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Clothing for Dollzone 70cm boys?

Aug 24, 2006

    1. 'Kay. So I've decided on a doll, the perfect doll, the one that is just right. And, of course, me being me I would have to find a perfect doll that's a weird size! Just to make things fun. I sew, so I'll probably make most of his outfits, (though I'd like to be able to buy a few!) But I can't make shoes for the life of me.

      Thing is, I'm wondering if there are any 60cm dolls with bigger feet? Or any other source of interesting shoes for somebody with big feet? His are 8.8cm, and for all the 60cm dollfies and similar I'm seeing 8cm as a foot length.

      I really want to get him a pair of chunky black gothy shoes, but of course I'm picky, and I don't like the design of the Dollzone shoes in his size at all! I've seen lots of shoes I liked for the 60cm size though. It makes me sad! Any suggestions? Can you get shoes custom made? Who does them, if you can?
    2. Might the shoes for Dollmore's model boys be any good? They have quite big feet, I think and have their own shoes.
    3. Yep, looks like those will fit, and they do have a few decent things. Though not exactly what I'd ideally like, of course. Do people make custom shoes?
    4. you wanna make sure you get a shoe that is at least 3.2-3.3in on the inside. The one pair of shoes i've got for my recall are a whopping 4in from heel to toe on the outside sole. they fit very tightly, so when looking at any measurements my suggestion is aim for 4 on shoe length.
    5. My Lati M Andrew has big feet too. None of the shoes I bought him fit. All he has are cowboy boots and his dress shoes. I am also interested in shoes for my big foot.
    6. hound sized shoes should fit, as long as theres a little bit of extra room, most of the big chunky boots should have that I think

      my boy is wearing a regular pair of hound boots
    7. Shiro_usagi: please do keep this post updated if you find any other brand clothes that fit. There's a Dollzone Yuu in my house (my fiance's), and right now he's only got Dollzone clothing.

      If you find anything else that fits, post here! If we get any non-Dollzone clothes that fit, i will do the same. :)
    8. sure! I think hound clothes fit too but I haven't bought any yet...I know the hound shoes fit though!
    9. I have two Dollzone boys at home, Gabriel (DZ Ying) and Brimstone (DZ Cloud), and I don't sew at all. I have bought Dollmore Model clothes, and Hound clothes from Luts and Iple House, and they all seem to fit fine. Maybe just a little bit loose, but that's the price I pay for not being able to sew.

      Have attached a photo of my two boys in clothes I purchased: Gabriel is in Dollmore Model clothes, and Brimstone is in Hound clothing from Luts & Iple House.
    10. Wow thanks Rabbit-moon! That helps out a lot!
    11. Glad if the info helped out. I hate to think of your gorgeous Yuu sitting at home all neckee, especially since its been getting pretty cold at night, even in Southern California.

      Dollmore is a dream to order from. I order clothes from them all the time. Their skinny jeans totally rock on Gabriel. They deliver very quickly, and so does Luts and Iple House.

      Congrats on your boy (Im assuming he's pretty new). I just love Dollzone boys. When you get him all dolled-up in his new clothes, be sure to post plenty of pictures. :fangirl:
    12. Haha thanks! I've had him about a month and I've sewn him a couple of outfits but the more difficult stuff like a leather jacket and jeans I'd like to buy. I really like several of dollmore's outfits and they are more affordable than many other places
    13. cool sounds like shiro found wot she was looking for, btw Rabbit-moon your boys look sooo nice in the clothing ^^
    14. oh have you decided on which doll to get yet?
    15. Thanks Yukihotaru! They are such great boys, they look good in everything!

      BTW, like Shiro_usaji, Im curious. Have you decided what doll to get?
    16. Thanks, this thread helps a lot, I only have one clothing set from DZ themselves and was hoping to find other sets for my incoming DZ Ying!
    17. I searched but i couldnt find anything relating to my topic. I found some clothes for the dollzone 70cm body but i want to know if they will fit a Dollshe 70cm body. Does anyone know?
    18. There was a thread around here that lead me to believe it was possible for them to share clothing, a Gallery post that had Dollshe boys wearing Dollzone clothing...lemme see...

      [thread=93129]Here it is![/thread] Kim in Germany posted this a few months ago, I freakin' love this shoot!
    19. I hope this is in the right place...apologies if it's not.

      All right, so I was looking at the DZ Wing doll for my first one. But then I realized...no one MAKES 70cm clothing! Has there been anyone beside Dollzone to make clothing of this size?
    20. You can try Dollmore model clothes and other hound-sized clothes. I'm not sure they would be a perfect fit, but they should be close enough. Can someone verify this?