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Clothing for Souldoll Double girls?

Jun 28, 2007

    1. here is a picture with an lb elfdoll june, an elfdoll hazy on the new body, and hye for another comparison. my hye is adorable, but tiny in the waist, back and hips, and a bit shorter, too. [​IMG]
    2. That's what I get for posting half-awake. :doh Thank you *Sara* for the picture! :)
    3. Thank you dianemedford for the comparison picture!

      I love the Hye facial sculpt, but is it just me or is her head slightly out of proportion to her body? It sort of looks like her head would be well-suited to an lb elfdoll june-sized body. Not that I don't like her sculpt; this is just my first chance to really look at Hye's proportions. She's a pretty doll!
    4. I've just joined a Dollmore GO for some first clothes for my Hye (still on layaway only $50 to go!) and even though she's shorter than other SDs and I know I'll have to hem these clothes, what does anyone know about her shoe size? Is she comparable to normal SD girls or does she have smaller feet? Her feet look smaller than the Elfdoll Hazy's feet.

      I also want to know what eyes will fit her. It says on Souldoll's site that she wears 14mm eyes, but so do my Soulkids and surely Hye's eyesockets are bigger? I'm confused.
    5. I saw a Hye in person when I visited a friend last month, and she's definitely a 14mm girl, unless you want the particular effect of "wide" eyes with almost no white showing. The size of the eye sockets doesn't really have anything to do with the size of the doll . . . my Dollmore Model Bella Auden wears 14mm eyes, and my Saint takes 12mm eyes! *_*

      This is a really rough generalization, but the more realistic/mature heads tend to take smaller eyes--just as adults' eyes are smaller in proportion to their faces than children's.
    6. Thanks Cynthia, it's really helped me a lot. I didn't want the eyes to look too big in her head, just normal. I tend to go down a size with my Soulkids because I like the more realistic smaller iris look, but I didn't know how a Hye would look with them!
    7. I recently purchased some summer sun dresses for Cissy and they fit Hye as if they were made for her.
    8. Cissy?

      I had some Dollmore clothes arrive today and they look like they'll be huge on Hye! The boots might be a good fit, but the rest look like they're going to be gigantic. I don't know whether this is due to me never seeing a SD in person before, the tallest dolls I own are Soulkids!
    9. Cissy = 21-inch hard plastic fashion doll by Madame Alexander: http://collectdolls.about.com/od/cissydolls/Madame_Alexanders_Cissy_and_Cissette.htm

      And, as several people have mentioned on this thread, Hye is slim and short compared to most "SD" girls--especially Volks SD and SD13, which are quite a bit meatier. So those Dollmore clothes probably will be oversized! I always think Dollmore makes their clothes to fit the largest common denominator . . . ;)
    10. I'll bring my needle and thread when I go and pick her up then :) I just really don't want to have a naked doll hanging around, the clothes are the best bit! :lol:
    11. You could try Musedoll clothes? I bought a Musedoll dress, that was too small in the waist by at least an inch for my SD10 sized girl. Musedoll dolls must be very slim and waif-like, they even have msd sized heads!
    12. Musedoll clothes fit in Soul-Double body such as Hye. I have 2 Musedoll dresses (Le Jardin Rose 1 & 2) and fit perfectly in my Irene. I'm not sure about the pants since Hye has such a curvy hips.
    13. I'll look up Musedoll clothes too then :) I have a pretty Lolita outfit for my Hye at first, although I know it's more my style than hers, :lol:
    14. I am desperately looking for detailed measurements for Hye. If anyone can oblige, could they put them in the measurements thread here. Thanks so much!
    15. Madamaumau, it's the first thing I will do when I get back from work tomorrow, I promise! I can't figure out what wig size I will need for my Hye!
    16. Jessica, you are a star!
    17. You're welcome :) The Dollmore outfit I have for Thia fits very well, the waist on the skirt sits right and the shirt closes around body and the sleeves are a good length on her too.

      Her thighs are really chunky though, so while the Dollmore skinny fit trousers I have for her fit well length-wise, they are far too wide for her slim waist, but just about fit her thighs! And I'm going to have to hem her hoodie because the sleeves dangle over her hands!
    18. Also, I have just tried Cynthia in my Soulkid girl's clothes and they fit very well! I have handmade MSD clothes by Neelheel on eBay (or Honestrabbit on DoA) and even though I moved the snaps to make them fit Gwen exactly, they still will fit Thia, even with her huge Hye boobs and thighs *_* It's a bit mindboggling that there is a huge difference in height yet they can still wear the same clothes.
    19. I just recently purchased a Souldoll Hye and ya, the Dollmore SD clothes are a lil too big for her.

      she does have a pretty tiny build. i purchased the dream of doll D-152(D.O.T) (not sure if the link goes direct) and it fits her pretty decent...mind you its still a lil big. the pants are a lil baggy and the top falls down exposing her boobs sometimes but overall its the one outfit that fits her pretty ok. i also bougth the red and white maid dress by Dollheart. It fits her decently as well. still also a lil baggy but at least it doesnt fall off of her ^_____^ I just wish the Souldoll clothing didn't always sell out so fast cuz then i could get some clothing that would be perfect on her....oh well....

      This thread has helped though ^____^