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CP Delf Discussion Part 13

Jun 2, 2021

    1. For anyone who may not have seen it yet... Fairyland's F60 event heads for the upcoming winter event are Elf El and Elf Lishe! No word yet on if they will be doing an F60 lookback opportunity like they have done for minifee the last couple events but I am feeling hopeful!
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    2. If that DES head had been for the F60s instead of MNF, I would have been tempted. I have an old CP body that I am waffling who to put on it, but if FL does DES in that size again my plan could change.
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    3. Excuse my ignorance on this, but are the F60s compatible with the old bodies? From the ones I have seen, they looked smaller and more "realistic" styled. I'm certainly excited for some new heads, but am worried that they'll look too real in comparison.

      Or am I just crazy?
    4. My fairyland 2012 Jury boy, Dante is on the Fairyland 60cm muscular body & it always surprises me that he's shorter than all my Delf boys. No locking mechanisms but my Delfs guys are at least 2 different heights, both taller than Dante. Afraid I don't feel inspired to dig him out of the back of the court to try swapping heads...

      But I don't think he or the Fairyland Soony I have look out of place hanging out with the Delfs. Having similar eye shapes & head proportions keeps my organized brain happy. ;}

      I'll be curious to see how the heads turn out. The luts adaptations of custom house ai sculpts didn't work for me.
      #404 cthulhu, Dec 2, 2021
      Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
    5. If I didn't already have a regular Delf El I'd probably go for that Feeple one but oh well. Now if they had made a Feeple Chiwoo or Shiwoo I'd jump on that in a heartbeat!
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    6. Ohh same!
      That's why I want to know if the older bodies will "match' the newer heads. Not resin-wise, but aesthetically. :XD:
    7. I can't find the page with the new f60s, could someone post a link?
    8. I know that a few people keep their Delfs on Feeple60 bodies! Quite a few of them I've seen on IG, actually! I know that one artist has switched her Soony back and forth between the Delf and F60 body depending on the outfit/photoshoot. The older F60 bodies are more or less the exact same proportions as the Delf body as far as I've seen, so I doubt it would be much of an issue. The newer F60 bodies are a little wider at the hips (fairyline specifically) I think, so I'd venture to say they'd look more stylized than the Delfs but still pretty okay.
    9. I really want to see El! I just can't find the photos! :sweat
    10. The older Fairyland bodies are very similar to the style of the Delf ones. For the girls, they're similar enough that I was able to swap just the arms and legs for my Soony:


      I think the only one that I would be worried about stylistically would be the newest boy bodies that have considerably more fine detail.

      Alternatively, if you aren't worried about the resin match, Luts still produces bodies with slightly modified original Delf sculpts.
      lutsdoll co.,ltd.
      lutsdoll co.,ltd.

      The event dolls are all posted early on the CP/Kim Sunhwa Facebook page:
      Log into Facebook

      Totally surprised to see big versions of the new MNF Lishe and El! I'm now hoping for a fun new Soony but I'm biased, haha.
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    11. I don't have a facebook so i cant see them early! :...(

      Edit: i saw from another link but i dont know about these expression faces :sweat
    12. I'm just going to say it outright.... Those are two butt-ugly faces.

      Somehow Fairyland has actually found a way to make an El utterly unattractive. Which is some sort of an accomplishment, I guess. :ablah:
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    13. Congrats @SacredMonsoon, they look great! Glad to hear you're feeling better too.

      @Angelesk, if it helps, Ryuichi is a 2009 Shiwoo on a 2012 FeePle 60 body. If you want me to take a nude pic or a better shot, let me know.

      by Ryuichi Sakuma, on Flickr

      I think that he looks perfectly fine, his huge 9/10 Shiwoo head on the muscular body looks like my Type 1, 2 and 3 bodies, proportion-wise...well except for the heights, which are probably all over the place.

      The same goes with Prism's 2005 Yder head and Type 2 girl body vs Noriko's 2005 DES head and 2014 body. She looks pretty normal on the FeePle body.

      About their heights, I have never taken off their clothes all at once and placed them side by side to check, tbh. @Glace Leau is correct in that regard, the heads all look perfectly fine on the Feeple bodies. :3nodding: However, what they do with the new Feeple bodies is really up in the air.

      I really, really hope they bring back the option to buy FeePle60 bodies separately! :eusa_pray I'll even buy a couple extras and put them on layaway! OMFG, if CP brings back the option to buy FeePle60 bodies separately, I'm going to end up broke until 2024 with all the bodies I need and want! :chomp:

      Not too keen on the 60cm Motion bodies though, he looks too skinny for my taste.

      :lol: @Brightfires, you made me totally laugh out loud! I think they're...interesting. Not something I would get, well, I would consider the El head, but I wouldn't mind seeing what others do with the heads.

      #413 Ryuichi Sakuma 13, Dec 2, 2021
      Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
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    14. I have a f60 motion line boy and can try sticking one of my type 2 delfs on it this weekend to see how it looks. I'll do the reverse as well with my F60 Mirwen on a Delf body. I think it should work fine. My f60 Mirwen boy is the love interest of my Delf Lishe story wise and hang out on the shelf next to each other. His head is smaller than hers but not abnormally so. The difference to me is subtle. Honestly even some of the old delfs looked bobble headed next to other old delfs in my opinion.
      #414 malvinas, Dec 2, 2021
      Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
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    15. That would be amazing!
      Oh for sure on Delfs looking bobble headed next to each other. I'm putting my Chiwoo on a Volks body because he looks like he's on a teensy tiny little body.... and it's his default. :sweat

      Well, guess I'm going to need to buy some new Delfs now. :XD:
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    16. Once you do a faceup on either of the new heads I'm sure I'll wish I'd gotten one. But for now they aren't grabbing me. ;D
      Once upon a time I had a Chiwoo. But in decluttering he got ejected as his head shape was a bobble too far compared to my others.
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    17. I'm not into the weird expressions FL has been giving their event heads, so I'm all set on these two. :lol: They are certainly reminiscent of the original sculpts, but they look so smoothed out and almost simplified. Maybe it's just the lighting, but the sculpting just looks so... soft. I do like El's teeth tho :aheartbea
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    18. I. Wow, well I don't like the event heads, but I am hoping that we might get non-expressioned version of both/either. >< Here's to hoping. (My wallet hopes not.)
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    19. Oh man, if they bring back a regular Elf Shiwoo, or even a Elf El, I'm so ded! :D I still hope they do, I'd jump at the chance to have a 60cm Elf Shiwoo! :eusa_pray

      I just hope they bring back the regular F60 Delf bodies, I really, really want another boy and girl body, even if I don't have heads for them...yet. ;) I think the "giant MNF-type bodies" are so cute!

    20. The non-expression human heads for Lishe and El were both released today. They are under "Lookback Feeple60" currently and tan is available! I am tempted to get a tan El. I have my NS delf El but I've always missed my tan one that got lost in the mail. I believe they are only available for the event period though and will no longer be available for purchase once the current event ends.
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