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CP Delf Discussion Part 13

Jun 2, 2021

    1. Supposed to be on a doll buying ban but who can resist picking up a 3rd Chiwoo head ;)
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    2. I feel you!

      I've bought several over the years, and they never stayed as I couldn't find the 'look' I wanted for them. I currently have a blank one in a box that I've been ignoring, as I know I'll end up putting it up for sale if I think about it. And who knows, the money to get him faceupped may coincide with a rush of inspiration, and he'll get done. I have a Volks SD13 body lingering in a box in the cupboard under the stairs ready for him as well...
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    3. That's for sure a tough line to walk, trying to figure out their character/vibe and if they'll be staying or not. I have definitely struggled with most of my Delfs, but in the end that only ones who've stuck around have been Shiwoo/Chiwoo, though I wish I could find another Breakaway of some variety someday :(
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    4. His body arrived!!! It's an ALM body in WS -- the color match is miraculously ~95% and the fit of the head on the neck works quite well. I love when random hybridizing works

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    5. Hey guys. Quick question. Were dreaming Shiwoo and dreaming vampire Shiwoo both available as type 1s?

      I was thinking of putting out a wtb for these sculpts but I prefer type 1 delfs, so if they're out there I was thinking it would be worth looking for a type 1 in particular.
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    6. From the CP database, it seems that they were available as Type 1 at some point, but those might be pretty rare
    7. Ah okay, thank you!
    8. Help guys!! I am in a bit of a worried spot, I'm unsure if Feathers ankles both have cracks in them one on the inside of her ankle rotator, and one on the outside on the other, could these lines be seam lines? I've never paid much attention until recently with her joints, so I'm not sure what could've happened. Its really hard to get photos of, they're very thin lines, on a steep angle, and not completely across the ankle balljoint. She's a type 2 from 2011. Any help, I'd really appreciate it!!
    9. *pops in out of the lurker's void*

      I just went and checked my only delf girl, who is either a type 1 or a type 2 as well as my type 2 delf boys..and at least on my dolls, the seam lines on their ankle ball joint (the floating piece, which is what I assume you are referring to) is going around it, not top to bottom. So what you see could be cracks? HOWEVER, if you are able to unstring her partially, you can try putting a bright light behind it and see if that gives you a clearer image of if it's a crack or the ridge of a seamline. I've also never seen seamlines on the inside of a doll? I really hope she doesn't have cracks though. :(

      Here's an image of my boy's ankle, who has the easiest to see seamline on that piece: X
      I hope that gives some clarity. ^^;

      And then his cute face, because he was a good helper and hi, I'm a Shiwoo lover :abambi:
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    10. Thanks so much!!! I the lines aren't up and down, they're on an angle, very similar to the photo you showed! And by inside i meant they're both on the same side of the ankle, just opposite ankle ball joints! I'll see if I can get a photo to share, i'll try and see, but thank you SO much! And your Shiwoo is so cool!!

      Edit: i tried to get some pics, this was the best i could get with my dslr and a flashlight with no ones help to hold her!

      [​IMG]Feather's ankles by Candy Hearts Sugar Stars Stories, on Flickr
      #990 SacredMonsoon, Sep 1, 2023
      Last edited: Sep 1, 2023
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    11. Ah, those do look like seamlines to me! So glad they aren't cracks! The seamlines on the ankles are at a very strange angle aren't they? lol

      Since I've crawled out of the void..I may as well ask this....Does anyone know of a hybrid body that would fit and match an old WS delf head? I recently acquired another Shiwoo who's pretty yellowed (but not beauty green) and am on the hunt. I was thinking of maybe just getting the AoD 62cm body in WS. Their resin looks pretty creamy, but it's hard to tell.
    12. He’s so cute and beautiful <3:aheartbea Also, it’s so nice to have another active Shiwoo vampire owner ^^ they’re such a lovely sculpt
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    13. I second that the lines in the ankle balls look like seams. I’m pretty sure my Delfs have them, too. :3nodding: Nothing to worry about!
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    14. Happy Feather Friday! And Happy September! I'm hoping to treat this girl since she's not broken! Maybe a new necklace? ;)

      [​IMG]Feather Friday! by Emily, on Flickr
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    15. I have a yellowed WS Lishe head on an old Custom House body and the resin match is near perfect...I've also seen where old Volks matches Luts, but that might just be normal skin...
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    16. According to users on Taobao, the consensus is AoD WS is similar to Switch Rosy White, so it won't be a match to old CP WS.
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    17. Back in the day I had a BW El head on a white skin B&G body, and they were a good match, but B&G was a little yellower. So for an older Delf that would be a good thing. I don't even know if B&G is still in business, though, and I rarely see their dolls secondhand anymore...
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    18. Thanks for the feedback, all of you! I'll keep looking for a creamy yellow ws, as well as just stalking the MP for a body that might work. I have a WS 2008 Nanuri on a type 1 B&G body and it's a perfect match, and my Shiwoo is of similar color but yeah...it's very old. haha One thing I have going for me here is that my Shiwoo is very heavily blushed. I adore his faceup and if I can find him a body that's even close in color, I'm going to try to match the heavy blushing style on the body. I've found that adding body blushing does wonders for resin matching. :)

      Here is my cutie, borrowing my vamp's body for some quick snaps:
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    19. Oh, he is super adorable!!! Those little teeth <3
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