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Clothes and wigs for Bobobie 60cm male? D:

Jan 10, 2008

    1. I have this one right now:

      I may be able to get better ones at some point.
    2. Wow, this is a very good looking Weylin. Yet another that I haven't seen. I've been trying to hunt them down on DoA, but as our forum expands, it becomes harder to find specific photos.

      The wig does look like it fits well.
    3. Thank you. ^^ I find it hard to find photos of them as well, especially since there are multiple Bobobie databases.

      It does fit quite well, it's small for an SD sized wig so it is nice and tight around his head.
    4. Well if that one is an 8/9 than the one I ordered for my boy should fit him just perfect. I hope it does. I kind of went on a guess about the size. I want to make him clothes before he gets here, but I'm a little unsure about colors and sizes... it's easier when I have the doll in front of me.

      I was looking at the measurements for Volks SD13s and the BB Weylin. They look similar enough that I should be able to use my Volks pattern books, with just a little adjustments. I hope so!
    5. Thank you so much! I would like to see how well the Bobobie boys stand/pose because I hear that they are strung a bit loosely. Another thing I was wondering about is what the poseability of their hands are like due to the lack of S-hooks. Also, I am trying to get a better feel for what Apollo's face is like, so a pic of his face straight on, and then a profile would be awesome!

      Thank you again!! :D
    6. Okay! My boy arrived today! I will be taking a mad amount of photos over the weekend I'm SURE. But for now, I've posted some pictures of him in the Arrival/box opening thread here He's in an 8/9 J-pop wig by monique, I think. His pants in the last photo are ones I made for my Dolfie Dream, and they fit him better because his butt isn't as round as hers. The boots are Volks SD boots.

      I'm off to go take more photos and to make this boy some clothes!

    7. Okay, I just made some pants for Weylin using the Volks Volume 1 pattern book and they fit him perfect. I just wanted to make note of it, for anyone who might also have access to the patterns.
    8. Okay so I did a search for this but didn't find an answer, I also checked their site, jspot and DDE with more fail in the area so!

      Can someone tell me what size eyes they take? Default size and what other sizes they can wear? If specifics matter I'm really looking for eyesize on an Apollo, incase it matters.

      Or just someone tell me where I missed the answer to this and have the mods delete this thread XD
    9. I'm not sure what size other people use, but I use 16mm in my Weylin. He came with...18mm, I think it was, but I didn't like them in him. Possibly anything between 14 and 18 could work.
    10. Awesome ^^ Thanks for the info!
    11. I have an Apollo and I have 16mm in him. I got a pair of 14's, but they were waaay too small for the eye opening. I'm posting from work, but when I get home I'll post a picture of him <3
    12. Awesome thanks ^^ With the right color eye putty do you think it'd fill in the gaps or is it just not even an option because it's that small?
    13. I dunno about filling it in... I think they were just too small in general. The pair I go were from Raw*Kiss, which are made from Pupupa's D.Eye.Y Kit.

      Here're the pics of the 16's- you can see in the secon picture that there's a gap there too, but that maybe because these particular eyes have something of a high dome. I was thinking about getting eye bevelers and reshaping the inside a little. It's not terrible though, and I think it could be fixed with putty.

      It seems to me like with 18mm's the color would fill the entire eye...seemed like too much for me.

    14. Thanks for the pictures, the 16s really do look like the perfect size then. Thanks a bunch.
    15. I'm asking because I'm considering to buy a set from Luts' Senior Delf for my 60cm doll, will it fit him right?
    16. Nope. Senior delf clothing will be too big for a Bobobie boy as Senior Delf waists are 21cm and Bobobie waists are 19cm.
    17. Dollmore Model M Skinny clothing fits Bobobie Apollo quite well. Not to mention that any wig that ranges from 8 to 9 inches will generally fit well. Of course I use a little patch of velcro to make sure that things don't go flying off by them selves, so having something a tad bit loose is fine.

      Here is my boy. I purchased his wig (and I am SO so so sorry for the delay in posting this pic LadyGrey666) from Dream of Doll and his clothing is from Dollmore. I purchased the boots from Mimiwoo on ebay. They are made to fit his 7.5 cm foot size. Be careful with shoes though I find that that area is a hit and miss. I chose 14mm eyes from Dollmore as well.

    18. My Weylin wears a 7/8 Jpop Kanalong wig, it fits him like a glove. I've yet to find an 8/9 wig that fits, they're all too big (except AoD).

      Apologies for the lousy picture, but it's the only one I have at the moment (beside a group shot XD; )


      As for clothes, he's currently wearing pants made from a Grace Faerie pattern and they're a bit big in the waist and long in the legs, but it's not too bad. The shirt and vest in the above picture are from an Undead Threads pattern and are big, but good for an oversized look. Domuya slippers fit very nice, by the way. XD
    19. I'm about to buy one of DollHeart's SD13 set of clothes for my Bobobie Apollo, but I don't know if he'll look good in it or maybe it'll be too big on him, dunno. PLZ help me out here, the clothes are a bit pricey and I don't want to waste so much money on something that wont even fit my doll.