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Crobidoll Boys: wigs, eyes and clothing for ^^...

Jan 8, 2009

    1. I've got my Volks Maki T. on an M-line body now, and I'm finding that Volks SD17 clothes fit him decently, as do Volks SD17 boots. One pair of the pants I have for him is a bit short on him, though. I also got him a pair of hot pants from Dollmore in model doll m-size and those fit, too. Other than that I've put him in the SSDF LE Abadon clothes, which are too big but surprisingly not outrageously so O_O. Mind you, those clothes are sleeveless and short-legged and meant to be skintight . . .

      I haven't seen cheap shoes in his size at all. Hats are available off and on at a lot of companies like LUTS, Iple, Leeke, Dollmore, etc.
    2. Really? How is the resin match and proportion? I like the Camellia Dynasty body, the elevator shank part is cool. :)
    3. Yo! I'm the friend mentioned :) I just got Peregrine's Camellia Dynasty body in yesterday, and so my full write up isn't done yet, I've been too busy squeeing. But I can put my photos up on my Picasa gallery, at the least.


      I'll put commentary in the captions of each photo.
      EDIT: Commentary added.

      The first word I need to leave about this body is: AMAZING body for the price, or indeed, for a higher price even. It poses like a dream, has a great weight to it, doesn't kick, doesn't flop, doesn't fuss at all. It's a hard worker and very easy to pose once you figure out the trick of the joints (they're hidden double joints).

      Oh, and did I mention, NO seam lines whatsoever? None. Not to the touch, the eye, NOTHING. I have no idea how they did it but it very much is seamless.

      In general, I can tell you that the resin match is extremely close. Camellia Dynasty is slightly warmer, and Crobidoll slightly paler/cooler, but this is only visible in the very best of direct and clear sunlight. Proportionally speaking, the Yeon-Ho is a little large on the CDL body. While the gap in the neck hole may be a concern for some owners (though it's quite easily hidden by hair that covers the nape), my main warning is that the Yeon-Ho head, which is advertised as an 8-9, is quite appropriately sized on the CDL body. This is lucky for me, but does mean that any head larger than Yeon-Ho - specifically, Nia, and any other Crobi heads sized similarly to Nia - will likely be much too large for the body. I will test this theory when my Nia gets back from his faceup :)

      Other positive resin matches with Crobidoll (NEW) resin include Demon Garden Y-Normal. Also possibly Dollstown Y-Normal. Crobidoll resin that has aged a bit, such as my ONE-year-old [<--edited for accuracy] Nia, goes much more mellow and its yellow tones come to the fore. I'm still working on a definitive list of resin matches for old and new Crobi resins, since I think Crobi changed its formula sometime between January and now.

      As for clothing Crobidoll R-Line bodies, I can tell you several things. First, Luts pants seem to fit them well. Secondly, Sunny's World takes custom measurements and can size things up to fit a little better if the bubble butt issue is a problem, though they SHOULD fit well without having to worry about that. (Marsh Pants is also a good resource for custom fits.) Thirdly, I tend to make most of my Nia's clothing, so I can't authoritatively speak to whether other brands' pants will fit him well, though based on the research I've done, I can suggest that SD-17 & similar pants *probably* will fit well (their measurements are closer than are SD-13&Crobi).

      For shirts, however, Crobi R-Lines seem no more easy or difficult to fit than any other body. They're not as slim as Delfs, so close-fitting shirts or sweaters that are designed for Delf won't work with them. Sunny's World and Dollmore are two solid places to start. (Again, I make most of my kids' clothing, so I can't give you a long list.)

      Crobidolls' hands are absolutely gorgeous. They are larger than Volks, Delf, or other "standard" hands (this includes Camellia Dynasty, whose hands are very similar in mold and size to Volks). They are smaller than Little Monica and other bulky SD hands. For their size, they are nevertheless very delicate, and I've never had a problem getting them through sleeves. You just have to be very gentle.

      More as I think of it.

      (This is just more impetus for me to do the full fitting-proportion-pose-match database for Crobidolls that I've been planning on....)
    4. nightengale: Wow, thanks for that! :) The body looks great with your Yeon-ho, congrats! I'm looking forward to gallery pics. :lol: Man, those head-kitties are too cute! :D
    5. buming up
      any luck with clothing fits??

      Nine9Style do a size range of "70cm,SD17(65cm) clothes". Assuming though that these would be at the opposite end of the scale and too big??
    6. Nine9style: bought pants SD 17 for the Model-R-body. it's short on "belt size".
      http://www.nine9style.net//product_info.php?cPath=14_15&products_id=166 <<== this pants has two "belt" so the one under, stay open, but the second is perfect. Just hide with a long shirt the first "belt". And then it will look same as the photo with the Crobidoll on left.
    7. so it apears that souldoll and ninestyle might be the only pants that will fit? BUMP for other pants!!!
    8. thank you so much for posting this!!!! this si so healpfully. but i have a question, so it looks like model pants dose fit there just really long? but otherwise it fits aroujnd thos big hips corbis have?
    9. Lunar: Just triple check the measurements. If I remember correctly R+M crobi bodies have the same hip measurements as dollmore models. BUT...the pants are really loooong (6 cm?).

      Ok I checked the measurements. Crobi's have a little bigger waists than dollmore models but they do have the same hips as dollmore model men and littler smaller hips than dollmore model women. The difference in waist is almost minute if you buy dollmore model men pants for the difference is like 1 cm and for women it is 2 cm. So really I don't think it will be an issue but I'm saving up for some dollmore pants so I will see shortly if it will be a problem.
    10. ok thank you very much! :) that really helps me alot thanks a ton X3
    11. Lunar: Np ^_^
    12. What about SD17 pants? Do you think they would fit well? (am looking for a present for a friend) ^_^ Thanks!!
    13. There's a long, earlier thread here about clothing fit for Crobidoll, and SD17 pants are mentioned in it: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267026
    14. Does anyone know of ball gowns that would fit a M-line body? I get refered to these threads when I ask.
    15. MajiKatt: Sd17 pants usually fit my crobi fine but every company has they're own ideas of sd17.
      Cafe: Sadly I have no idea I'm only really familiar in pants and shirts. Maybe you could see if the other thread on Crobi clothes has gone over gowns. http://www.denofangels.com/forums/sh...d.php?t=267026
    16. i want to know, i found a wig i reeeeaaalllyy want from luts. its a delf/seinor delf 9-10 inch wig. i wanted to make sure if itd fit or not. cuz i cant find any other wig that looks like what i want XP and i dont want to style another wig.... and all the 8-9 inch wigs luts have really arnt that great :/

      so any help? if it is to big there something i can do to make it fit/stay on?
    17. Silicon wig caps help, but they can leave stains if left on for too long. My SDF girl wears a Luts 9-10 inch wig with one and it stays on really well (her head size is 8.5 inches). I remove the wig cap after use so it doesn't stain.

      A thick rubber band wrapped around the headcap works too. ;D Or velcro strips.

      /Edit: Actually, 9-10 inch wigs fit just a little loosely on SDFs, so it's fine even if you don't fix it on. But long wigs may keep sliding back under the weight of the hair.
    18. I'm planning buy a Crobidoll Lance, but I don't know if the wigs from Leeke fits his head because the sizes are 8-9 or 9.5~10.5 inches ;__; ... Somebody knows what Leeke size fits better in a Lance head? (since some people says the crobidoll 9-10 wigs goes a little big to Lance, I'm really lost)

      Ps: Crappy english is crappy u_u!