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Clothes that fit Bahas? Baha Clothing Questions?

Jun 4, 2007

    1. Thanks HoneyB (and welcome to DoA -- I see you're a relatively new member!). I haven't put any shoes on my Baha as I didn't think there were any -- I will try and get a pair of Hujoo ones right away!

      And BTW -- a pre-loved Baha is a great thing. All of mine are pre-loved (rescued?) and I get them because they are great dolls to have no matter how they are acquired. Don't forget to add pictures of your little one to the Baha data base here.
    2. Thanks for all the info, guys! :) Two Zuzu Delfs are high on my doll priority list, and I've heard they're slightly smaller than the large Pipos anthros but can wear many things that fit them. Mine will both be boys, so I'm on the lookout for more sporty and punky outfits, respectively.

      By the way, in case anyone has tried, what's the verdict on 21cm Obitsu outfits? =/
    3. I just ordered some SugarMag outfits for my Dali, I'll probably post pictures here when they come in!

      I just hope the sleeves are long enough, I think they might be a liiittle short on the Pipos body.
    4. The only problems I've ever had with the SugarMag outfits is that they didn't close in the back! The arms were fine. But it probably depends on the outfit. Good luck -- and post pictures please!
    5. AWw really? I ordered two sets, and ones a coat set, so I dont think I'll mind if the coat stays open. If they don't tie in the back I'll end up lacing them up probably...

      I know the pants wont fit lol, mainly because of the bunny's tail! but i'll alter it probably.
    6. I am so happy that some Blythe clothes fit these dollies. ; 3; There are sooo many cute things out there for Blythe! (And they tend to be slightly cheaper than BJD clothes!) This thread wins. It has brought my oh-no-naked-dolly-panic level down to zero again. xD
    7. Just getting this out there - I found a seller on Etsy named "nippykat" that has dresses to fit Baha/Curo and Ringo/Loli etc. On Baha the Blythe dresses are just above ankle length and the Lati Yellow are ankle length on Loli. the fit at the waist and chest is PERFECT and if the skirt is free-size the thunder thighs don't count :sweat

      here is the fit in Mango (Ringo size) and Loli:


      And Baha/Curo:



      the bloomers that she sells do not fit generally, though the socks are strechy and they fit ok.
    8. Thanks! that's great information to have . . . **she says as she runs off to Etsy to buy clothes for her dolls**
    9. I posted some pictures in the "everything else" pic request forum of some Rement clothes on my Bao. Some pieces fit perfectly, some didn't, and some needed some unfortunate sleeve-snipping. I think trial and error is the key :D
    10. Alright guys, my Blythe clothes came today so I tried them on my Dali!

      Here were the results.

      This shirt: Lacey Shirt

      did not fit AT ALL. His hands stopped at the little ribbon part right under the shoulders, and it wouldn't wrap around him anyway. I'll be using this for another doll.

      This set:

      Was a little tricky.

      The pants don't fit at all (I expected that), but the top fits enough where it stays on. The scarf obviously fits. Here is how it looks:

      I crisscross the back for it to stay closed; it doesn't reach at the top, and his tail gets in the way at the bottom. Still works.

      Now he looks like a girl!

      Second set: [​IMG]
      THIS was an adventure.
      First up, the shirt. Fit perfectly, except getting his hands through the end of the sleeve is a bit tricky.



      The pants? Can't get them up, and they're REALLY REALLY LONG. But I want to use them, so I cut the ends off (have yet to hem them), and then cut down the butt a little more to fit up his hips. I have a temporary string holding it together. I'll sew a patch there in the future.

      Looks funny in the back, but it works!

      The jacket's problem was the sleeve ends were waaay too small. I ended up cutting them to get his hands through:

      and then... it fit!

      His tail prevents the last snap from closing, but thats ok.

      Its not winter yet but I just worked my butt off making this fit so he's staying in it haha.

      Hope this helps someone!
    11. Can anyone tell me what scale Bahas/Dalis are? I tried to figure it out and I think it is 1/8th scale but I'm not sure @ 3@
    12. buboplague -it looks like you had to wrestle the outfit into the ground but the payoff is fantastic! i think this is my favorite outfit ever on an anthro! he's awesome - thank you so much for the pics and the details!
    13. littlebroken -- I just consider them 21cm dolls. They're kind of too big for 1/8, but too small for 1/6th.. theyre an awkward size.

      masao -- Thank you! I loved the outfit too much to not mess with it, I'm happy it came out. Glad it helped!
    14. Um, sorry if this has already been asked but which clothing would fit Cheshire's? Which other doll(Pipos) are they the same size as , because I'm waiting for mine and I want to have at least one boy outfit for him/her.
    15. Cheshires are a different version of bahas I asume so anything that fits baha fits the cheshire and most other anthro tinies.

      So anything you read here fits baha will fit your cheshire. ^ ^
    16. Oh, thank you StarFlakes! I was thinking they were going to be the same size, but I wanted to make sure~
    17. Your welcome. :3
    18. It's taken forever to reply to this, sorry guys! ok, shoes for the kids...

      Shopoholican on Etsy/Ebay. Look under Blythe shoes...

      ...again Shopoholican...My favourite shoes, they fit so well!

      'Old' style Blythe sneakers. Quite hard to find now, they stopped making these so much...

      'New/micro' style Blythe sneakers. Quite fiddly to get to fit right...

      Again old style Blythe sneakers. Note the ones my Pullip wears do not fit Baha. These are the slip-on type sneakers for Blythe.

      Hotdotz Blythe on Ebay...excellent fit...

      Hope this helps!
    19. Also rement overalls perfect fit to Baha :)

    20. You can also commission wonderful stuff in the Seamstress/Tailor section of the Marketplace. I commissioned Duae to make a ballgown and jacket for Liv who likes to dress up from time to time:


      As you can see Duae does great work and there are an incredible number of colours to choose from . . . .