1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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CP Delf Discussion Part 14

Sep 14, 2023

    1. Wow it's been quiet on here! Is anyone excited for Spring? Soon I'll be placing my body order and then moving too!

      Here's some Feather from today!

      [​IMG]Cuddles ♡ by ❥ Emily Dawn, on Flickr
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    2. I don't think I introduced him here yet, but this is the newest addition to my gang, a WS dreaming El (a rather green WS dreaming El... :XD:). His wig arrived yesterday and it is somehow the most perfect wig for him.


      I've been wanting a dreaming cp delf sculpt for aaaaages and I'm not disappointed! Since his wig arrived I've been carrying him around my flat with me. I slept with him sat next to me on my desk (and then woke up in the middle of the night and got freaked out because I forgot I put him there :lol:) I haven't decided on a name for him yet. I've learnt not to force names on my dolls because then I just end up changing my mind once I've got to know them better.

      I was actually thinking about quitting the doll hobby recently (or taking a big step back from it at least) but, uh, I guess not :sweat
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    3. It warms my heart that there are still old school CP sculpts still alive here in the thread ^_^. So far, the only CP sculpt I was able get is my dream doll way before I bought my first BJD in 2008: CP Delf El with both open-eye head (bought second hand in DoA marketplace way back 2011) and dreaming head (bought from Luts in 2011 before CP sculpts were discontinued). Not too fond of the Delf body though, so I bought him a Fairyland F60 body during one of their site anniversaries.

      I'd say he is still a work in progress though, even after more than 10 years after getting him. His face-up still needs to be changed and his dreaming head *needs* a face-up. XDXDXD

      #163 Darkness Fatale, Apr 13, 2024
      Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2024
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    4. Hey type 2 girl owners, I'm finding myself in a pickle. I just ordered a moe body for my Lishe, and my Luwen is going on my type 2 female body, but honestly the delf body is 13 years old and has never been restrung and I'm kinda terrified of restringing. I've never attempted it, never seen anyone else restring, but I've been tempted to just buy my luwen a moe body too because I'm so afraid of breaking my delf body in restringing. Can I get any advice? I know its silly, but my delf body and lishe were my first and only full doll since I started, and it means a lot to me, I'd hate to break her. I'm just so worried shes fragile from age/sun exposer/humidity. I don't know anything about restringing so any help would be great. I still have a coil of the free elastic luts shipped her with. I'm just so not sure what to do!! Any help? ♡
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    5. Well first off, I would tell you that I learned to restring on a Delf girl and they are so sturdy and strong you really don't need to be afraid of breaking her. :hug: They are also one of the easier dolls to restring! The only complex part is the neck piece, but once you've figured out how to loop the elastic through that it's just a matter of arm strength and practice. Delfs are built like tanks. It's one of the things I love about them! I've never had one crack or chip during restringing or general handling. Definitely restring on carpet or your bed or something soft if you're worried about pieces sliding away or dropping.

      Also, resin isn't weakened by age, at least that I've noticed (I have dolls that are almost 20 years old and just as sturdy as the day i got them!), or humidity, and sun just causes yellowing. Now, if you put your doll in the freezer...they will be more brittle from cold but...who does that? xD I would recommend watching and reading restringing tutorials from multiple sources until you're more comfortable with the idea of it and then just...go for it! :thumbup
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    6. Thank you! This was helpful! ♡
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    7. I think this is the discussion group for the older delf but does anyone have any of the newer delfs? Or is there a discussion thread for them?
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    8. After 10 years in the hobby, I got my first delf! And it was my absolute favorite too - Shiwoo! I managed to snag two Els as well (one was not for me) so all the sudden there's a lot of delfs in the house lol. The only old delf style doll I have is an old Feeple Karsh, so not quite the same, but he prepared me a little for the bodies lol. Their legs are soooo frustrating. I really love them though. Shiwoo is the most amazing, special boy and I can't believe I have him :...(
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    9. Congrats @Littlebirdzoom! Adding a CP/Luts Shiwoo to your collection is awesome! :D

      Old school Delfs are the best! :aheartbea
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    10. I need an El in my life. he’s one of the delfs that is always eluding me for some reason.
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    11. Still deciding a name for my Shiwoo mod boy, but I got him a new hoodie that goes perfectly with this color scheme and he's just so dang cute. :D


      I keep thinking how perfect he is...If I had an old green Shiwoo head and sent it to Krowbar for customizing, I would have literally asked for exactly this boy. Elf ears, cute little teeth, and the sweetest faceup you can imagine. I always wanted a sweetly styled Shiwoo in SD size, as I have one of the old MSD ones already...and this is just the cake, the icing on the cake, and the cherry on top! ....maybe he needs a sweet dessert themed name. :lol:
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    12. Oh my goodness! Akai Okami, your Shiwoo is so frickin' cute! I'm so envious! :D

      I always wanted an SD-sized Shiwoo, but it just never worked out.

      Your Shiwoo is absolutely perfect! :love
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    13. Gosh, what a cutie! I love Shiwoo but mine always end up "head empty, no thoughts, only chaos" which is ....on brand for me tbf but it makes the sweet ones I see even more impressive. A cute dessert name would be perfect for him.
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    14. Oh my god. I was in the wrong thread. MY PEOPLE ARE HERE. When I was a young teen I was lucky to have a Chiwoo (I wanted a Chiwoo army). I miss that doll a lot (I traded him for another doll who I still love) But the CP Delfs went out when I was an older teen and thus never was able to buy one new. At some point when I was 20 (I am 28 now) I was able to save my birthday funds for a Lishe on the boy body and have been thankful since. Even though I don't like having white/pure white dolls I made the exception. Please forgive the terrible/old face up on my boy.


      I am always on the hunt for more CP delf boys but never know were to look. Aside from the delf body being singe jointed, its my fav boy body for 60cm dolls.
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    15. So I made Feather a new hat and took some photos! She's looking happy with it, and it came out just as I wanted!​

      [​IMG]Cuddly Cutie by ❥ Emily Dawn, on Flickr​
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    16. Aw, that looks so nice! And wow, it matches her outfit and bedroom area so perfectly! :)
    17. Thanks so much! Haha yeah, her bedroom is so pastel, I love it! ♡
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    18. Just received this absolutely lovely 2007 Na Nu Ri event head this week and I already can't wait to get them a new faceup! Does anyone else have this sculpt and mind sharing their faceups?

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