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Company Faceups?

Sep 22, 2007

    1. I personally think that *some* company face ups are very simple and cute, but not worthy of the price. I guess if one is good with doing their own faceups or sending it away, you could get the same quality of a company face up for a little less money. But I guess the doll is worth more money with a company face up? Right.
      Regardless, I would send a doll to a company if they took specific commissions! I think only then would I send it to a company!
    2. I really really really want a Doll in Mind faceup for my girl, but I don't think that's something that will happen, until I get an actual DIM doll. I ADORE their flushed-cheek, medium-dark-gloss-lips look.

      My girl is a resinsoul, so I got the $10, basic faceup for now, which is actually quite simple and lovely. I was really surprised at how well done it was. I wouldn't commission them for a doll not from them, but for their price, the quality is quite exceptional.
    3. Many companies do fine and gorgeous face up! I don't mind to let them do when I order a doll. :)
    4. It would really depend on the faceup.
      So far I haven't discovered any company faceups that I love more than the faceup artists that I've found.
    5. I prefer the artist faceups that I have on my dolls over the company faceups, but if the company has a nice faceup I might get it. For several of the company faceups I have, I would like to get them re-done by an artist. I really like having an input into what my dolls look like, so they feel just a little more special to me for that reason :)
    6. Now I have one doll with default face up, and other dolls have artist's fase up. I prefer artist's face up because this way I can get perfectly what I want.
    7. I've actually done this once! It was a doll made by the company I wanted a face-up from, so nothing too crazy. I bought a LE Soom doll second hand, and bought her blank (because she was so rare I decided it was worth buying her blank rather than risking never getting her at all!). I was hopelessly in love with her default face-up, though, so I wrote to Soom and asked if I could send her to them to have her default face-up added. And then said yes! It was definitely my most expensive face-up, though, because it cost me $50 just to mail her to Korea, and then the usual $50 they charge for face-ups! Luckily, I had another order from them that was shipping to me, so I didn't have to pay anything extra to have her shipped home.

      It was definitely worthwhile, though! Her default face-up is just to die for, and I know I would never have been happy had I not been able to have her with it.
    8. Oooh. I love most company faceups. I can't think of a specific sculpt/company I'd want at this time, but I think it would be fantastic if companies offered this option! :D
    9. this would be awesome as a regular service
      every now and then I worry about what I'll do when Nadeko's face-up needs to be redone and hope that VOLKS will redo it for me (the price isn't even a concern to me as much as the worry of not being able to have them redo it)
    10. I guess it would be nice, but I'd prefer to do my own.
    11. i normally order from volks as most of their dolls normally come with their default especially their special release but if i have a blank doll and wanted to have his faceup done i would go to a faceup artist . I do not have a fixed person i send my dolls to as i love to source for different artist and pick the one that has the closest feel to my doll's character but recently i would love to try my hand at doing their faceups by myself
    12. Personally I wouldn't, just because I do my own face-ups. I do like a lot of the default/company face-ups though.
    13. I can get totally used to default faceups but nothing lasts forever and I'm actually quite glad I can't send in the head to be redone. Yes, I get attached, but I love doing my own faceups so here's a chance to learn.
    14. When I started the hobby, I would want a company's face up, but overtime, I wanted my dollies to look different, and so after a while, I ask face up artist to give me the face up that I wanted.

      But I do like some of the company's face up =)
    15. Actually I'd like to send my 5Star Edmund head back to 5Star to get the company faceup. I opted for no faceup when I bought it, thinking I would learn to do my own, but I gave up that idea because the new place I moved to does not have a place to work safely on faceups. So I'm going to have to pay someone to do his face like the original 5tar faceup.
    16. I prefer to do my own face ups. I love painting on a surface that is not flat and I love making discoveries. I enjoy it too much to leave it to others.
    17. I find that most of the company face ups are almost too perfect...like, lacking personality/ character in a way, just seeming flat.
    18. I actually have a hard time bonding with any doll that doesn't have a faceup. I mean, I consider myself a highly creative person, but I somehow just can't imagine what a doll will look like when I see a sculpt without a faceup. It's like looking at a doll with no head. That's why one of my pet peeves is seeing dolls all dressed and perfectly outfitted, but with no faceup. It's as if I'm looking at a doll with no eyes -- there is a high creep factor.

      I've been collecting BJDs for less than a year now, so I'm still quite smitten by many company faceups. And since I don't do faceups myself (yet??), at this point I would never buy a doll that didn't already have a faceup. But it's 100% a personal preference thing now, and I can totally see it changing in the future (like when I'm sick of all the Fairyland company faceups!)
    19. Personally, I prefer sending my doll head to a face up artist in the Philippines since our postal system here has lot of issues like over taxing etc. I don't trust my skills since I'm quit afraid that I might damage my doll's head.
    20. It really depends on the company; some company faceups are absolutely horrible, some are amazing, and some look amazing on the company photos but when they actually do the faceup on your own doll they get lazy and they end up looking completely different!