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Creating a doll based off a video game character?

Dec 17, 2015

    1. Mine was a miqo'te too! I wanted to be a Lalafell too. Which that would also be an easy and super cute doll! Once again, so many people cosplay on here, makes me sad. I'd love to cosplay.
    2. So weird, I was torn between a MIqo'te and a Lalafell too! I agree. If I could sew, I would be doing all these crazy outfits :mwahaha

      I'm not the best at cosplaying and have only done it a few times, but I definitely think you should try it out! It's weirdly empowering and lots of fun.
    3. Haha! That's funny!!! Were you a Seeker of the Sun or Keeper of the Moon?
      Trust me, if I could sew, I'd be making outfits for my dollies and cosplaying myself. I was going to do a group cosplay with my BF's friends when were gonna go to C2E2. But we ended up not going. :(
    4. Hmm, I can't remember which one was which, but I had the cat shaped eyes. It's been a while since I've played
      I'm so sorry to hear that!! Definitely make sure you experience it in your life. What was the group cosplay?
    5. Ooh yay cool thread! I love the dolls and ideas up here so far! <3
      Thanks for remembering me and my reploids @Rhys ! What character did you want to make as your introduction, or have you decided yet?
      My little MegaMaiden X is actually almost done! She should be all finished and put together early next year, if the weather cooperates and I can finish her helmet. The other two (Zero and Vile) will require a lot of mods and will likely take a while yet.
      I'm stoked to see a Metaton doll though! Yay more robots :)
      Also Asari and Turian would be so cool. Drell would be really fun too:D
      #25 Nyxy, Dec 18, 2015
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    6. Aoba and Fran are fantastic! Those ears! Dang. Perfection. I love character dolls, I think it's a great tribute.

      My Ringdoll Norman Light 2.0 is going to be Leslie from The Evil Within who I thought kind of screamed (or hummed, I suppose) to be dollified. Norman's face is great for the character. He might end up on a different body if this one is too bulky and I can make it look right, he's a skinny little dude.
    7. We were going to do a Mortal Kombat group. I was going to go as Sub-Zero and my boyfriend as Reptile. There were others in the group as well.

      I absolutlely love this idea!!! I also am a huge fan of RingDoll! I want to get a RingDoll someday. I definitely see Norman and Leslie looking a like! I'd love to see him when he's finished!
      #27 KittyKittyClaudia, Dec 18, 2015
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2015
    8. I did ten of my and my friends City of Heroes characters as dolls.

      Seraphym, John Murdock, and their twins Astra and Aedan
      Victoria Victrix and Red Djinni
      Belladonna and Bulwark
      Red Saviour
      And Waitron9000
    9. I've got my AkagiDoll Tann done up as Iori Yagami from "The King of Fighters."

      I've been really lazy about making him any of his outfits from the games though. ^-^; He's a lot of resin to sew for!

      My MNF Ruth is styled after Xiahou Dun from Koei's "Dynasty Warriors" series, but I don't have any pictures of him with his new face-up. My Unoa boy is styled after a character I originally made on the Sims 2, and liked so well that he's been an edit character in a lot of my other games. And probably my Soulkid Shaun will get to be a video game character too.

      I really want a doll of Bayonetta, though. @u@ She's just so over-the-top ridiculous and I love her.

    10. Ooh! Iori! I had the hots for him!! Your doll looks gorgeous! And you should take pictures of your other dolls!! I'd love to see them! :)
    11. I also just remembered that long ago when Capcom started caring about us AA fans again and released Dual Destinies, I had plans to make a Withdoll Kyle into Simon Blackquill, but never actually started the project or bought the doll, oops... Maybe someday when I'm not constantly being barraged by limited dolls I can't pass on *side-eyes like every company ever*

      And @Nyxy has arrived to the party! Fabulous! MMX is coming along very nicely! I have to agree, robots are a weak spot for me...
    12. Thanks @Kotone ! Those robots caused a serious derailment of my collecting plans! So worth it though, I can hardly wait to start on Vile and Zero :D
      Oooh a Bayonetta doll would be so fun, I'm actually playing that right now! I am a bit new at gaming actually :P I am sad to say I don't recognize a lot of the characters here.
      But I think the real question is; how will you make her costume appropriately clingy?!
    13. The Aoba looks so pretty, I'm super jelly.

      I'm not too familiar with FF but wow does Fran look beautiful so far!

      I want to make Touken Ranbu dolls specifically nakigitsune and hotarumaru but I'm so picky , its difficult. ><
    14. Here is my Franziska von Karma - from Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney). She's an IH JID Cecile.

      [​IMG]Franziska von Karma by kazegoroshi, auf Flickr

      And yes, she's also got her whip (you can see it on flickr).

      Also, I got a bigger doll (IH nYID Vera) to turn into "Mei" (Franziska's name in the Japanese version), as a loose interpretation of her, but she's still very much a WIP.

      @Kotone: I would still love to see a Yuugami/Blackquill doll :D
      • x 3
    15. Thank you, @RockingHusky ! And I think the Touken Ranbu characters would be great in doll form, they're all so gorgeous!

      Oh, my @Kazegoroshi I remember commenting on your thread those two years ago when you finished Franziska! Time flies so quickly. Still looking lovely!
    16. Yeah! KOF is another good series I thnk to get inspiration from. I like Iori so far! You should take on the project to make his outfit and complete him!My fav chara is Rock Howard.

      My fav prosecutor! This outfit is so perfect! Are you gonna make any of the other charas? I can't see franziska without miles edgeworth!
    17. That's my big hang-up. XD It's one of those outfits that's going to be very tricky to approximate on the doll scale.
    18. mm, of course! MMX is one of my favourite series, so I was stoked to see that someone had doll plans, hehe. c:

      I do know who I want to make a doll of, actually! Naoya from SMT: Devil Survivor. only difficulty is finding a suitable sculpt - I was thinking Soom's Wolf the Knight because I love how narrow the features on that sculpt are, but it's limited from like... two years ago, so this is going to be hellish at best. ;____;
      • x 1
    19. Thank you all of you!

      Just on my Tumblr for now (image in my signature goes there)
      I'll probably be setting up a project journal once I start the worbla portion though, some time after the new year.
    20. speaking of these character based dolls i have seen quite a few sephiroths