#22825;) &#19979;&#21320;5:14
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238; &#22797;&#65306; =?gb2312?B?UkUgICA

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}sorry but no. It's not acceptable

      From: [email protected]
      To: ***
      Subject: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238; &#22797;&#65306; =?gb2312?B?UkUgICA
      Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 17:19:24 +0800

      if you don't need this 20USD,they won't pay more for it.and i have said that if you send the doll back and pay the before 30USD back,we can change it.or,please ask PAYPAL for Deferred Complaint&#65292;we also want to hear what will Paypal say

      &#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: "Odette alias
      &#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2009&#24180;10&#26376;18&#26085;(&#26143;&#26399;&#22825;) &#19979;&#21320;5:23
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R =?gb2312?B?RSAgI

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}So it's too much exitement for me . Do what you want and it will be finished forever ok ?
      But if you do something do a REFUND

      From: [email protected]
      To: ***
      Subject: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R =?gb2312?B?RSAgI
      Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 17:24:35 +0800

      if you can't send the doll back,we won't change it

      &#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: "Odette alias
      &#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2009&#24180;10&#26376;18&#26085;(&#26143;&#26399;&#22825;) &#19979;&#21320;5:26
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R =?gb2312?B?IEUgICA

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}refund me $20 and we stop this discussion

    12. From: [email protected]
      To: ****
      Subject: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R =?gb2312?B?IEUgICA
      Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 17:32:01 +0800

      and,if you stil want to chat this on forums,i will ask my friend to post the email on the forums,let the other see that,if we didn't do anything to you,and you just feel that you can't get a free doll so we need to refund you again and again

      &#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: "Odette alias
      &#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2009&#24180;10&#26376;18&#26085;(&#26143;&#26399;&#22825;) &#19979;&#21320;5:37
      &#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: "cherry castle"<[email protected]>;
      &#20027;&#39064;: RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306;RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE: &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; RE : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; R E : &#22238;&#22797;&#65306; =?gb2312?B?UkUgI

      .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}
      Oh my God ! you threaten me for $20 ????? Are you crazy ??? Keep your $20 dollars I have shown the most of our mails and If you want I will show this one too . unscrupulous person and unscrupulous company !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      When I accept your conditions you come with threats ????????????????????????????????????????????????

      De :[​IMG] &#19971;&#22812;&#26376;&#23020; ([email protected]) Envoyé :dimanche, 18. octobre 2009 09:39:42À : Odette alias OK.if you don't need this .you can just ask Paypal.and you can also say what you want to say,i will also answer you on the forum.


      So I never had problem with a company before...

    13. kameo, that must be such a horrifying experience. It's so obvious that the head isn't even a normal shape. The knees look horrible. I'm surprised they had the gall to ship out such an unfinished doll in the first place. That 30USD can barely cover the shipping costs for the doll.

      I hope everything works out for you in the end!
    14. Thanks a lot bbotss.
      But now they don't want to do anything more for me.
      I had no choice it was $30 or nothing...I said ok at teh end f of discussions. But after I was always unhappy and I always thinking it wasnt just.
      If my story can help other people to be carreful with them...it's a good thing
    15. It's not just your doll though kameo, which makes all this even more upsetting. I still have hours of work I plan to do on delicateterror's doll to make up for the incompetence of CC who I feel doesn't really care if they produce a quality product or not. I mean, firstly, where's their quality control? Any person with eyes would plainly be able to see that they sent you a highly defective product. It's even worse than delicateterror's doll because you would actually have to carve your poor girl's head, rather than just sand down the head cap as I've been doing. And then, they have the audacity to take a picture of her doll that she sent them in complaint, told her they make the heads look ridiculous to have wigs fit better (I call that utter nonsense), and then take her picture, send it to you and claim that doll is sitting in their factory at that moment! Not only that, but as I said before, resin dust everywhere! That's a health hazard for buyers! What if a little kid got ahold of a doll and stuck the head in their mouth? Now, CC, let's review... resin dust is toxic and an irritant, right? What would cost more: paying a few people to actually do some quality control? Or being brought to court for poisoning a child because of a product you created?

      Not only that, but they sent you the wrong sleeping head, and just make excuses for themselves. Yes, CC, I understand that your dolls are hand-made... I'm in the process of sculpting puki-sized doll parts myself, but that does not mean that each individual doll is sculpted separately (as in each time they get an order for a MiaoMiao for example, they sculpt an entirely new doll), so if one doll is defective, then they all must be fairly defective. And, in regards to you shipping the doll back to them, reputable companies do that too... but they pay you back for the shipping because they realize they're at fault for their screw ups!

      I have to say, I really wish you lived closer to me kameo, I'd have loved to get ahold of your doll and turn it into the little girl who's pictures you came to love. :(

      With this kind of product quality and customer service, I have doubts that this company will last long...

      Sorry for the rant. I'm just very disappointed and annoyed with this company...
    16. How in the world did they even mess up that bad?!! Did they photoshop those promo photo's? If not, the dolls shouldn't be so deformed, not if they just made or used the mold from the promo doll. Kameo's doll looks nothing like the pic's the company shows.

      I think the faces are all fat Tallenvyaere, but your right it makes it worser.
      I was thinking that i could work with the doll, it'd make a great disabled allen doll......:sweat but with all the resin dust....eww...they can't even take the time to wash or blow the resin. (blow as in use a air compresser and hose it off with air.) I'm not buying from them....that is just asking for trouble.
      Kameo what did you pay in all for this doll? I'd like to know. *gives a cupcake for all she had to go through :pcupcake*
    17. I have a 1/6 Quian Cherry castle doll. I love her. I was sent a male body accidently but after I told them what happened they shipped me the female one quickly and I did not have to send the boy body back. I ordered her form an ebay seller.

      Her head is a little oddly shaped and her ears stick out a bit, on the female body the legs are a bit loose but I think this can be fixed if I restring it.

      The boy body btw is in my opinion very nice. Its very smooth resin. I love the feel of it. It poses well too. No flaws as far as I can tell.
    18. Just saw pics of these 1/6 dolls for the first time and in the promo shots they are amazing...but now after reading all this, well heh...

      Any updates, did anything ever get fixed or improved? I see that Kon D site sells them...are they all so messed up?
    19. My love bought me one of the 1/12 dolls last Christmas and I was well aware of what to expect. He arrived with many extras including a wig, two pairs of eyes, miniature dollhouse foods and several pairs of kelly doll shoes. While his head was a tad enlarged that didn't bother me. One leg was a little unfinished at the knee joint which was only noticeable when the leg was bent but even so it wasn't a big deal to me. The resin was just not the best quality though and was a bit dusty. I liked him but we didn't bond so I put him up for adoption. I think the original price was better for the resin quality and the slightly unfinished parts. I'd say if you can get one second hand for much less you'd get a sweet doll with slight aesthetic flaws.
    20. Here is Flick, my little 1/12 elf boy (hiding among the dragons who he takes care of). I must admit, he is very sweet. Hard to find clothes for (too big for Tommy stuff but too small for much else) but I haven't had any problems with him. He does have a funky knee, but he stands and poses just fine. The 1/12 dolls seem to have been much better than the 1/6 ones who had the deformed heads! But I do love Flick!
